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Canis Lupus is a 1st/3rd Person Adventure focused in storytelling through a cinematic experience.

Add job Report Player Modeler and Animator at Blaster Lizard Co

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Blasterlizardbrazil.wix.com on

We from Blaster Lizard Gaming Team are looking for experienced people in the art of modelling and animating characters (Humans and animals) for the game Canis Lupus.

We work with .obj .max and other files formats that is supported in the Unity 3D 3.7 Engine. We are not professionals. This is our very first game and experience with game design.

You will have full credits for every creation and animation that you do. But pay attention: we will not pay you for anything... This is an indie and amateur game and we plan to distribute it for free if we can.

To Apply

Send us an e-mail here: blasterlizardbrazil@gmail.com telling us in what type of work you fit in. We will contact you immediately sending you instructions of what kind of material you will work with or what type of models you will have to make.

We are waiting for you!