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Report Why do you pirate games?

Poll started by INtense! with 951 votes and 40 comments. Browse the poll archive.


(313 votes)I don't, I buy them!


(305 votes)To try them, but I usually buy if they are good


(47 votes)It is easier to pirate than to buy


(174 votes)They cost too much


(49 votes)Because I can


(63 votes)To avoid DRM

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INtense! Creator
INtense! - - 4,098 comments

Hearing a few stories from newly released indies that are seeing plenty of players but few sales, so clearly their game's piracy rate is high.

Really sad to pirate indie games, let alone anything - but I understand that everyone has their reasons, so I wanted to find out what is yours. I hope you were honest as to why you pirate games, so that we can help indie developers better optimize their conversion rate, as it is a hard to make a living and future game with high piracy.

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Jok3r098 - - 236 comments

by the looks of things demos could fix 39% of piracy. assuming the stats here are anything to go by

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Açaí - - 26 comments

If you look at gaming communities, including IndieDB, ModDB, GMC, etc, the stats will be closer to 53% of piracy.

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Jok3r098 - - 236 comments

yes these stats closely reflect that now that it has had some time to get some votes its now up to 51%

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plasticwrap - - 7 comments

I feel demos could go a really long way, especially in the indie gaming community. Allowing people to play a demo gives a much higher percentage of someone purchasing the game, especially if it's an indie game!

I feel people tend to pirate games more when they're triple A titles, or like how l0rdx3nu stated. He pirated SPORE for his reasons, and because it was from EA. I think people have more consideration for Indie developers, and the people making them versus the larger companies.

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Jok3r098 - - 236 comments

demos are good but i prefer the limited time ones rather than the limited feature ones, like for example minecraft (i dont like it) i thought monsters might have made it better than just meaninglessly placing blocks but i havent bought it because i dont care to be wrong and wasting my money

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Guest - - 694,407 comments

But some games such as Aliens: Colonial Marines have the demo be really good, but the game sucks

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x3nu - - 174 comments

I don't pirate indie games. I try to support the indie devs, since I'm trying to become one. It's really sad that indie games have high piracy. It's almost disgusting...

I won't lie, I have pirated a game before, namely SPORE, but that was because I didn't have an internet connection on my PC at the time, and I kinda have a grudge against EA. I would never pirate an indie game.

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Xorlathor - - 1 comments

Honestly the only way to completely stop piracy is top make all games free or to stop making games. The point here is trying to find out how to decrease it.

Unfortunately that's all I have to say about this.

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smokin0moron - - 42 comments

Australian Classification Board makes me do it!!! i don't wanna!! *cries*
But never would i pirate an indie game!

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Khameli - - 130 comments

never download any indie or small companys game, i think how would i feel if some1 would do that to me....

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Quadraxas - - 73 comments

avoiding DRM is not a valid excuse for pirating games. I buy games then use no-cd exes for avoiding DRM without pirating the game.

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anonymousjim - - 29 comments

People pirate a lot especially if they live in countries where the price of games is outrageously high (in Kenya, I've seen psp games over £100) In fact, in some countries you can't buy some games at all. I know you're all going to say that you can download them legally but, speaking for myself, steam is a real pain and credit card transactions online are difficult with a weedy internet connection so half the time you end up paying for the game twice.

But also, I think a major cause is that people want to get round the age rating, I know several people who pirate because they can't legally buy the game at their age

The above reasons aren't about indie games though. I never even knew that people do pirate indie games until I saw this poll

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Joe_Shmoe - - 304 comments

Piracy gets worse the more crap they use to prevent it, especially on the PC... The reason why most games are going forth on console and PC gets crappy ports lol... all though not bullet proof since people tend to "share" or resell the games for second hand, the best solution is to just accept it and make the best of it.

Piracy is like a cancer killing the gaming industry, so if you were to find out you have cancer, what would you do? waste your time looking for a cure, spending money on the most expesive treatments that buy that little more time, to look for more promises? Or just accept it, and make the best of the time you have left?

Stop worrying about it, stop trying to stop it, because nothing you do will change reality! So if gaming really is about a passion, it should be a hobby, don't depend on it, just do your best because you love to do it, there will be people that will appreciate it, and there will be people that will pirate it... Fact is those pirating it, would not have bought the game anyway even if there was a foolproof anti-piracy protection system in place, in fact they probably would have a different hobby than playing games.

