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This is a single player experience for all terminator fans using the unreal engine III by Epic Games. set in the year 2029 you are placed in the boots a of soldier serving for humankind against the ruthless army of machines. The final campaign will feature nine chapters of a roller coaster ride, inspired by James Cameron's masterpiece franchise. Confront the many killing machines at skynet's disposal including the HK aerial, the HK tank, the mini HK, and the legendary T800 with an arsenal of futuristic plasma weapons. game by Kevin M. Bryant. custom content by Kevin M. Bryant. custom audio by Ben Sterry. original score by Thom Maggs. gears of war content by Epic Games. unreal technology by Epic Games. Terminator Franchise in honor to James Cameron.

Report RSS Fps Terminator Alpha v1.0 Demo Released

A playable alpha demo is available now for download to the ModDB community. I have to thank you ModDB, once again, for the support, and you have my apologies for the release being a day late. but please keep in mind that this demo, while playable, is still an early work in progress, but this will not be the only alpha demo. there will be more to come in the next few months.

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Once again, ModDB, I'm extremely thankful for the support I've been getting. I believe you guys helped me with your feedback to push what was once a little mod for a game that hardly anyone owns, to something with much greater potential. The move from a mod to Indie not dramatical increased the number of watchers, but also wouldn't be if it wasn't for Epic Games inc. releasing the Unreal Development Kit, in my opinion the most powerful toolkit for creating games in the industry, for no cost. So I have major respect for Epic.

And I'm very sorry for not being able to release the demo on time due to technical difficulties, but at the same time, I'm actually quite surprise of how patient you guys where. I was honestly expecting angry messages and comments by now. This is my first time releasing a stand alone game (finished or not), so I am still a bit noobish at stuff like this.

Now I've only tested this specific demo/installment on my machine. I'm pretty confident that it should work on your machines too. As for now there is no true system requirements, let me warn you people ahead of time that this game is not light what so ever. I'm actually quite fortunate to have a Geforce GTX 280 and an AMD phenom II cpu on my machine which runs my game great. For those who have mid-ranged hardware ((GTX 240 - 8600GTS)(dual-core cpu)), I recommend that you run the game at a 800x600 resolution. There really is no other settings for this game at the moment other than changing the resolution.

The purpose of this demo is for proof of concept. That means it's really more like a tech-demo than anything. While this is the first demo for the game, it's certainly not the last. Expect another demo for this game to be released some time in the fall. Other things you should expect from the update would be more enemy types, more weapons, and the level to be extended.


So I really hope you guys will enjoy this demo. If you are having any technical problems with it, please send me a PM, or leave a comment on the mod page.

Enjoy your summer.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 74)
Klammy - - 435 comments

I'm not sure I've ever seen an FPS that's so intense and cinematic. I can't wait to try this.

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darksx - - 59 comments

Nice job on what looks like is going to be a great mod. But I’m concerned about your weapons, there seems to be way to much weapon bob when firing especially when in zoom mode. These are plasma weapons. Basically an energy projection weapon. There would be no weapon bounce at all. These are not projectile weapons. I think you need to take a hard look at that and rethink your thoughts on it.
But this is what I’ve been waiting for in a Terminator game. Reminds me of the really old one that came out years ago, can’t recall the name of it now. But it had a lot of combat too.

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KEEP_IT_UP! - - 1,444 comments

awesome update! finally :)

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Dr.Sean - - 139 comments

Moar HUD plz

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
wbokunic - - 114 comments

Less realism? No thank you! This is a simulation for our impending robotic future war!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Marffy - - 285 comments

that would ruin this games awesomness.

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Runekn - - 91 comments

press Esc while cutscene is running then back to the game, there you got your HUD

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MrMattWebb - - 1,803 comments


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Checalov - - 63 comments

Map looks abit meh though.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Droven-mad - - 9 comments

Wow that looked epic

Great work

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MitchellS - - 1,181 comments

Holy **** thats amazing.

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Zearox - - 17 comments


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AJ_Quick - - 1,321 comments

nice special effects !

but uh...what am I supposed to do?

I got dropped into the middle of a fight against two terminators, and they seem quite resistant to my laz0rs. Doesn't seem to be any way to sneak past them either

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Narlyteeth Author
Narlyteeth - - 463 comments

you can split them in half by shooting them in the mid section.

using the G key you can throw grenades. a direct hit is an instant kill, but keep your distance.

clicking the middle mouse button will let you alt fire. for the resistance assault rifle, it will fire your grenade launcher attachment.

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formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

Looks great, but a few issues I have with it:

1. The sky isn't dark enough, it needs a lot more darkness to be more closer to Terminator 1 and 2's future- it should have a very cold look about it. (some of your earlier screenshots look spot on!)

