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The Protectors of Etheria is a stand-alone mod of the game Warlords Battlecry 3 (i.e. it can be run without having the original game installed - 100% free full game). It is an improved RTS/RPG game with new campaigns, quests, terrain, units, items, heroes, modding features and more. Beta versions available for download!

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Presenting changes made to the game in chronological order. Constantly updated.

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******************************** Patch 0.5.1 *************************************

*Fixed nis file used in the tutorial
*Fixed deselecting bug in tutorial
*User must edit name in hero creation to advance
*Added endline symbol(/n) for use in nis files' choice tags
*Fixed nis file scrolling speed reset bug
*Fixed Hero Selection name when not using scroll wheel
*Added editor events
*Fixed other minor nis reading bugs
*Added "Nis files explained" in Manual folder
*Fixed quest randomization in tutorial
*Added sound effect when creating a new entry in the campaign journal
*Choice dialogues can be used with CTRL+number (not only with keypad numbers)
*Nis flags can now be conditioned
*Increased building types limit to 500 (was 320)
*Prologue heroes now loaded from main directory
*Most nis commands are now using unit/building names instead of codes (see manual for more info)
*Fixed hero portrait disappearing bug when using "more info" on hero selection screen
*Fixed the %discount bug
*Fixed Daemon control panel
*Slightly changed loading screen appearance

******************************** Patch 0.5.2 (unreleased) ************************

*Added rally point and attitude buttons for Black Library
*Vampire requires level 5 keep now
*Foreign mercenary I,II,III and Spell or Arcane Research are now affected by continuous production
*Rampant AI now functions properly
*Added reaper voice pack
*Fixed RSB availability for secondary avatars
*Fixed d bug in skirmish screen
*Added empire RSB (experimental)
*Shop items are randomly changed every 15 minutes (rarity taken into account)
*Empty shop item slot is immediately filled with another random item (rarity taken into account)
*Fixed barbarian control panel for 1280x1024 resolutions
*Users can now press spacebar to skip to the next stage of a nis file (provided current stage is not a choice)
*Increased editor tile list limit to 3333 (was 999)
*Added campaign nis file feature
*Fixed some AI bugs regarding conversion and production
*Changed weather combat affects as follows:
DAY: +1 for ssrathi
NIGHT: +2 for undead
+1 for darkelf
-1 for human, dwarf, barbarian, orc, minotaur, fey, ssrathi, insect
RAIN: +1 for daemon, barbarian
-1 for human, dwarf, orc, minotaur, highelf, woodelf, darkelf, fey, ssrathi
-2 for insect, flier
FINE: no effects
*Rainy weather now gives +2 mastery to most ice spells and -1 to most fire spells (experimental)

******************************** Patch 0.6 *************************************

*Greatly tweaked units' stats and reqs
*Greatly tweaked RSBs. Current setup is as follows:
Knights - Raises 20 dancing swords from fallen bodies all over the map
Dwarf - Decreases build time by 80% for 10 minutes
Undead - Raises 20 skeletons from fallen bones all over the map
Barbarian - Changes weather to storms and casts thunderstrike on enemies in command radius, dealing +20 damage per elapsed minute (hero included)
Minotaur - Friendly melee units in command radius get 50 vampirism for 1 minute (hero included)
Orc - Friendly units in command radius get +2 combat per elapsed minute permanently (hero included)
Highelf - Friendly units in command radius get life ward for 5 minutes (hero included)
Woodelf - Enemy units in command radius have 1 speed for 1 minute (hero included)
Darkelf - Spawns +1 queen spider per elapsed minute randomly on the map
Fey - Friendly units in command radius get +15 xp per elapsed minute
Darkdwarf - Friendly units in command radius get stoneskin (+50 armor) for 1 minute (hero included)
Daemon - Summons +1 sucubus per elapsed minute near the caster
Empire - Fills all resource slots and gives +15 merchant skill for 5 minutes
Ssrathi - Friendly units in command radius become invisible and receive +3 speed, +10 armor and +10 resistance for 1 minute or until attack (hero included)
Swarm - Makes all upgrades, researches, buildings and units very cheap (1 of each required resource) for 5 minutes
Plaguelord - Friendly units in command radius get poisoned attacks (100 strength) for 1 minute (hero included)
*Added the Warcry spell (+2 speed to friendly units for 1 minute, +1 speed per mastery) to the Warlord. Manacost 20.
*Warlord now has a mana pool of 30
*AI now uses Warcry spell
*Fixed a”typo” in the editor's flag system
*Fixed Call the Dead bug (hopefully)
*Improved overall AI usage of Invisibility spell
*AI controlled chameleons now use the invisibility spell
*AI does not pick on human players any more. Hate index is set with regards only to starting position.
*Implemented the time-conditions in campaign mode
*Scenario nis files support flag conditions for any action. Documentation updated.
*Modified time spent for doing actions in the campaign. Current usage is as follows:
0 days - Retinue, Companion, More Info
1 day - Choice, Dialog, Message, Shop, Mercenary
3 days - Training
1 to 3 days - Battle/ Ambush
Any - Traveling/ Sailing
*Campaign nis files now have the journal, video, item, crowns, diplomacy commands
*Increased portrait limit to 999 (was 99)
*Added one more menu intro clip (totaling 10)
*Campaign starting date (year/day) now differs from chapter to chapter
*Added the new Kharn Pak - Rivers terrain tiles
*Added the crowns condition in campaign nis files. Player must have bigger or equal amount crowns than given number to satisfy condition. Current values accepted are 10,20,30...200,250,300,400,500...1000. Fully compatible with condition operators (and, or, not)
*Added 7 new skirmish scenarios (Around the Mountain, Dragon's Pyramid, Four Rivers, Lake Side quest, Lands Divided, Water Temple, Winter Wonderland). Credit goes to I2 team and Kharn.
*Enabled prologue chapter for beta testers.

******************************** Patch 0.6.1 *************************************

*Moved journal writing 20px more to the left, to fit page
*Revived scenario description. Now appears at beginning of match, like rules panel
*Revived wbc1 soundtrack system. Along Victory, Intro, Defeat and Game specific tracks, player may now add Dialog ones
*Fixed right clicking portrait bug. Credits to WaterD
*Fixed Stone Golem and Queen Spider bug
*Fixed Guilds building crash bug
*Fixed Good Dwarf avatar crash bug
*Slightly modified Dark Dwarven control panel gfx
*Added Quest Almost Expired notification for female voice (triggered at last minute)
*Added Time Magic Sphere. Credits to Jodwin
*Time Magic skill available to Archmage class (experimental)
*Fixed Orchold building bug
*Prologue hero changes are now saved in HeroDataChapters.xcr (items, level ups, retinue, etc.)
*Guardian Skulls now marked as undead
*(Re)added the attitude and rally point commands for the Black Library (accidentally got disabled in 0.6)
*Fixed the invisible bat bug
*Cancel button no longer works in NIS events
*Two consecutive intro videos are now always different
*Fixed campaign nis bug related to wrong hero potrait
*Added the all-new help text system in the create hero panel
*Fixed the no-name hero bug. Random name generator finally works properly.
*Fixed the ssrathian building names bug
*Fixed the Rainbow building crash bug
*NIS commands AddBuilding and AddUnit now spawn neutrals if mentioned side is not in the game (instead of side 0). Documentation updated
*Updated some skirmish scenarios

******************************** Patch 0.6.2 *************************************

*Fixed the flying Stone Golem bug
*Changed stats for all dragons
*Changed stats for all titans. Now have 1000 hit points, 25 armor and 25 resistance
*Gave voice to Guardian Skull (wbc1 skeleton)
*Implemented the new daemon building & tech tree
*Sallamanders, Imps, Nightmares and Daemons now have no production time but are twice more expensive
*Summoners can now be trained at keep, starting from level 1
*Summoners can now blink
*Removed and reorganized some skills
*Added some new skirmish and multiplayer scenarios (Helms Rock, Miriade, The River Master, Wheel of Fortune, Goblin City, Roscoe's Revenge, A Land Divided)
*Updated Kharn Paks Snow and Rivers terrain
*Added Kharn's 4 improved events pack
*Implemented the new plaguelord building & tech tree
*All plaguelord buildings can now be built only in the vicinity of a Hall of Plague (radius 20) or a Plague Pile (radius 10). Exceptions are the Halls of Plague and the Plague Towers
*Bone catapults can now be produced only at the Hall Of Plague and it requires keep level 3
*Fixed production cost bug of the Forestmaster
*Fixed temple Daemon production costs. Now needs 52 gold and 52 metal, with a production time of 90 seconds
*Implemented the new knight building & tech tree
*Knights and Knight Lords may now be produced at the Stables
*Implemented the new dwarven building & tech tree
*All dwarven and dark dwarven building hp is increased by +5% per number of dwarven buildings on map
*All primitive races (barbarians, minotaurs & orcs) now receive raiding bonus of original building costs (originally was 100 of gold, metal or stone, depending on raiding race)
*All primitive races (barbarians, minotaurs & orcs) cannot repair buildings
*Fixed Recruiting Proficiency help text on create hero panel
*Added races description for help text on create hero panel
*Implemented companion system in prologue chapter
*Robert is now a real Master Squire (350 starting xp)
*Fixed a campaign companion bug
*Reworked some chapter 2 scenarios
*Added Lichking item set
*Added the Bonus command for campaign dialogues
*Added the Companion condition for dialogue and campaign dialogue files (.nis)
*Increased scenario description max length from 70 to 500
*Fixed ALL graphical glitches related to choice dialogues
*Implemented the help text in campaign dialogues
*Implemented the new empire building & tech tree
*Red Mages and Black Mages may now be produced at the Library
*Implemented the new undead building & tech tree
*Slayer Knights are now available to be morphed from Wights
*Removed Burrow building
*Modified hero database in an attempt to fix some bugs. Heroes reset
*Building counters do not reset now when the event condition "Build a building" is satisfied
*Production counters do not reset now when the event condition "Produce a unit" is satisfied
*Implemented the new Triggered Victory Condition. Players never win or loose unless a victory or defeat event is triggered
*Fixed initial Time Magic Sphere bug
*Added the new Ssrathi nameset for heroes and retinue
*Implemented the new &vg#; and &vl#; meta lines in NIS files, both campaign and scenario types
*Added the nis condition crowns0 to test if the player is NOT broke and/or in debt
*Implemented the new NIS condition opt#gt#. Fully compatible with condition operators (and, or, not)
*Implemented the new NIS commands Setopt and Addopt for campaign dialogues
*Implemented the new VAR# meta lines in campaign NIS files
*Implemented the new Stage command used for jumping at stages in a NIS file
*Converting armies now blink white on the strat map. Credits to Jodwin
*The Hero Creation Quiz is now loaded from an external xml file
*Implemented the new NIS condition varl#gt#. Fully compatible with condition operators (and, or, not)
*Implemented the new NIS condition var#gt#. Fully compatible with condition operators (and, or, not)
*Frost Dragon Lairs now produce frost dragons (and dragonliches for undead)
*Reseting the campaign now resets chapter heroes as well (items, skills, stats)
*Fixed campaign hero bonus bug: not applying to first mission
*Changed some hero titles
*Added the "Hero Bio" and "Reset Chapter" buttons in the chapter selection screen
*Added the new Pyramid Terrain set
*Tweaked the nis command Terrain. Documentation updated
*Modified tutorial files
*Added the RAND6 value for nis command Setopt. Picks a random number from 1 to 6
*Implemented the new NIS condition opt#gtopt#. Fully compatible with condition operators (and, or, not)
*Fixed "Time Magic for All" bug
*Added two new intro videos, totaling 12
*Condition type "Victory" now works for campaign companion
*Added new features: dragon statues

