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Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ AMC Squad v4.5 FULL

Sorry to disturb, I have one tiny question:

I've saved Matvei in the mission "Revolution" and according to the wiki I'm supposed to meet him with the Shopkeeper at the AMC Base.

Oddly enough, this is my second playthrough and I still couldn't find them anywhere. Is there a catch?

Thanks in avdance for any clarification.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ AMC Squad v4.5 FULL

Dear, God! I've played v4.5 for about 2 hours and I'm blown away!
So many new features:

- the new font is beyond beautiful. Now it's much easier to read stuff,

- the new sounds in the Options are excellent too. Each effect feels well-polished,

- the new tutorial with Epsilon is super helpful for beginners,

- all in all the new UI is pure bliss, be it for the Research Projects or the Mission Command,

- also buying food to temporary improve your character before a mission? I'd buy that for a dollar ^^. Neat idea,

Serioulsy Folks, grab this marvel and don't turn back.

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ AMC Squad 4.5 Interim edition released!

This is wonderful news, cheers!

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ AMC Squad 4.5 Interim edition released!

Wow! Thanks for the sweet and prompt reply. \o/

By the way do you plan to add upgradable weapons for side-characters (like Cultist, Bombshell, etc) in the Weapon Terminal?

I love these side-characters to bits and believe they deserve to be on a par with the main characters.

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ AMC Squad 4.5 Interim edition released!

Woah! I'm grabbing this gem immediately! The changes are quite substantial, big thanks.

I've been enjoying The AMC Squad fore a few weeks now and I just can't stop playing it. This might give you an idea of how much fun your mod is.

A few remarks:


Where are my saves located? What's the save format for this mod anyway? Finally can I keep my progress from previous 4.1 version?

Edit: since I've almost finished the game, I'd better start from scratch because the new features you've added are way too awesome to pass up! \o/


I hope you have, or will, tone down the difficulty of some Boss fights. I had issues with these:

# Serpent God (Episode 2): That snake woman is tough. There's barely any cover and I was ammo-starved,

# Mongur (Episode 4): that Minotaur is insanely hard, his whirlwind in particular is quite painful,

# The Succubus (Episode 4): holy ***, she’s the worst. Zombies and caco-demons kept respawning; then the Succubus kept grabbing me over and over. Could you please tweak this hellish fight?


Could you please add upgradable weapons in the Weapon Terminal for the Cultist and Bombshell? I love these characters so much and believe they deserve to be on a par with the main characters.

Thanks in advance for your answers. I fully appreciate your dedication and your hard work, Team.

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ AMC Squad Episode 5 April Update

Glad to see this wonderful project still being worked on. The AMC Squad really grew on me.

Still the wait is killing me. Just saw the screenies and your teasing is almost unbearable, you wicked Magic Mikes!^^

Also sincere welcome to the new team member. I'm convinced you'll give your all.

Good karma+6 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Patch 4.1.0 released

tl;dr: This incredible mod keeps me coming back. Eagerly waiting for Chapter 5. \o/

Hi! I've discovered the AMC Squad a few weeks ago and I'm having immense fun. I didn't expect such goodness.

Insane amount of polish, great level design, decent voice acting, tons of secrets that reward exploration and some Base Management à la X-COM but more enjoyable.

A few remarks:

- a handful of levels are extremely convoluted but since they are optional I won't complain much. I'm talking about "Zeta" base and "Jungle Base" (both in Chapter 2),

- The "Gaza Pyramids" in Chapter 3 almost made me abandon the game. These maps are too mazey, too many keys/items to fetch and several Hubs to boot. The real problem is that Gaza Pyramids are a mandatory mission. I suggest making this mission optional or tweaking the level design to make it much less painful.

For the record I'm a gamer who enjoys exploration tremendously. However the Pyramids exhausted my ample patience. I sincerely hope you'll consider this constructive feedback for the next update,

- it took me Chapter 3 to finally understand how to change my "Weapon Loadout", it's a blue screen located left of the guy with sunglasses in the Armory Room. This blue screen is built into the wall so it doesn't stand out. Could you make it more obvious like making it glow with flashes or making it stick out of the wall for the sake of clarity?

Edit: the PDA shows in fact the amount of modules you currently have. It's in the "Stat" section of the PDA, sorry for the confusion.

That is all. Have a Good Day/Good Night.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ New HUD variation

Always great to have variety, especially in HUDs.
With these options, you're bound to find a HUD that suits your taste.

And that's why I love you BRP Team. Sincere Good Luck.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Delta Particles [Full Version]

I often come back to Delta Particle, this a solid campaign. Just a request:

The weapons in this mod feel sooo good, they have truly become my favorite HL1 guns.
Would it be possible to release a "Delta Particle Weapon Pack" to play with other HL1 mods?

Thanks in advance.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ War Games v.5.4.02(Hotfix)

Thank you kindly for polishing your wonderful campaign.
When completely fine-tuned this game will reach perfection.