2. Terminators textures aren't detailed enough, this is a real important thing because I should be crapping myself when I see them- at the moment they don't look scary enough due to the low resolution textures.

3. Running up behind a terminator really shouldn't be possible- they're designed to be fully aware of these attacks- so taking them down in that way doesn't make a whole lot of sense- the t-800 models especially should be a bitch to try to take down that way due to their sheer physical strength.

4. Glowing weapons are a bit "huh?" but I figure they're just placeholders.

Other than that, it looks amazing- its sad that an indie can do more justice to the franchise than Holywood and an entire army of game developers ever could- so many god awful terminator games, you're doing a great service by making this game. Keep it up.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Narlyteeth Author
Narlyteeth - - 463 comments

the sky is not too bright. this level is not even LA (location of the movies). It's a Skynet base in San Francisco. It's supposed to look more industrial with warmer colors. you might want to look at my concept art and see what the Idea is.


you are the first person who's had a problem with the terminators' textures and I say the textures are fine. I might add a tiled bump map over it for an extra layer of detail, but that is the most I'll do.

terminators are just as aware of there surroundings as the HKs. and the resistance don't seem to do too bad sneaking around them. assassination kills is just another way to "mix up the gameplay"

I agree that the weapon Icons kill the immersion a bit. And I do want to have the player to not have to play EyeSpy just to find a weapon. I'm not taking the effect out, but I will tweak it a bit.

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badMEDIA - - 17 comments

will there ever be a multiplayer version?

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formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

I think its just the dirtier ones that I'm having issues with.

assassination kills is just another way to "mix up the gameplay"

sorry but I think your game design decision is getting in the way of what makes sense. You'd have thought Kyle Reece could have just done this to the T-800 in Terminator 1.. but he didn't. Yet Kyle is supposed to be one of their best. And again I doubt skynet would allow such a weakspot to exist. (except in the 4th film where Skynet for some reason builds hybrid humans will free will.. 4th film was god awful.)

this level is not even LA (location of the movies)

I'll let that slide then.

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ElderGamer - - 131 comments

In the 4th film it's just that one guy, it's before Skynet was even Skynet. Also I think the T-800's you see on the battlefield are different than the infiltration models. Just my thoughts.

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DarkLiberator - - 155 comments

I have an ATI 5750, and an i5 3.2 GHz dual core, would it run this?

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Murdouken - - 317 comments

i5's are quad cores.

Yes you can easily run it, we have the same setup except my processor is MUCH worse (Pentium D) and I can run it at like 40 FPS.

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DarkLiberator - - 155 comments

Really? It says on the Intel page mine is a Dual core with multithreading.

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nige111 - - 177 comments

How odd, I have a 5770 and a q6600 and I'm barely pulling 30fps.

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ThatOGDon - - 231 comments

so much win

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Murdouken - - 317 comments

It's absolutely brilliant, the only problem I have is that I have to go through the loading screen every time I die. You should make like a respawn system so that when I die, I just pop back to the start.

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Narlyteeth Author
Narlyteeth - - 463 comments

There will be a checkpoint system in the future.

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vfn4i83 - - 692 comments

And plz a mouse sensitivity option. A dont now the command for UT engine I just cant play, and no one should have to play with control is just inhuman.

But Great feeling, really amazing looking game. Keep it up.

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eagleVision - - 2 comments

Excellent atmosphere. You get a 10/10 on that. Laggy controls are a problem though ^^u

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wbokunic - - 114 comments

My PC chugs playing at 1080p. That's saying a lot too. Every UDK game I've played I can max the settings at 1080p. Mind adding some settings?

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Incognito84 - - 27 comments

Really nice preview of what's to come... I'm going to be watching this game, now!

It doesn't run very well on my system... I have a pretty decent right with a GTX 275. The framerate is stable on high resolution but the mouse is very delayed (happens with Unreal Engine III games).

Any tips to make it more responsive?

Is it unresponsive more or less because it's not optimized or because it's just plain heavy?

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Narlyteeth Author
Narlyteeth - - 463 comments

don't use the latest drivers from nvidia. use 190.62

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VikingPingvin - - 18 comments

I wish from now every fps will look like this. Dude get signed :D you're awesome

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DarkLiberator - - 155 comments

Ok, played it a few times, needs some checkpoints like others have said, I like the surrounding details and the background looks nice throw in a mouse sensitivity option, and this is perfect.. I get a max frame rate of 30 even while recording using FRAPS. Its kinda scary, and I hesitate even to stick my head out form behind the wreckage because I get killed the instant I do. Keep up the fantastic work!