******************************** Patch 0.6.3 (unreleased) ************************

*Added extra text in Hero Creation screen
*Crowns display now updates during campaign dialog
*Moved the Guardian Skull to the undead panel in the editor
*Pit now requires level 2 Doomspire
*Updated help text on daemon race
*Fixed some typos of the first chapter and prologue
*Fixed some scenarios of the first chapter
*Increased maximum army types to 500
*Random items can now be stacked 4 in a chest just like the specific items could
*Random items can be combined with specific items in a single chest using the editor
*Fixed extra fey race bug
*Fixed the Choose a Foe skill bug
*Fixed The Forestmaster production cost
*Huge Dragon no longer reduces armor. Has fire damage instead
*Slightly tweaked some units to balance the game some more
*The Skull can now be morphed from Skeleton
*The Skull can no longer be produced at the Graveyard or Gravestone
*Added the Morph to Skull button icon
*Dwarf Lord can now be produced at the Armory instead of keep level 5
*Implemented the new Army Limit system
*Added Healing Fountain function
*Fixed Ssrathi powerup icons
*Slightly reduced Graphics.xcr size
*AI heroes no longer have a +50% spellcasting chance bonus

******************************** Patch 0.7 *************************************

*Implemented the new leveling system. Heroes reset
*Implemented the new spell system
*Heroes can no longer level up in game (temporary)
*Added the showno attribute for Addopt and Setopt nis command
*Modified some campaign nis files
*Added the Lichkings Lost Items item set
*Resetting chapters now properly resets hero xp
*Implemented the Chapter Intro button in the chapter selection screen
*Added intro video for prologue chapter
*Added a new soundtrack: Battlecry 1 Classic
*Fixed the female Setroth bug
*Fixed the reset chapter wrong hero bug
*Added some help popups in chapter scenarios
*Fixed the Robert twin bug
*Added mission info in chapter scenarios
*Added a new soundtrack: Puzzle Quest 1
*Fixed a graphical glitch regarding the Campaign Dialog Screen
*Added four more skirmish maps (Bay of Orcs, Brave New World, Red Canyon, Death Marshes)

******************************** Patch 0.7.1 *************************************

*Added the AddCompanion command for in-game nis
*Added the RemoveCompanion command for in-game nis
*Fixed the temp hero bug of not receiving any APs
*Fixed the invisible dark dwarf hero bug
*Modified the first prologue mission to make it easier in difficulty
*Added the peasant avatar for dialogues
*Modified some prologue dialogues
*Fixed hero blink spell crash
*Can no longer travel when chapter prologue is completed
*Fixed food deposits not updating acordingly (aka too many men from the start bug)
*Starvation now decreases morale by 10. Documentation provided
*Nerfed recruiting proficiency. Now offers +0.5 xp per hero level
*Added popup help in HeroLevelUpSpells screen. Heroes reset
*Your quest is about to expire notification now works properly
*Changed Prologue button in main menu to Chapters
*Modified help text
*Spells gained from items and research now does not cause a crash
*Fixed a bug regarding spells in the hero creation phase
*Added new unit: burrowed (experimental)
*Updated Kharn Pak - Rivers and Kharn Pak - Grass terrain files
*Increased radius of the Plague Keep and Plague Pile on the oy axis
*Disabled green bubbles near plague buildings
*Added the Triceratops unit for the Ssrathi side
*Triceratops stats modified
*Daemons are no longer produced instantly at temples (unless leading Daemons)
*Daemon stats modified
*Heroes now gain 5AP per level
*Spell level up now costs 2AP
*Perk change now costs 5AP
*Added popup help in HeroLevelUpPerks screen
*Added nine more skirmish maps (Arena, Assault on Cerberus, Blundervale Castle, Desert Cliffs, Ghost Lake, Gobi's Valley, Harpy Food Island, Into the Void, Rock Bottom Classic)

******************************** Patch 0.7.2 *************************************

*Fixed some typos in the Perks tab
*Psychological power's radius(Fear, Awe, etc.) now shown when pressing 'r' (your units only)
*Converting radius now shown when pressing 'r' for all units
*Corrected dwarven mortar shooting animation. Credits to Kharn
*Added new unit: Chaos Dragon. Credits to Kharn
*Added new unit: Blue Mage. Credits to Kharn
*Blue Mage now available for production at the Library
*Blue Mage now casts Freeze and Ring of Ice
*Call Sage spell now works as Raise Champion. Can choose from White, Red, Blue and Black Mages
*Fixed free Sword of Sirian bug when using hotkey
*Fixed free Wrath bug when using hotkey
*Foxed free Chaos Plague bug when using hotkey
*Fixed Trigger Victory Condition not affecting AI
*Turned debugging mode off (to reduce lag)
*Fixed timid/daring proficiency bug
*All proficiencies now give +/-10% of what they say (except Aristocracy-Plutocracy)
*Added the Forestguard avatar for dialogues
*Fixed the random army limit bug
*Setopt and Addopt nis commands can now memorize current time (in days)
*Setopt and Addopt nis commands can now memorize global variables
*Added the PassTime campaign nis command
*Setopt and Addopt nis commands can now memorize any random number given a min and max value
*RAND6 value removed
*Modified some nis files in Duskshroud's campaign
*Crowns nis command now accepts values memorized with Setopt/Addopt
*Modified some nis files in Prologue chapter
*Fixed some typos in Prologue chapter
*PassTime command can now use current time (in days), global variables, optional variables and random numbers
*Fixed extra portraits bug
*Tip of the day no longer appears on first run
*Spirggans now have 60 hp (was 100) and 12 speed (was 10)
*Sprites now have 60 hp (was 100), 14 speed (was 12)
*Sylphs now have 10 hp (was 30), 15 speed (was 13) and 70 production time (was 60)
*Pixies now have 90 hp (was 110), 10 speed (was 8) and 87 production time (was 77)
*Guardian Skulls now have 20 combat (was 12) and are strong vs piercing damage (was all elemental)
*When in campaign choices, previous message is not cleared from the screen - in case player forgot what was he/she was asked
*It is no longer mandatory for your hero to be able to choose his/her native race as a battle option in the campaign
*Aristocracy - Plutocracy perks now modify your units cost and production time by 50%
*Modified perk system. Heroes reset
*Quick Fighter perk now gives +10% attack speed to your hero
*Quick Runner perk now gives +10% move speed to your hero
*Fixed several perk bugs involving effect calculations
*Efficient Fighter perk now gives +10% critical chance and -10% attack speed to your hero
*Fast Fighter perk now gives -10% critical chance and +10% attack speed to your hero
*Young but Weak perk now gives +10% hp regen and -10% hp to your hero
*Old but Hardened perk now gives -10%hp regen and +10% hp to your hero
*Added Zultak's Item pack #1
*Durable Builder perk now gives +10% hp and +10% build time to all your buildings
*Fast Builder perk now gives -10% hp and -10% build time to all your buildings
*Liberal perk now gives -10% conversion time to your hero
*Severe perk now gives +10% conversion time to your enemy heroes
*Traditionalist perk now gives +50% spellcasting chance and +50% mana cost to your hero's spells
*Experimentalist perk now gives -50% spellcasting chance and -50% mana cost to your hero's spells
*Quantity perk now gives -50% food consumption and -50% morale to your units
*Quality perk now gives +50% food consumption and +50% morale to your units
*Introvert perk now gives +10% xp gain to your hero and -10% xp gain to your units
*Extrovert perk now gives -10% xp gain to your hero and +10% xp gain to your units
*Added popup help for proficiency determined perks
*In game avatar does not change when hero levels up now
*AI units in towers now DO get counted on army limit calculations
*Added some extra hints for chapter 2
*Added intro movie for chapter 2
*Modified Kaari's stats. Now has 20 combat, 200 hp, 20 speed, 35 damage, 10 armor and 10 resistance
*Added the Dark Rider, Knight, Thrall, Swordsman portraits for dialogues
*Fixed grid appearing crash caused by AI blinking
*Fixed spell-leveling bug giving +2 on one click