Good karma+3 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Blanch-Chevallier Grenade Discharger

Oh Boy! This is gonna hurt! ^^
I can't wait for this Doom II TC.

Good karma+3 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Exploring Far Cry MasterCD builds - part 2

Stunning documentation as usual. Dear, changeroftheways, you're a master librarian! ^^
When I look back at Far Cry I'm stunned by a few things:

- how the engine stands the test of time, it was able to produce stunning visuals even on low-end machines. A pity the CryEngine 1 wasn't licensed enough,

- how the devs and beta-testers fine-tuned their game to reach the level of polish we've experienced in the commercial version. In my eyes, the beta-testers in particular deserve gold medals,

- with the copious amount of source material you're unearthing diligently, I'm convinced now that Far Cry deserved a DLC. But you know what? I'm counting on BRP Team for that. *wink*

Good karma+5 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Hotfix!

You know what? I'll start from scratch.
Because your sweet mod is immensely fun.\o/

Request: The shotgun lacks oomph sound-wise. Could you make the sound more punchy? Anyways whatever you choose many thanks for this mod.

Good karma+3 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ HAPPY NEW YEAR! (+ an update on things)

Clever choice. Sincere Good luck on your very promising project.
Signal Lost is beyond beautiful and I can surely wait for it a bit.*wink*

Good karma+3 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Delta Particles is released!

Thank you kindly, the previous version was already great.
I can't wait to play the perfected version. Happy New Year, Folks.\o/

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Somewhere in Hell Alpha0.1

The weapon models are super cartoony, I like them very much.
It's a welcome change of visuals from the original guns.
Sincere Good Luck on perfecting your mod.\o/

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Mutant "Screwed" wakes up

That's some sweet modeling,DXMZA!
Merry Christmas/Happy New Year to you all.

Good karma+4 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Half-Life: Delta [Full Version]

Dear, XF-Alien! I'm enjoying your "Delta Mod" immensely.
Weapons are well-modelled, puzzles are entertaining (not boring) and the level design gives me a good sense of place.

Request: if possible, could you please beef up the sound of some weapons? Some guns feel weak sound-wise (mainly the Shotgun, the first pistol and the SMG).

I can't wait for the next update and you've earned a sub. \o/

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ JK: Dark Forces II: Extreme Definition Texture Pack

Holy Sith! This is incredible!

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Mutant Slug returns in a new form

Bring it on Facehuggers! My Jackhammer Shotgun is ready. :D

Good karma+6 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ War Games Official Patch 5.4.01

Sadly I have zero coding skills. I apologize for sounding like I could do it.
An 'Uninstaller' is a feature I requested for this mod last year already, if I recollect.

Pehaps the official Inno Setup Tutotial might help: Jrsoftware.org

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ War Games Official Patch 5.4.01

Duly noted! Maybe I asked too much. ^^ Here's a second request though:

Pretty please could you add an "Unsinstaller" for your mod? It would be more convenient for users I'm convinced. (I remember "Inno Setup" has install/uninstall capabilities).

Anyways Good Luck on your endeavours, I can't wait for the Zurich and Berlin Updates.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ War Games Official Patch 5.4.01

"War Games" is a wonder of a single player campaign that keeps me coming back.

I'm so glad you're still working on it, to me this project has turned into an essential mod. ^^


When you have the time, making a few weapon models for WW2 guns (like Luger, MP 40, Lee–Enfield Rifle, Winchester Shotgun) would make the World War 2 settings even more believable. Besides it would turn this excellent game into a masterpiece.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ The Nameless Mod 2.0 - Full Release

TLDR: I had immense fun playing TNM 2.0.

Knowing the original TNM almost like the back of my hand, I see the myriad of differences and the humongus effort you've put into the task. On a whole, levels are more enjoyable to play.

With the new Level Design, TNM 2.0 is even on a par with modern campaigns like Nihilum or Deus Ex 2027.

Only regret? Maybe I miss "Alpha's Pistol" original model. But hey, that's just me. ^^

Many Thanks for your dedication. TNM 2.0 is highly recommended.

Good karma+1 vote
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Mutant Rear "rears" it's head for the first time in 20 years or so

You clearly worked a great deal on the model. It's super detailed...and creepy indeed. ^^

I wish you the best for this wonderful project.

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ The Nameless Mod 2.0 - Full Release

Hoely Melk (TM)! This release is so sweet! \o/

I've just tested this version of TNM 2.0 and can confirm that it works flawlessly on the original Deus Ex. Many thanks.

Good karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Mind the glass!

Holy Gonarch! The Art Direction is sublime:
Level Design/Lighting/Sound Work are phenomenal.
I can't wait to play "Signal Lost".

Good karma+6 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Unofficial Patch plus trailer

That's one hell of a trailer, let me tell you. Well done.

Good karma+6 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 96 comments @ EMERGENCY POWER ONLY

The atmosphere of your maps is extraordinary.
Sincere Good Luck on your project.

Good karma+9 votes