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Adventure Let Free is a game being created and published by Me [Cole William] CEO of Flagship Studios, the game will give the player and user a vast feel of a free open world game where they can listen to birds, wind, and just enjoy life in a simulated world. This game has yet to be released and we are trying to keep a story line short until we give a Beta Release! --Please understand this Site Administration--

Add job Report Voice Acting at Flagship Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Web/Other located USA Ideal, Britain, Australia.

Posted by Flagship-studios.net on

((NOTICE CHANGE 11/10/2013))
We are only looking for GIRL Voice actors now.

- Decent Microphone
- Fluent English [Unless from UK/AUS]
- Acting Skills [I.e Be able to act as you're crying and so on]
- Access to a Phone / Skype 24/7
- Must be able to give a LIVE example when asked

----What yo will be doing----
You will be a Voice Actor saying lines and giving speeches for the IN-GAME characters of Adventures Let Free

We don't have much because we love to allow our employees to be who they want to be as long as it doesn't interfere with others working or causing physical harm, example if someone ask you to stop please just simply stop...

The payment information is on our site - Flagship-studios.net

To Apply

Send your Resume/Demo to apply@flagship-studios.net