******************************** Patch 0.7.3 *************************************

*Updated Help.cfg for characters
*Fixed more typos in Duskshroud's campaign (including mission names)
*Added Wight, Dwarf Infantry, Kobold, Goblin Chief and Orc avatars for dialogues
*Fixed Ssrathi avatars in Duskshroud's campaign
*Fixed Prologue crashing when selecting Sir Melvin
*Modified initial hero setup of Sir Melvin
*Orc AI now builds more than just keeps and towers (bugfix)
*Goblins now produced at Goblin Tower
*Fixed mortar bug
*Compatibility with 1600 resolutions
*Fixed minor graphical glitches of some control panels
*Setopt and Addopt nis commands can now memorize current day and year. Documentation updated
*Added the Goblin Shaman avatar for dialogue use
*Implemented the new opt#eq# condition for nis use. Documentation updated
*Added three new hero skills: Orc Lover, Goblin Lover, Kobold Lover
*Fixed duplicate obelisk bug from wbc1import features. Evil obelisk now available
*Updated Kharn Quests to version 1.5
*Updated Kharn Pak - Desert terrain tiles
*Fixed No Dragons game mode bug
*Fixed Lichking's Ring bug
*Modified some item descriptions
*Psychological and converting radius is now shown only for selected units
*Fixed Plaguelord AI
*Frostbat is now a flying unit
*Fixed Temporary Heroes. Now they actually work
*Fixed extra spell sphere bug
*Fixed retinue screen for Woodelves and Highelves
*Fixed help text for knight lords
*When selecting voiceset in hero customization screen, a random speech line is played every time (instead of just deathblow)
*AI heroes now level up according to the new leveling up system (5AP per level)
*AI heroes now get items even in Assasination mode
*Added two more skirmish maps (Ravine of the Claws, Suberbs)
*Buffed towers (experimental)

******************************** Patch 0.8 *************************************

*Perks are now set up according to hero race when creating new/AI heroes
*Fixed Herueth Investigation not showing variables in Duskshroud's campaign
*Improved appearance of campaign dialogues
*Fixed minor bugs in Duskshroud's campaign
*Fixed typo in Quick Fighter/Quick Runner perk description
*Fixed graphical glitches in level up screen
*Added new chapter videos
*Fixed minor bugs in Prologue campaign
*Fixed some mercenaries
*Wights now cost 62 metal (was 67) and have 120 hp (was 130)
*Guardian Skulls now cost 141 crystal (was 171) and do cold damage (was magic)
*Banshee now has 0 range (was 2), 12 speed (was 10) and takes 80 seconds to produce (was 90)
*All ranged siege weapons now get +2 to range, +10 damage and +40 cost
*Fixed DEScity1 map having a swarm hero blocked
*Updated Kharn Pak - Desert terrain tiles
*Added Kharn Pak - Water terrain tiles
*Updated official terrain tiles
*Updated Red Mage's death and attack animations
*Increased feature limit of scenarios to 1024 (was 512)
*Increased army limit of scenarios to 2048 (was 1024)
*Crowns nis command now supports all modifiers (RAND, TIME, VAR, OPT, DAY, YEAR). Documentation updated
*All soundtracks are now at an equal volume
*Huge Dragon now has 3000 hp (was 9000) - bug fix on having low hp on level up
*Updated prologue mission on Theira
*Renumbered chapters in the Chapter Selection Screen
*Updated All In One soundtrack set (now has 86 tracks in total)
*Ancient Treant now has 30 combat, 180 hp, 7 speed, 16 view, 40 damage, 20 armour, 10 resistance and costs 440 stone with 102 production time
*Fixed Wood Elf hero causing disease and dealing crush damage instead of piercing
*Ancient Treant now available for Wood Elves
*Dryad now unavailable for Wood Elves
*Bonus nis command now available for in-game dialogue
*SirMelvin now starts with 8 DEX (was 5)
*Duskshroud now starts with stats and skills according to the AP leveling up system (5 AP per level)
*Changed weather combat effects as follows:
DAY: +5 for ssrathi
NIGHT: +5 for undead
+5 for darkelf
-5 for human, dwarf, barbarian, orc, minotaur, fey, ssrathi, insect
RAIN: +5 for daemon, barbarian
-5 for human, dwarf, orc, minotaur, highelf, woodelf, darkelf, fey, ssrathi
-10 for insect, flier
FINE: no effects
*Added Dark Elf Woman avatar for Daemon heroes
*Added Violent Female voice set for Daemon heroes
*Maximum soundtracks in a playlist increased to 100
*Improved appearance of companion recruiting panel
*Fixed two bugs in chapter 1 (RODcity1, EHLARIELcity2)
*Fixed more typos in chapter 1
*Added more hidden treasure throughout the chapters
*Fixed reset chapter button bug jumping to last loaded hero
*Dwarven and Dark Dwarven buildings now increase their hp by 5% of their original value for each new building
*Dwarven and Dark Dwarven buildings now cannot have higher hp than 3 times their original value
*Sling now has a rarity of 5 (was 7)
*Stripflesh now affects units of lower than twice the spell level
*Fixed bug AI casting Ring of Ice instead of Poison Spray
*Added the new necromancy spell Raise Wraith (removed Ring of Ice)
*Reogranized Necromancy spell sphere tree
*Raise Wights now summon more units per spell level, but with less xp
*Modified description of spells
*Updated Kharn Pak - Grass terrain tiles
*Reogranized Nature spell sphere tree
*Added the new nature spell Summon Animal (removed Shillelagh)
*Externalised some strings for translated versions
*Implemented the new campaign nis command: Relocate. Documentation updated
*Added one more menu intro clip (totaling 13)
*Redone some menu intro clips
*Chaos Magic now gives negative values only to enemies and positive values only to friends
*Increased maximum number of characters in a string to 256 (was 80)
*Improved converting animation for the Dwarf Lord
*Added 4 new skirmish maps (Barren Dunes, Cleave Canyon, Dragon Caves, Lightning River)
*Changed starting year for all heroes
*Improved converting animation for Wood Elf Hero
*Fixed bug where the mouse cursor keeps blinking when hovering over intro videos
*Added the Wall of Thorns building in the editor list
*Added popup help when hovering over proficiency in level up screen
*Fixed popup help not showing negative spellcasting chances in level up screen
*Campaign dialogue choices can now be up to 6. Documentation updated
*Implemented the new campaign nis commands Setdopt and Adddopt. Documentation updated
*Implemented the new campaign nis conditions dopti#i#eq#
*Spell skill synergy bonus now grants high spell one level
*Greatly improved the Create Hero screen. Now has popup help and shows perks
*Vampires now have a vampirism of 10 (was 3)
*Fixed spell bug involving abnormaly high spell levels
*Added some kharn items
*Resetting chapters now reset remaining APs as well

******************************** Patch 0.8.1 ***********************************

*Implemnted the new cheat spawn # unitname (only works for 1 word names for now)
*Implemented the new cheat build buildingname (only works for 1 word names for now)
*Unit and building names are now used in nis files instead of id codes. Documentation updated
*Addapted some chapter nis files
*Fixed bug where current location circle appears nowhere in particular
*YEAR and DAY modifiers now work for in-game dialogue as well
*Implemented conditioned choices. Documentation updated
*Setdopt and Adddopt index attributes can now be used with OPT# modifiers
*There can now be a maximum of six in-game choices as well (although not recomended)
*Implemented the new condition opt#eqopt#. Documentation updated
*Added one more showline in the campaign dialogue panel (totalling 6)
*Increased maximum number of nis optional variables to 15 (was 10)
*Fixed bug when RAND modifier not working properly
*Fixed Morph spells causing freeze
*Added Griffon Ambush for chapter 1. Chapters reset
*Added Pirate Ambush for chapters 0 and 2
*Fixed Raise Wights spell bug spawning units randomly on the map
*Fixed ambush bug when showing two identical race options
*Spellchecked and corrected campaign dialogues (more medieval, less american)
*Added popup dialogue in the Prologue
*Critters no longer immune to psych effects
*Added 5 new skirmish maps (Gold of Khaz Barak, The Dark Path, Desert Crossing, Great Valley, The Lion's Den)
*Added the new research skill Axe Throwing for Dwarves (+3 range for dwarf infantry)
*Gladewardens and Elven Hunters may now be produced at the Ranger's Guild
*Gladewardens can no longer be produced at the Tree of Life
*Added game string for Warcry ability
*Slightly modified the graphical appearance of control panel buttons
*Knight Lords now only give +1 morale (was 2)
*Queen Spider no longer causes Terror (bugfix)
*Hero creation popup help now has 5 info lines (were 4)
*Modified stats for elementals: 25 combat, 120 hp, 15 speed, 12 sight, 30 damage, 20 armor, 20 resistance, 300 cost, 80 secs
*Elementals are now immune to psych effects
*Builders can now garrison into towers
*Melee attacks are considered missed if units are 3 or more squares away from each other (was 5)
*AI heroes now use their RSB upon death
*Improved quiz system (see template)
*Updated Kharn Pak - Desert terrain tiles
*Corrected basilisk info image
*Corrected white mage's death animation
*Huge Dragon now deals 100 damage (was 124) and has a terror strenght of 7 (was 15)
*Reduced size of Graphics.xcr by 20MB by clearing unnecesary data
*Fixed bug when Huge Dragon freezes in Prologue
*Added popup help in Prologue mission
*Frost Bat and Chaos Dragon now available for production
*Fixed Riding skill
*Fixed overlapping text in victory/defeat screen
*Fixed Gront's info image
*Implemented the new campaign nis answer attribute "hidden" - hides the choice option if conditions are not met. Documentation updated
*Added new hero portrait Cloaked Duskshroud
*Can now override portrait for character 0 in dialogues
*Spellchecked all chapter hints
*Enabled chapter 3 for beta testers