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--JoKeR-- - - 359 comments

after 20min of play time i died nearly 20times
im dropped from the helicopter walks some steps than see a terminator shot on him after some secs im dead
this happens offer and offer again and again
sometimes i killed one terminator but then comes another who killed me
anohter time i got killed by one of these grenades or bombs which are flying around
also the movement is not perfect at all
sometimes you cant crouch then you cant move while crouching then you got stuck by something or someone

sry but this game looks epic but plays totally ****** up and this way its not fun for me

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Dremth - - 1,400 comments

Can't wait until I can get back home so I can play this

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SPYFF - - 150 comments

Oh, no! Crash width start FPS Terminator!

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scray - - 32 comments

Im not usually one to say this kinda stuff,
but man,
I can't stop seeing Killzone 2 when I watch this trailer.

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mjMAG - - 73 comments

the weapons looks like from killzone 2

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Captain_Perfect - - 552 comments

nice!! you released the demo just on my birthday and i thank you for that because this game is very important to me and i have watched it's progress a very long time <3

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blu_magic101 - - 178 comments

how come the t 800 keep on hit ko-ing me

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Torabi - - 376 comments

Wow, good job! All I can say is that it is very intense and gave me some Killzone 2 vibes, which is great. Two things though, the difficulty feels rather steep since you can't kill the terminators (or maybe I'm just a bad shot) and the game needs a lot of optimization. But it is your first release, first of many I hope. So there is bound to be improvement in the future.

Good job!

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AngryHillbilly - - 141 comments

I have to say its looks and feels pretty stunning but there are some real game killers atm. I must of died 40 or 50 times from those random explosions flying everywhere.

It may look and feel cool and cinimatic but it is just way too confuseing atm. The map design although looks great needs to be more able to guide the player so they see where they go next while also not just being a straight path.

The camera shake after a while gets incredibly irritateing although it looks and feels cool after a while it made me feel rather nausueus.

The enemy animations need work. At the moment they are just sticks on legs. Theres not really heavy body movements. Dont forget these are solid peaces of metal. Look back to how the terminator moves in the original movies. Generaly normal walking but it has to look heavy and efforted.

The troops on the ground those guys laying against the metal slates useing cover and fireing. Very good idea but even after all the enemys are gone they just continue fireing into oblivion. Also terminators just walk on top of them as if they're not there at all. The troops need to aim for the termiators and the terminators need to aim for them which comes onto the next point of AI.

AI needs work on both sides. Termninators should come towards slowly and keep comming which is happening but at the moment they just go straight for the player. This is good and all for something to attack but if the player is going to be in this world then he/she needs to feel as if he is a part of the bigger picture. Like for example the Flying terminator should crack off a few shots at the other guys on the ground to add effect.

I hope my feedback helps you make this amazing game even more fantastic :) the very best of luck to all of you :D I shall be watching

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Narlyteeth Author
Narlyteeth - - 463 comments

I can work on most of that stuff. but I don't agree with your opinion on the terminator animations.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Avenger2150 - - 496 comments

Hmm woah, respect man !
i never seened a game so realistic before !
imagne how it would like if all fps were like this but for all types of consoles, you my good sir just made a game of epic. though now i wish i had a powerfull pc for this ...
but though really, how can you kill a terminator with your bare hands, you must be super man for that. though i bet this is how the real world would look like in the future with all the explosions and ruins, real epic man respect.

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Neon-Ghost - - 1,605 comments

No bullets? Just lasors? :(

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Narlyteeth Author
Narlyteeth - - 463 comments

if you are having really bad performance problems, and you have an Nvidia graphics card on windows vista/7, may I recommend you use the 190.62 drivers. the latest drivers have problems with the UDK.

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death5421 - - 342 comments

i doubt that would work with a laptop.

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NCC-1701 - - 439 comments

WOW, I just finished watching the 2nd Terminator movie for the first time (I know I am a but behind) and this is INCREDIBLE. I can not play it yet, but I will be able to as soon as my new system arrives. I have to disagree with the complaints people have made, by looking at the trailer I think you acheived a perfect balance of realism, accuracy to the movie, and necessary elements for gameplay (like HUD and the glowing weapons) I hate having to hunt around on the ground for weapons so I think you did an excelent Job.

btw, what 3D modelling program do you use. And how big is the team developing this?

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NuclearBanane - - 164 comments

You havn't played it yet. And the trailer only shows that it's very disorienting and a "Cluster F*** ".
Do not be hype by this as it's better as a trailer then a game. So far.

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Maxivz - - 152 comments

THis is awomse, cant wait to try it, downlading now

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