******************************** Patch 0.8.2 ***********************************

*Ranger's Guild now has rally point
*corrected journal entries for chapter 3
*All scout units now have -15 production time, +30 hp, +10 damage. Documentation updated
*Fixed dwarf small icon graphical bug
*Added description for Axe Throwing skill
*All worker units now have +10 damage, +6 combat, +10 hp. Documentation updated
*All infantry units now have -5 combat. Documentation updated
*All units now have their production time halved. Documentation updated
*Fixed Lichking's Lost Items set (finally)
*Implemented the new game duration option for skirmish and campaign scenarios
*Added custom portrait slots for every race
*Increased memory usage by 2MB to fix too many units crashes
*Fixed quest almost expired bug (hopefully)
*Fixed bug where knightlord's death caused -2 morale (instead of -1)
*Fixed some graphical glitches in the hero level up spells popup
*Temporary Ritual skill is now taken into account when leveling up spells
*Fixed some graphical glitches in the create hero popup
*Added replayable scenario in Chapter 1
*Added replayable scenario in Chapter 2
*Increased terrain tile limit to 3000
*Added WBC1 Terrain Pack
*Added WBC2 Terrain Pack
*Added 3 new skirmish maps (Lost City, Death Valley, Arnos Delta)
*Modified chapter 2 scenarios
*Added 3 dark elven female portraits for the daemon heroes
*Extra Army Setup Points costs now depend on difficulty level
*Item, mercenary, retinue, xp, companion, battle costs now depend on difficulty level
*Crown rewards (battle or nis) now depend on difficulty level
*Externalised General Perk Name strings for translated versions
*Externalised some more quiz strings for translated versions
*Fixed Tinman and Bronzeman mode not giving xp correctly
*Implemented the new nis moddifier DNO. Documentation updated
*Adapted some campaign dialogues
*Modified some game strings
*Adapted some campaign act files. Chapters reset
*Fixed Chaos Dragon and Frostbat help text
*Added campaign nis condition crownsdno#. Documentation updated
*Raze Fest and Slug Fest may now be played with allies
*Corrected Lord Melkor's interface image
*Added one more sound file for the Reaper
*Fixed bug where sound files for Squire, Dancing Sword, Unicorn and Warlord were not used

******************************** Patch 0.8.3 ***********************************

*Ghoulbone, Darkblade, Fallan, Quinton, Xanthos, Xunthor, Fingers, Esgaleth, Anagain, Smooth Arlin, Princess Daria heroes now have a fixed avatar and voice
*Scenario description display can now be larger than 5 lines of text
*Fixed bug in Prologue not showing mission objectives in Theira
*Implemented the new Wait campaign action
*Gnolls are now neutral monsters
*Red and Black mages are now good
*All barbarians are now neutral
*All dwarves are now good
*All titans now have a race tag and are huge
*Elven Hunters are now wood elves
*Firebombs are now small
*All daemons, except Summoner, are now extraplanar
*Imps are now evil
*Minotaur Shamans now are of medium size
*Lightning Hawks are now neutral
*Oakmen are now of medium size
*Ancient Treants are now of huge size
*Implemented the new nis command Choice2. Documentation updated
*Fixed a bug with grayed choice dialogue not disappearring
*All swarm units are now evil
*Added 1.03.25 item pack
*Fixed scorpion's attack animation
*Updated Kharn's item pack
*Fixed a bug where choice dialogue 5 and 6 were not working in game
*Heroes no longer run if they're on fire
*The availability of skills is now taken into account when creating a temporary hero
*AI heroes now invest points in arcane magic
*Fixed a bug where AI heroes would have more skill points
*Passive AI now uses special abilities
*Added new attribute to the nis command Flag. Documentation updated
*Changing AI from passive now moves the starting location where the hero is (will build base there)
*Implemented the new nis command Attitude. Documentation updated
*Added Build and Can't Build speech files for Wisp and Ancient Wisp
*Implemented the new producing time icon for units and researches
*Dwarven buildings maximum hit points is now double of original (was triple)
*Fixed Converting Proficiency bug
*Reseed is done when traveling or fighting (new items, mercenaries, etc.)
*Implemented the new campaign action attribute "instant"
*Added support for higher resolutions
*No retinue attribute now works for side 0 as well in campaign battle actions
*Campaign nis actions now take 0 days by default
*Campaign battle actions now take 1 day by default
*Implemented the new campaign action attribute "time"
*All .map elements now support the "condition" attribute
*Added Paridian in the editor list
*Added Paridian voice pack
*Fixed nis bug not resetting choice options
*Added nis condition varl#eq# and var#eq#. Documentation updated
*All chapters now have an ending pop-up. Chapters reset
*Implemented the new nis symbol &name;. Documentation updated
*Fixed Morph Tower bug
*Fixed Create Hero Class popup help bug
*Fixed temple archon not available for knights bug
*AI now uses Darkstorm spell
*Improved the Hero Creation popup help
*Improved the Hero Level Up Spells popup help
*Leveling up spells now costs 1AP per point
*Spells now only require previous spells of +1 higher level (was 2x)
*Implemented the new nis command ProduceHero. Documentation updated
*Fixed wrong avatar in Chapter 2 dialogue
*Updated the Pat pack 1 terrain pack
*AI hero voices are now random (and dependant on gender)
*Standardized Frostbat stats
*Added the Summoner portrait for dialogues
*Fixed bug with nis answer attribute "hidden"
*Increased item limit per scenario to 64 (was 32)
*Increased army memory limit to 5000 (was 1000) - fixes crash/bug in late game and allows more units to be added in the editor
*Increased building memory limit to 2500 (was 500) - fixes crash/bug in late game and allows more buildings to be added in the editor
*Increased feature memory limit to 5000 (was 1000) - fixes random huge map bug and allows more features to be added in the editor
*Increased item memory limit to 1000 (was 200) - fixes crash/bug in chest-heavy game and allows more chests to be added in the editor
*Added new unit: Ancient Giant
*Added 5 new skirmish maps (Curled Earh, Invasion, Mountain Assault, Rivers, Tides of Pain)
*Increased actions per location limit to 32 (was 12)
*Implemented the new campaign condition type checktimemultiple
*YEAR and DAY modifiers are now displayed in dialogue using &day; and &year;. Documentation updated
*Updated some chapter dialogues
*Campaign nis command Diplomacy now has min and max attributes. Documentation updated
*Added 19 new loading screens
*Added support for higher resolutions (1680x1050 and 1920x1080)
*Implemented the new NIS command Setcon. Documentation updated
*Implemented the new NIS condition setcon. Documentation updated
*Implemented the new NIS attribute abs. Documentation updated
*Implemented the new NIS command Showdopt. Documentation updated
*Implemented the new NIS condition bonus#. Documentation updated
*Increased conditions per location limit to 16 (was 8)
*Fixed bug where PassTime command was not updating campaign panel
*Improved control panels visuals
*Barbarian racial synergy bonus nerfed. Damage reduced by half (increases over time)
*Improved neutral AI. No longer ignores close enemies
*AI now prioritizes Rare Mine conversion as it would with a level 3 ordinary mine
*Improved AI. Now less ignorant to close threats and no more interuptions
*AI cannot differ human from AI player. All sides are now treated fairly
*Spawning Goblins from Gobshooters can now happen during starvation as well
*Spawning Spiders from Eggs can now happen during starvation as well
*Fixed bug where Summon Sprite was spawning units in the corner of the map
*AI now continues fighting during defeat screen in single player mode
*Improved AI. Now no longer gets stuck in tight passages
*Improved AI. Now only uses Summoners, Ancient Wisps and Leprechauns for base defense
*Fixed bug where dialog soundtrack would become noise
*Added new item graphics
*Fixed some graphical glitches in the main menu
*Implemented the new language system
*Tough towers no longer have double damage and double combat
*Huge Dragon now has 5000 hp and can no longer level up
*Summoning Imps and Deamons is no longer restricted by army limit

******************************** Patch 0.8.4 *************************************

*Replaced hero rankings with original ones
*Updated unofficial items pack
*Fixed some high resolution control panel bugs
*Fixed shop at campaign start
*Updated Baragon, Elnaria, Huge Dragon, Paridian voice files
*Inquisitor is now produced at Shrine of the Sword
*Shrine of the Sword now requires Keep level 4
*Cathedral now requires Keep level 5
*Added 9 new skirmish maps (New Illuria, Why Not, The Hot Spot, Dwarven Hills, Baptism of Fire, Battle of Serenthgur, Naval Wars, Violent Meetings, The White Night)
*Modified morph costs for undead
*Lightning Hawks are no longer produced at Fortress
*Externalised four more strings for translated versions
*Added Manticore, Wisp, Ancient Wisp speech files
*Added siege, elephant, insectoid, wardog death speech files
*Updated dark elf, high elf, minotaur tower speech files
*Added Air, Water, Fire, Earth Elemental ready speech files
*Doomknight is now available for Undead
*Doomknight no longer requires Barrow
*Ogres and Goblin Chiefs are now available for Orcs
*Fixed Summon Dancing Swords spell bug
*Improved Undead AI. Now morphs skulls and liches
*Improved AI. No longer picks on animals
*Fixed bug not deleting save game when pressing continue
*Fixed The Dark Path scenario popup
*Fixed bug where AI would produce too many builders
*Fixed Ambient4.mp3 file. No more screeching sounds
*Assasin, Dryad, Spider Priestess, Queen Spider and Ice Maidens are now available for elves
*Removed 1 skirmish map (Lands Divided)
*Improved some SFX, including weather sounds
*Added daemonic and draconian death speech files
*Fixed Increase Casting spell. Now correctly adds +0.5 to casting in a random spell sphere
*Fixed text pop up for Stables
*Fixed wood-elf hero avatar fidget rate
*Fixed bug where Salamanders would be produced at an unfinished pit
*Fixed bug where dwarf berserker would be tagged as cavalry
*Fixed bug where Call Sage, Raise Champion, Summon Animal and Elementalism spells would use mana during starvation
*Fixed bug where Plague Priest would try to cast chaos plague on buildings
*Fixed bug where higher levels of Summon Animal would spawn units away from the caster
*AI heroes only cast Darkstorm when in need of healing and of undead, dark elf or daemon race
*Implemented modular music. Each race has its own set of tracks
*Added new soundtrack: TPC OST
*Improved modular music. Titan built, Hero dies, Character dies, Travel
*T-Rex now causes Fear
*Naga no longer causes Fear
*Spore and Flamer are now available for Plaguelords
*Spores, Gazers and Flamers now spawn 3 Slimes on death
*Virus researches are now available for Plaguelords
*PlaguePiles now give a build radius of 20x30 (like Hall of Plague)
*Added the new Kharn Pak - Caverns terrain tiles
*Improved transition between hero level up tabs
*Improved the perks system. Now adjustable via sliders. Heroes reset
*Improved perk descriptions
*Fixed pat pack 1 terrain tile bug
*Food deposits are now affected by keep level
*Reaper and Succubus are now available for Daemons
*Balora is now built at the keep
*Imp is now available at keep level 3
*Nightmare is now available at keep level 4
*RSB activation text now stays on screen longer
*Halberdier is now available for The Empire
*Halberdier now gives +1 morale
*Fixed bug where barbarian AI would get pegasi out of retinue
*Added new Grimnir speech files
*Added new death speech files for each dragon type
*Added new death speech files for imperial hero, dark elf hero, high elf hero and wood elf hero
*Added new death speech files for swordsman, imperial archer, woodrider, knight, runelord, black mage, blackguard, dragon knight and more
*Added Eye of Oros speech files
*Added EagleCantBuild, GhoulDeathblow and InquisitorDeathblow speech files
*Fixed bug where AI would suicide slow converting units
*Fixed bug where AI would use invisibility on chameleons without having Blending researched
*Improved AI. Now uses WhiteWard, Immunity, ResistMagic, ResistMissile spells before risking to be affected (like FireResistance)
*Improved AI. Now uses Immunity, ResistMagic, ResistMissile, ResistFire spells when threatened by buildings as well
*Rebalanced most units. Documentation updated
*Added new T-Rex and Triceratops speech files
*Improved sound FX and speech files
*Implemented the new Editor command ResetAllStats (CTRL+X in the menu)
*Reseted all stats of released chapters & campaign scenarios. Chapters reset
*Fixed bug where pausing the game would kill inactive units
*AI heroes now have perks as well
*Perks can now be seen in info area
*Decreased difficulty in Chapter 2: The Isle of Dawn
*Eye of Oros now produced at Temple of Eyes
*Scorpion now available at level 1 keep for The Swarm
*Fixed Ghould Ambush in Chapter 3: The Rising Fire
*Fixed bug where Duskshroud could travel after entering the pyramid in Chapter 1: Nightfall
*Fixed bug where viewing the Journal would cause a crash in Prologue
*Fixed the Enter Herueth scenario in Prologue
*Slightly increased soundcache size
*Air Elementals now deal electrical damage
*Earth Elementals are now vulnerable to cold and resistant to electricity
*Frost Dragons are now resistant to cold
*Storm Dragons are now resistant to electricity
*Fixed minor dialogue bugs in the campaign
*Hero avatars now influence starting damage type
*AI heroes now have random voices matching avatars
*AI heroes no longer have guaranteed boots of speed and "funky" items
*AI heroes can now wear 7 items
*Fixed bug where AI heroes would wear duplicate item types (two banners, two necklaces, etc.)
*AI heroes now have their damage type influenced by weapon item
*AI heroes now wear more items
*Implemented the new NIS command "Music". Documentation updated
*Decreased cost of Virus researches to 300 gold + 100 per level (was 600 + 100)
*All hydras have the dragon tag and are affected by dragon-targeted skills&spells
*Implemented the new campaign cross-reference system. AI heroes are loaded from chapters (Esgaleth)
*Implemented the new .MAP additions for cross-referenced AI heroes
*Esgaleth now starts with +10 levels in the campaign
*Added a hint in the campaign
*Fixed bug where Warcry would cast RSB as well
*Fixed bug where reseting chapters would keep old retinue
*All morale skills give +1 morale (was +2)
*Constitution gives +15 hit points (was +10)
*All Seeing Aye, Slimemaster, Guardian Oak, Golem Master now give +3xp (was +5)
*Runic Lore, Griffon Master, Guild Master, Dragon Master, Undead Legion now give +3x (was +10)
*Elemental Lore now gives +4xp (was +10)
*Knight Protector now gives +3xp (was +4)
*Life Rune, Forest Rune, Death Rune now gives +10hp (was +5%)
*Magic Resistance now gives +7 resitance per point (was +4)
*Memories now gives +1.5xp per point (was +3)
*AI attack priority for tower is now 300 (same as units)
*Catapults can now pick camels and hurl them
*Trolls can now pick up penguins, seals & turtles and hurl them
*Added new skills: Diplomacy, Thievery, Fire Missile, Swiftness
*Added new class: Monk
*Externalised 10 more strings for translated versions
*Thief class now has Thievery skill
*Assassin class now has Swiftness skill
*Bard, Merchant classes now have Diplomacy skill
*Tinker class now has Gem Cutting skill
*Knight Protector now affects Dragon Knights as well
*Updated help text
*Updated WBC2 Terrain Pack
*Fixed replayable mission at Chapter 2: The Isle of Dawn start
*Corrected Dark Infantry, Black Mage, White Mage, Stone Golem and Wyvern animation frames
*Added more speech files for Robert, Kaari, Setroth and Gront
*War Cry now costs 25 mana (was 20)
*Increased maximum number of speech files per unit to 11 (was 4)
*All newly created heroes start with neutral perks (level 0)
*Reave skill now correctly affects only large creatures (and not huge as well)
*Fixed spell indexes
*Implemented the new spell timer system
*Charm now gives 4 base merchant skill (was 2)
*Spellforge now costs 60 mana (was 70)
*Corruption now has 40% base chance of converting a unit (was 30%)
*Dispel now costs 16 mana (was 32)
*Empower now costs 50 mana (was 60)
*Destruction now costs 80 mana (was 100)
*Drain mana now costs 16 mana (was 24)
*Morph resources now costs 20 mana (was 30)
*Wildfire now deals 70 base damage (was 50)
*Elemental lore now gives +5 resistance per level
*Defense lore now gives +5 armor per level
*See Invisible now has 5 minute base duration
*Comprehension now has a reduction of +3% per level (was +5%)
*Mind Leech now has a 2 minute base duration (was 1)
*Psychic Blast now has a 8 second base duration (was 5)
*Blessing now has a 3 minute base duration (was 1) and a 3 base morale bonus (was 2)
*Invigorate now has a 4 base speed bonus (was 2) and a cap of 10 (was 5)
*Purify now has 70 base damage (was 50) and gives +30 damage per level (was 20)
*Hand of Ice now has 30 base damage (was 20)
*Calm now costs 4 mana (was 10)
*Ring of Ice now costs 20 mana (was 30) and +30 damage per level (was +25)
*Freeze now costs 14 mana (was 24)
*Wall of Ice now costs 5 mana (was 8)
*Shadowform now has 2 minute base duration (was 1)
*Mutate now has a base affected level of 1-3 (was 1-2)
*Transform now costs 65 mana (was 70)
*Summon Sprite now costs 11 mana (was 10)
*Gemberry now costs 7 mana (was 12)
*Shillelagh now has 10 base combat (was 5)
*Wall of Thorns now costs 5 mana (was 8)
*Call Lightning now costs 30 mana (was 35), has a 80 base damage (was 70) and +40 per level (was +70)
*Strip Flesh now has a base affected level of 1-3 (was 1-2)
*Summon Wasp now costs 8 mana (was 5)
*Antidote now costs 8 mana (was 10)
*Venom Touch now has a base duration of 3 minutes (was 1)
*Poison Gate now has a base duration of 2 minutes (was 1)
*Spray Poison now costs 16 mana (was 30) and deals +12 damage per level (was +10)
*Rot now costs 40 mana (was 45) and has a base affected level of 1-3 (was 1-2)
*Hand of Flame now has a base damage of 30 (was 20)
*Ring of Fire now costs 22 mana (was 30) and deal +30 damage per level (was +25)
*Firebreath now has a base duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds (was 1 minute)
*Dig now has a base duration of 3 minutes (was 2)
*Doomstones now has a base damage of 55 (was 30)
*Stonecall now costs 40 mana (was 50)
*Vigor now has a base duration of 1 minute (was 30 seconds) and has a base speed increase of 6 (was 3)
*Life now has a base duration of 1 minute (was 30 seconds)
*Foresight now has a base duration of 1 minute (was 30 seconds)
*Springtime now has a base damage of 5 (was 6), increases it by +5 per level (was +3) and has a base duration of 1 minute (was 30 seconds)
*Decrepify now costs 18 mana (was 36)
*Wisdom of Age now has a base decrease of 25% (was 20%), 1 minute 30 seconds base duration (was 30 seconds) and gains +1 minute per level (was +30 seconds)
*Whispers of Time now costs 40 mana (was 46)
*Overwork now has a base duration of 1 minute (was 30 seconds) and +1 minute per level (was +30 seconds)
*Implemented the new AddUnit NIS attribute "number". Documentation updated
*Added one more scenario in Chapter 3: The Rising Fire
*Your quest is about to expire notification now only activates at 99 seconds remaining
*You have too many men notification should be less frequent
*Burning units no longer regenerate their hit points
*Fixed bug where attitude would reset for units under the burning effect
*Units burning take 10% damage of the inflictor's damage, per second (but only 1 if berserked)
*Fixed bug where critical slash affected allies
*Stun effects are dependant on victim's combat
*Stats now cost 2 AP (was 1)
*Skills are now capped by your hero's level
*Reset chapter heroes
*Implemented the new skill Cowardslayer
*Orcs now gain the Cowardslayer skill instead of Elfslayer
*Corrected some item effects
*Rangers now gain the Fire Missile skill instead of Orcslayer
*Rangers now get Running, Nature Magic, Fire Missile skills in this order
*Implemented the new skill Witch Hunter
*Daemonslayers now gain the Witch Hunter skill instead of Daemonslayer
*Paladins now gain the Witch Hunter skill instead of Deathslayer
*Lichelords now gain the Witch Hunter skill instead of Elfslayer
*Summoners now gain the Energy skill instead of Elfslayer
*Deathknights now gain the Cowardslayer skill instead of Manslayer
*Elemental Lore and Defense Lore now affect units in command radius as well
*Implemented the new Item Loading Screen
*Low morale can no longer bring extra food consumption
*Corrected some graphical glitches on items
*Implemented the new CrossVar nis command. Documentation updated
*Added 20 cross variables per hero. Heroes reset
*Implemented the new nis conditions melvincleggpayed, melvingcleggnopayed, melvincleggignored. Documentation updated
*Captain Clegg asks for more crowns in chapter 3 based on prologue decision
*Fixed bug where making a choice would trigger the set-to-easy dialog box
*Fixed bug where units were not being produced in late late game
*Increased army memory limit to 10000 (was 5000) - fixes crash/bug in late game and allows more units to be added in the editor
*Increased building memory limit to 10000 (was 2500) - fixes crash/bug in late game and allows more buildings to be added in the editor
*Increased feature memory limit to 10000 (was 5000) - fixes random huge map bug and allows more features to be added in the editor
*Increased item memory limit to 10000 (was 1000) - fixes crash/bug in chest-heavy game and allows more chests to be added in the editor
*Fixed bug where ssrathi ambush could not progress in dragon's maze campaign

******************************** Patch 0.8.4a *************************************

*Fixed critical burn bug

******************************** Patch 0.8.5 *************************************


*Updated Kharn Pak - Rivers terrain tiles
*Added the Snakeman, Snake Priest, Ssrathi Hero, Wild Barbarian, Wise Minotaur, Deathknight, Lunarion, Balora, Mashed Face, Merchant, Ssrathi Screamer, Thief, Undead Legionaire, Dead Rider, Zombie 1,2,3,4 portraits for heroes and dialogues
*Fixed a typo in the Rock Cliffs and Kharn Pak Desert terrain tile sets
*Fixed some campaign mercenaries images
*Added 9 new side colors (gray, gold, cyan, brown, white, olive green, pink, orange, light blue)
*Slightly improved loading screen 1 image
*Added blue selection rings for allies
*Improved army limit GUI
*Wood Elf Hero animation speed fixed
*Reduced movement animation speed on Iriki and Lizard Rider
*Fixed Wyvern’s north west movement animation
*Plague Priests are more Undead-like, visually speaking
*Imps no longer have a fast attack speed
*Added mini editor pics for the Pyramid and Rock Roads tile sets
*Fixed some textual errors
*Fixed Lightning Spire 1’s attack position
*Removed the pink strip from the campaign popup dialogs
*Removed some minor artifacts from the Faerie Dragon’s movement animation
*Fixed a few interface issues with Gront
*Grond avatar is now more machine-like
*Grond, Balora, Tempest, The Forestmaster, Bane, King Lunarion and Kargoth have new selection pictures


*Implemented RSB AI
*AI no longer casts spells on critters
*AI no longer casts spells on quest buildings
*Revived and improved AI heroes seeking quests
*Fixed bug where AI would suicide units that were attacking for a long time
*Fixed bug where AI would try to cast Entangle on flying units
*When the AI takes over a human player that has left the game, his AI level is of Prince (was Lord)
*The Plaguelord AI now builds Ice Caves and Fire Caves (and produces Cryo and Pyro Hydras)
*Warlord and Emperor AI now builds slightly less towers
*AI now has a higher priority of filling towers with units
*AI no longer casts spells when targets are outside of range


*Leveled all soundtracks so that they're of same volume
*Added 4 more music tracks for The Protectors soundtrack
*WBC1 OST: (Re)recorded
*Arab OST and W3ROH OST: Pan corrected to 0
*W2D OST: edited (removed long pauses between songs).
*All OST converted to Mp3 44.1khz, 192kbp, codec LAME 3.98 to avoid lagging on old machines
*All TPC .wav files converted to 352kbp to avoid lagging on old machines
*PQ OST improved
*Increased max ambient soundtracks to 300 (was 100)
*Non modular soundtracks now work in the editor and menus as well
*Non modular soundtracks no longer have the death or titan built tracks
*TPC OST intro song changed


*Own specific buildings quest condition now counts the number of buildings
*Quest conditions now take allies and neutrals into consideration
*Quests are now completed when reaching the shrine, not when closing the dialogue
*Completing a quest instantly now displays the completion dialogue as well
*Units gained through quests are no longer affected by training
*Resources gained through quests, events or canceled units and researches are now stockpiled even above your storage capacity
*Updated Quest text for all new unit changes


*Fixed microlagging and sound blast bugs when loading sounds
*Reworked some sound effects
*High Elf, Wood Elf, Dark Elf and Imperial hero avatars now have a female death scream
*New Hellbore, spider, queen spider, wardog, wasp, dragonfly and scarab voices
*Fixed bug where selection voice for Swamp dragon was duplicated
*Baragorn has up to 1 deathblow, 5 select and 5 order
*Elnaria now has 4 selects, 4 order and 1 deathblow
*Elana up to 8 select and 8 order
*Minos up to 1 ready, 1 deathblow, 11 order and 11 select
*Aelfwine up to 5 select and 5 order
*Kheldon up to 1 deathblow, 5 select and 5 order
*Fixed some male System sounds played as female
*TTS System improved
*All dragon death sounds improved and updated
*Heartbeat sound improved
*Fixed Flame Cannon Order bug sound
*Halcyon Phoenix has an unique voice set
*Umbral Phoenix has an unique voice set
*New Siege Weapon, Salamander and Fire Elemental Walk
*Lodestar Wisp has now an unique voice set
*White tree has a new sound (was the same as tree of life)
*Various new Death, Attack and Walk sounds
*Spore, Gazer and Contaminator have now monster ready sounds instead of spoken ones
*Venerable wisp has an unique voice set
*Wil-o-wisp has an unique voice set
*Stygian wisp has an unique voice set
*Critters have new sounds. Geese, Cows, Turtles and sheep have ready, select and order sounds
*Celestial Hatchling has an unique voice set
*Cathedral and College have got a new sound
*Orc, Minotaur, Daemon, Undead and Ssrathi hero avatars now have a proper death scream
*Wall of Ice and Thorns, Shipyard, healing fountain, frost dragon lair and Gravestone have sound
*Souls have select sound (they are neutral)
*WBC1 Menu sounds imported
*Added more lightning sound effects
*Contaminator has an unique voice set
*Lamp posts, Spider Eggs, Wall of Ice and Wall of Thorns burning sound bug fixed
*Mortars and Flame Cannons have a new attack sound
*Sound cache size increased
*FML0Ambient bug fixed (fire burning cutting sounds)
*Ancient Treant has a build and can’t build sound
*Dark Elf RSB sound bug fixed
*Reaper now has a ghostly voice (except deathblow). Recorded by Brent Wiseman


*Naga no longer causes fear
*Bones, rubble and corpses last two times longer before decaying (60 seconds)
*Damage type affecting spells now override items damage type
*Sorcerers now cast Darkstorm at minimum level 2
*See invisible now affects allies as well
*All critters are now immune to psychological effects
*Psychological effects & illnesses are now displayed on the hero portrait and lockable data area
*Psychological effects now have an overwrite priority
*A unit can now be both poisoned and diseased at the same time
*Buildings now have 32 conversion range and a duration of 120 seconds
*Dragons are now immune to psych effects
*See invisible is only triggered inside the view radius/command radius
*Eye of Oros can now see invisible
*Fear tooltip now correctly displays no speed reduction
*Missiles can now hit friendly targeted units
*All units have been rebalanced. Manual has been updated
*Production for all races altered
*All Huge non-siege units are now 1x1 in size
*Wood Elves have access to Oakmen
*All Towers, including anti-flier ones have been reworked
*Watcher can hit flying only
*Lightning Spire’s damage type is now Electrical
*Updated info text for all units - many now display the strength and range stats of their afflictions
*New units: Halcyon Phoenix, Umbral Phoenix, Venerable Wisp, Ancient Wisp & Stygian Wisp (uses old Ancient Wisp body).
*New Unit: Celestial Hatchling
*Archer and Squire bodies swapped
*Knight Champion renamed to Cavalier
*Knight Lord renamed to Paladin
*Hydra, Triceratops & Treants are now 2AC units
*High Elf retinue now has Lodestar Wisps instead of Wisps
*Dark Elf retinue now has Will o Wisps instead of Wisps
*All elder wisps produce 0.5 crystal per second
*Undead Slavehorde now produces Engineers instead of Thralls
*Added the following official Infinite Interactive custom unit AI: Fallback 50, Fallback 75, Magic Fallback 50, Magic Fallback 75 and Magic Rampant.
*Sun Temples can now stop defeat (in the absence of all other of a player’s entities)
*Bats deal Slashing damage and Dragonflies deal Crushing
*Ssrathi have access to Basilisk
*Lord Bane, Lord Melkor and Lord Antharg renamed to Bane, Melkor and Antharg respectively
*Scorpion Man renamed to Scartauri
*Scorpion Priest renamed to Scartauri Priest
*Swarm have access to spiders and queen spiders
*All elite Dragons, Barbarians, Minotaur Axe Throwers, Trolls, missile Titans, (Ancient Giants), Fire Elementals and Water Elementals have had their ‘Missile’ tags removed. Their info text displays them as ‘Ranged’ units instead of ‘Missile’ units. Ranged units are missile units which receive no melee combat penalties
*Plague Priest now tagged as Undead instead of Human
*Magic Wells now produce 0.25 gold per second
*Foreign Mercs now have the attitude of the Quartermaster they are produced from
*Incubation now affects Spiders and Queen Spiders
*Incubation now no longer affects Scartauri Priests
*Dwarven buildings now get +1% more hit points per buildings built (was +5%)
*Improved AI unstucking routine
*Eye of Flame has been recolored and renamed to Contaminator
*Contaminators now inflict permanent disease
*Nightmares, Husks, Oakmen, Plaguepriests, Treants and Ancient Treants are now immune to poison
*Nightmares, Husks and Plaguepriests are now immune to disease
*Undead and Plaguelord heroes are now immune to poison and disease
*Summon Imp now gives +1 unit per level of mastery
*Weaponsmith, Mithril and Anthrite (Dark Mithril) no longer affects titans
*Ancient Treant can now build with a skill of 16
*Swarm hero avatars now have a monster death scream
*Dark Elves have access to skeletons now (via gravestone)
*Fletcher now gives +2 damage (was +5)
*Bowmaster now gives +2 damage (was +5)
*Weaponsmith 1 now gives +2 damage (was +5)
*Weaponsmith 2 now gives +3 damage (was +5)
*Mithril now gives +5 armor (was +15)
*Spear of Ank now gives +5 damage (was +10)
*Ironclad 1&2 now give +5 damage (was +10)
*Thump now gives +5 damage (was +10)
*Dragon Warriors now gives +5 damage (was +10)
*Alicorn now gives +5 damage (was +10)
*Thorns now gives +5 damage (was +10)
*Might of Ctharos now gives +3 damage (was +5)
*Shatter now gives +5 damage (was +10)
*Alchemist Fire 1&2 now give +5 damage (was +10)
*Faerie Blade now gives +3 damage (was +5)
*Faerie Fire now gives +3 damage (was +5)
*Shaman now gives +3 damage (was +10)
*Acid 1&2 now give +3 damage (was +5)
*Acid 3 now gives +4 damage (was +5)
*Virus 1&2 now give +3 damage (was +5)
*Virus 3 now gives +4 damage (was +5)
*Rage 1,2&3 now give +5 damage (was +10)
*Added new game string for Undead Slavehorde
*Slavehorde now takes the rally point into consideration
*Siegecraft now gives +2 range (was +4)
*Armorer 1 now gives +2 armor (was +5)
*Armorer 2 now gives +3 armor (was +5)
*Order of the Dragon now gives +5 resistance (was +10)
*Full Plate Armor now gives +15 armor (was +20)
*Training now gives +5 xp (was +10)
*Shield of Sartek 1 now gives +2 armor (was +5)
*Shield of Sartek 2 now gives +3 armor (was +5)
*Intangibility 1 now gives +2 armor (was +5)
*Intangibility 2 now gives +3 armor (was +5)
*Barkskin now gives +5 armor (was +10)
*Meditation 1&2 now give +30% mana regen (was +10%)
*Meditation 3 now gives +40% mana regen (was +10%)
*Dragonknight 1&2 now give +1 combat (was +2)
*Fertility now affects Spiders and Queen Spiders
*Speed of Oros now affects Eyes of Oros as well
*Runners renamed to Brawlers
*Infernal and Celestial Temples renamed to Lucifus and Navarre respectively and now they produce generals depending on race and alignment
*Daemons have access to Souls at the Gallows
*Brawlers are no longer resistant to missiles
*Royal Messenger now makes Brawlers resistant to missiles
*Ancestral Hall can no longer cast summon shadow
*Only Spores can split into 3 slimes upon death now
*Summoning 1 now decreases production time for firebats and harpies
*Forest Rune now affects Oakmen
*Couatl’s Favor now only affects ssrathi during daytime
*Titans are no longer affected by weather
*Titans can no longer be healed or resurrected
*Summoning 2 now affects Salamanders and Reapers
*Panoply 1&2 now only affects fey units
*Fertility now only affects the swarm during daytime
*Doombat now gives Firebats immunity to weather effects
*Eye of Oros default attitude is now Scout
*Some units will receive special titles after reaching high experience
*Plaguelords can research Binding now
*Morph Health no longer affects titans
*Summon Spirit now takes rally point into account
*Spider Eggs, Wall of Ice and Wall of Thorns no longer burn when damaged
*Implemented Voice of Lurinth research for Celestial Hatchlings in Dragonstone
*Units now get healed procentually when leveling up
*Added the new naming set: mechanical
*Fire Elementals can float now
*Minotaurs have access to cows at Pen
*TPC now supports negative damage upgrades
*All dinosaurs are affected in combat equally by day-night changes
*The Swarm is no longer affected in combat changes by nightfall and rain causes a drop in 10 only
*Gate 1&2 now give +5xp (was +20)
*Petrify and Crystallize now give +50 resources (was +100)
*Reimplemented AI resignation algorithms
*Mind Leech now affects missile units
*All wisps and Elder wisps are now able to float
*Catapults and Bone Catapults now deal triple damage vs buildings
*Shadows no longer get a combat bonus at night (was +5)
*Arcane Rune now affects Spider Priestesses and Ice Maidens
*Starvation is no longer possible in No Building mode
*Merchant and Tavern seeds are now reset after any action on the world map
*Snake Temple renamed to Dragon Temple and now produces your Race’s Dragons
*All insects and swarm heroes are now immune to poison
*All insects are now considered monsters
*Slayer Knights have been renamed Dread Knights
*Dark Riders have been renamed Slayer Knights
*Bloodlust no longer affects Reavers


*Updated chapter 1: Nightfall
*Updated chapter 2: The Isle of Dawn
*Updated chapter 3: The Rising Fire
*Unlocked chapter 4: A Girl’s Wish
*Redone Hint on Chapter 3: The Rising Fire
*Esgaleth now starts with 3 points into Altruistic in Chapter 2 (was 4)
*Fixed bug in chapter 1 when traveling to RoF would trigger the wrong ambush


*Mage King skill now affects all spellcasters
*Manslayer skill now affects barbarians
*Thievery skill now gives 5-20 resources, has a chance of +2% per point and a maximum of 40%
*Aristocracy perk now makes your units more expensive by +5% but +7% faster to produce as well
*Plutocracy perk now makes your units +5% cheaper but also +7% slower to produce
*The Swarm heroes now start with Thick Hide skill instead of Manslayer
*Bard class now has Fire Missile available at level 15 and Divination Magic at level 25 (instead of Elemental Resistance)
*Deamonslayer class now renamed to Warlock
*Deathknight class now has Invulnerability available at level 15 and Necromancy at level 5 (instead of Chaos)
*Elementalist class now has Rune Magic available at level 15, Pyromancy at level 5 and Elemental Lore at level 1 (instead of Lore)
*Implemented the new skill Convincing
*Thief class now has Convincing available at level 15 (instead of Magic Resistance)
*Hero's good-evil alignment is now determined by perks
*Heroes no longer get faster conversions on level up
*Traditionalist perk now gives: +5% spell costs, +20% spellcasting per point
*Experimentalist perk now gives: -5% spell costs, -15% spellcasting per point
*Mechanical units can now enter into a hero's retinue
*Assassinations no longer reward 100 gold if performed by a hero
*Temporary heroes mode now supports up to level 100 heroes
*Vampirism and Leech give +0.5 hp/sp per point (was +1/+2)
*Knight Protector now also affects Dread Knights, Doom Knights and Slayer Knights
*Quick Fighter perk now gives +5% attack speed (was +10)


*Summon Quasit gives +5xp for every level of mastery
*Summon Imp gives +5xp for every level of mastery
*Soulharvest gives +5xp for every level of mastery
*Daemongate gives +5xp for every level of mastery & +1 unit for every 3 levels of mastery
*Call Shadow gives +5xp for every level of mastery & +1 unit for every 2 levels of mastery
*Fire Elemental gives +5xp for every level of mastery & +1 unit for every 2 levels of mastery
*Stone Golem spell now gives +1 unit for every 2 levels of mastery and +5xp for every 1 level, mana cost 22
*Bronze Golem spell now gives +1 unit for every 3 levels of mastery & +5xp for every 1 level
*Summon Wasp gives +5xp for every level of mastery
*Call Sage spell now gives +1 unit for every 3 levels of mastery & +5xp for every 1 level
*Ice Armor now costs 8 mana, lasts 105 seconds, has a +20 base cold resistance +10 per level of mastery
*Ice Floe spell now has a base duration of 3 minutes
*Summon Unicorn spell now gives +1 unit for every 2 levels of mastery and +5xp for every 1 level, mana cost of 25
*Summon Treant spell now gives +1 unit for every 3 levels of mastery & +5xp for every 1 level
*Elementalism spell now gives +1 unit for every 2 levels of mastery & +5xp for every 1 level, mana cost of 47
*Call of Kargoth spell now gives +1 spider & +5xp for every level of mastery and +1 queen spider for every 2 levels of mastery
*Guardian Shadow spell now gives +1 unit for every 3 levels of mastery & +5xp for every 1 level
*Summon Guardian spell now has a mana cost of 20
*Resist Missile spell now has a base duration of 90 seconds and has a mana cost of 25
*Rune Item spell now has a mana cost of 23
*Mutate now randomly transforms units into seals and turtles as well
*Ring of Ice now has a radius of 6 (was 7)
*Spells no longer take buildings under construction into consideration
*Replaced Increase Casting with the Chaos Aura spell in the Chaos Magic spell sphere
*Added new spell: Chaos Aura
*Invisibility now has a mana cost of 18 (was 30)
*Illusions now have normal stats but always miss
*Stoneskin now has an AOE, a base duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds and an increase of armor of +10 per level
*Resist Magic now has an AOE, gives +30 resistance to magic and elemental damage and +30 resistance per level of mastery
*Darkstorm level 1 now brings night-time fine (was day-rain)
*If the limit of spell targets is exceeded, targets will now be picked randomly
*Increased the limit of maximum units affected by a spell to 64 (was 24)
*Raise Wraith now has a mana cost of 15 (was 20)
*Ice Floe now lasts 3 minutes +1 minute per mastery level (was 1min 30secs + 30 secs per level of mastery)
*Raise Champion now gives 2 shadows or liches +1 per level mastery or 1 vampire or doomknight +0.5 per level of mastery and +5xp per level of mastery


*Editor events are no longer triggered by critters unless they are special characters
*Give some armies event now works on water too
*Implemented the new NIS command ResetGame. Documentation updated
*The Terrain NIS command now auto-kills/destroys any units and buildings on the respective tile
*Increased NIS optional variable number to 20 (was 10)
*Implemented the new custom chapter feature
*Added The Duernothian Cult custom chapter
*Implemented the new custom campaign feature
*Added The Hero of Etheria custom campaign
*All in-game Hero of Etheria speeches now start in pause mode
*Implemented the new MAP side attribute "nostarvation"
*Added the "fixed" attribute for crown reward tags
*When processing NIS commands, the cursor turns to the wait cursor
*Implemented the new NIS command GameSpeed. Documentation updated
*Pressing CTRL+X in the editor now also resets events (applies looped loading bug fix)
*Added poisonattack campaign bonus type
*Dirt rocks and the larger grass rocks now show up on the mini-map with their own icons
*Some of the imported tree features now show up on the mini-map (the medium sized ones still don’t)


*Fixed Eye of the Infinite and Crael's Lunacy items
*Fixed The K'Oulis Axe item
*Item chests will now open only if the hero is standing directly on them
*Added 2 new items: Carapace Shield, Poison Dagger


*Added subtitles for chapter intros and outros (translatable)
*New Hero Manual with information on Hero RSB, Proficiency, Classes and Perks
*Wall of Thorns is now classified as a wooden structure for the purpose of debris spawned upon destruction and sounds played when attacked
*Tips updated
*Hero Creation Quiz updated
*Added new button strings for RSB and Undead Slavehorde


*Miriade.scn tile bug fixed; TowerDefense.scn and TheDarkPath.scn bugs fixed
*Added 19 new Scenarios: Iron Hills, Horseshoe Bay, Okeanos, Onibilis, Twin Lakes, Winding Paths, Elduin Vale, Mushroom River, Shaped by Magma, Wet Dry World (to name a few)
*Updated Gobi’s Valley and renamed it to Beach Brawl
*Reworked most of Joe the Bartender and Zeto’s scenarios
*Battle of Serenthgur turned into a Skirmish mission
*Updated Lost City to reflect recent tile ID changes
*Updated Red Canyon
*Updated A Land Divided
*Skirmish and multiplayer matches now support up to 100 army setup points
*Scenario Collection updated with Ctrl+x (ALL Skirmishes, Campaigns and Chapters)


*Fixed Berserker skill bug
*Fixed bug where AI would not find remaining enemy units
*Fixed bug where AI would cast Scare on buildings
*Fixed graphical glitches of spell timer
*Fixed bug where duplicate spells would occupy different spell timer slots
*Fixed bug where spell timer would not deactivate upon spell usage
*Fixed bug where researching Fountain of Life (and other global research) with a dead hero would cause a crash
*Fixed help text for Summon Mana skill for Daemons
*Fixed converting proficiency bug
*Fixed Morph Tower - Morph Resources bug
*Fixed bug where Dwarven buildings would become invincible in late game
*Fixed Potion Master skill
*Fixed Breath of Dying crash
*Fixed bug where No Dragons mode would allow building of level 3 eyrie, brood, nest
*Fixed bug in Prologue where there would be no victory on dragon death
*Fixed bug where High Elf RSB would not activate if a Life Ward was in effect
*Fixed bug where items would summon units in corner
*Fixed bug where move a unit to a square event condition would trigger with one less unit required
*Fixed bug where AI would cast Multi-Target on buildings
*Fixed bug where AI would cast invisibility with chameleons without having Blending researched
*Fixed bug where spells of unselected units on the screen would be wrongly cast
*Fixed bug where kill units event condition would not work with the ANY option
*Fixed bug where looped events would stop working after loading a saved game
*Fixed bug where saved games would not be deleted after resigning
*Fixed bug where Poison Gate would affect immune units and allies
*Fixed bug where Corruption would steal ally units
*Fixed bug where Spellforge would not double the damage of items
*Fixed bug where Summon Guardian would show the type of guardian to spawn before casting the spell
*Fixed bug where Chaos Plague was unaffected by spell range modifiers
*Fixed bug where spell recovery bar would get stuck in the UI
*Fixed bug where overlapping events in the editor would ignore all but one (now they are stackable up to 10 per square)
*Fixed bug where blinking on an event would not trigger it
*Fixed bug where units and features would overlap in the editor
*Fixed bug where moving features in the editor would still leave behind blocked squares
*Fixed bug where row 0 and column 0 were not usable for unit and building placement in the editor
*Fixed bug where the editor would work slow after a resign
*Fixed bug where dead units (but not decomposed) would still end up in the retinue screen
*Fixed bug where ordering to build right at the spot the unit is standing would result in moving to the north a little
*Fixed bug where big units would not have their selection ring recoloured based on their xp level
*Fixed bug where units would eat/use critters accidentally when hitting with a stray missile or a spell
*Fixed bug where building over an item chest would delete that chest
*Fixed bug where units speed and attack speed would not be instantly updated when affected by spells
*Fixed bug where garrisoned units would remain in game after resignation
*Fixed bug where sometimes the titan would not explode
*Fixed bug where "Select next idle builder" would not close the production panel
*Fixed bug where units ordered to build would do so even if prerequisites were no longer met
*Fixed bug where the attack range of buildings would not calculate the shape and size of them
*Fixed bug where Ice and Fire Caves would not load the proper selection sounds
*Fixed bug where buildings that were under construction when getting destroyed showed a frame of completion
*Fixed bug where buildings would not collapse if not on screen when they got destroyed off screen
*Fixed bug where having more than 1000 hit points would incorrectly display mana points of +1000 too
*Fixed bug where the hero's corpse would stop defeat activation
*Fixed bug where item chests could be placed on impassable terrain
*Fixed bug where quest completion would not be checked while a dialogue was open
*Fixed bug where failing a quest would still make the quest available at the shrine for a few seconds
*Fixed bug where the hero could convert while building
*Fixed bug where resistance affecting researches would stack match after match
*Fixed bug where stand ground attitude would target neutral buildings
*Fixed bug where the AI would sometimes cast spells before the unit getting in range
*Fixed bug where the AI couldn't reach his destination resulted in him being stuck
*Fixed bug where the AI would try to cast spells to immune units or units already affected by those spells
*Fixed bug where critical hits would not check the vertical position of affected units
*Fixed bug where critical hits would affect allied units
*Fixed bug where assassination would be triggered on critters
*Fixed bug where death by critical burn would not give credit to the inflictor
*Fixed bug where a missile launched by a now dead unit would not cause damage
*Fixed bug where stray electric bolts would not affect units hit
*Fixed bug where electric bolts would not get blocked by void terrain
*Fixed bug where barbarians would not cause damage in melee
*Fixed bug where splash damage would do extra damage to buildings
*Fixed bug where splash damage would not affect flying units if the inflictor was tagged to do so
*Fixed bug where ranged units would not hit towers under construction
*Fixed bug where units from towers would get affected by splash damage
*Fixed bug where lair bosses would get affected by splash damage
*Fixed bug where the campaign options screen would cause a crash
*Fixed bug where ordering an attack on a hidden unit (fog of war) would not break the order
*Fixed Feast of Garok and Scavenge occasionally not getting resources from corpses/rubble
*Fixed bug where boats would be produced on land
*Fixed bug where Ice Guards would appear in the retinue
*Fixed bug in chapter 1 not showing crown reward properly
*Fixed bug where unseen locations would be marked as seen after recruiting companions on the world map
*Fixed bug where unseen locations would be marked as seen after finishing an event on the world map
*Fixed bug where loading screen would sometimes load inexistent item
*Fixed bug where negative mana would cause graphical glitches in the control panel
*Fixed bug where hot and pointy attack type would improperly display as piercing in the help box
*Tutorial Bugs fixed
*Fixed bug where titan music was not being played when allies were producing them
*Fixed mislabeled Summoner’s spell
*Fixed bug where Mage King skill would not work properly
*Fixed bug where AI would stack up on Eagles and do nothing with them
*Fixed bug where buildings would not auto-target other buildings for attack
*Fixed bug where morphed units would not retain the old army’s attitude
*Fixed bug where Ironman mode will delete the hero even if he/she survived the battle

Post comment Comments
tyronebiggum7 - - 24 comments

Any chance you could make a custom patch for the base game that fixes the Item limit so that the base game can use kharn's item pack?

Would it be possible to add the other fixes to such a patch?

*Fixed bug where units were not being produced in late late game
*Increased army memory limit to 10000 (was 5000) - fixes crash/bug in late game and allows more units to be added in the editor
*Increased building memory limit to 10000 (was 2500) - fixes crash/bug in late game and allows more buildings to be added in the editor
*Increased feature memory limit to 10000 (was 5000) - fixes random huge map bug and allows more features to be added in the editor
*Increased item memory limit to 10000 (was 1000) - fixes crash/bug in chest-heavy game and allows more chests to be added in the editor

I like your mod but sometimes I just want to play the regular game without worrying about crashes.

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Patrick_Winekiller Author
Patrick_Winekiller - - 739 comments

I am definitely opened to anyone who wishes to mod the original game.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 694,342 comments

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Guest - - 694,342 comments

This mod is great, but the old WBIII campaign is severely bugged.
I tried several times, but I can't get past the first mission because the game doesn't recognize the end of the quest (after talking with the dying elf).

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ZeTo49 - - 402 comments

it was fixed for 0.8.6. Just press enter, type "Iamawinner" and press enter again.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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