So the real solutions for indies are, accept that piracy will still be there, don't implement any funny DRM that will frustrate your loyal supporters, ensure to release more practical and functional media like demo's. And for those Pirating your game, look on the bright side, more fans reflect popularity, and if anyone really is interested in contributing, perhaps a donate button in the game linked to your site for paying a donation would be fair from the people pirating, atleast you get something if anything =)

Perhaps a good approach is getting more personal with the public, like what "overgrowth" is doing, this creates a bond between dev and public, and I think with this approach, people are more likely to buy the game? Guess we will have to wait and see how they do =]

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Jok3r098 - - 236 comments

the cancer analogy doesnt work because i would look for the cure and false hopes xP

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Desiderium - - 160 comments

Pirating is... practically like stealing. I honesty don't see a difference. Seriously, think about it. A game is a product, right? A product of hard work. Making games is not easy, making good games is even harder. It takes time, from months to years.

Building a new car takes time, building a good car is hard too. Takes months to years from concept to final setup.

Now if someone would just walk in and take the cars from you, how different is that from taking games away with no compensation to the developer?

Or any other product, really.

It's pathetic that people consider games less of a product, yet they are so attached to them that they can't stop gaming. Sad.

What's even more sad, that a lot of people that pirate don't even realize they are ruining the possibility of someone to live, to build a family, to continue making great games...

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AlienBaboso - - 1 comments

I only "pirate" games I already own, or pretty rare games otherwise impossible to find. I actually have bought several games and haven't played them yet due to lack of time.

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micky123 - - 3,581 comments

Same, if i already own the game but the disks go corrupt etc, then i'll download them, the only other reason why i'd "pirate" a game is to test first to see if it's worth the money and to see if it would work with my current hardware specifications. It's occured plenty of times where I've bought a game and it doesn't run on my computer or it hasn't been worth it.

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Magrathean - - 87 comments

With Incognito Episodes we let people play half of each episode as shareware and give away the full version. Serial number unlocks to full version. Using this method we have actually had decent conversion rates - sure there is piracy we can see it on the server logs plain as day.

Full version as a demo basically, if you don't like what you see then just uninstall it and move on. If you like it can pick up where you left off without having to start a new game and can activate each key 10 times on Windows or Mac it doesn't matter.

My point if anything is that DRM is used to prevent casual copying and nothing more. We even have plans to remove it when we are finished with the game and release the "final patch" so to speak. Pirates have money to - give them a chance to spend it. The people who are never going to pay never will anyway so don't lose sleep over it.

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TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

Pirating an Indie is just sad. It's like paying 1 dollar for the Humble Indie Bundles. Someone doing that doesn't give a crap about devs.

Speaking further -- I agree demos should be expanded. Heavenly Sword's demo is shorter than the time it takes me to heat something in a toaster oven. Some demos are very good examples of how to give someone a taste of the game, however (specifically: InFamous, Vanquish Challenge Mode, Lego Star Wars III, Mass Effect 2, Age of Empires III).

Frankly, I intend to make more than one demo for my game.

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Noksoil - - 1 comments

I live in Brazil and buy a game is not that think... we have a "bit" high taxes, that make games unbuyable. A game that cost $49, in brasil cost about 4 times it. We have 160% of tax (yes 160%). Do the math, very expensive.

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x3nu - - 174 comments

Holy hell, man!!! How do you even live with that kinda tax?

In that situation, I just wouldn't mess with Indie games... I would just pirate AAA games, if I resorted to pirating at all.

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7Soul - - 21 comments

In fact we have 200% taxes on games in Brazil. I used to pirate a lot of games, but now that I discovered Steam I buy games there. But I still pirate games if they are AAA titles because I don't have money for those

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IvanDSM - - 20 comments

Games here in Brazil commonly have a ~R$180 price for Consoles (around 90 dollars) for a game that in the US costed for example, 39,99 dollars.

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dafishanator - - 560 comments

It's easier.

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xJavontax - - 4 comments

Most of the time I buy my games. On the seldom occasion that I do pirate a game, it's because I'm a poor student and I like to see if it's worth the cost to buy it now or get it later when it goes down in price. Sometimes, it's because it's an extremely old game and finding it is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

I think the last indie game I pirated was Terraria. And that was a year ago. I liked the game so much that I bought it right away from Steam.

Also, Steam is what PREVENTS me from pirating. It's seriously so convienient to have ALL of my games in one place, with information about the game, a nice banner to go along with it, and the amount of playtime I put into a game. The ability to download something again if I need to at no extra charge is nice too. And with the constant sales Steam has on everything, pirating is something that shouldn't really have to be done unless buying said game is still a gamble.

Too much effort goes into pirating games too. You have to download it from some sketchy site, search ALL over the place for a stupid crack to run it, and then mount the disc so it thinks you have a physical disc in the drive. It's just too much, it's worth it to buy it just so you don't have to go through all that trouble. Doing all that is worse than dealing with DRM itself.

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wigumen - - 10 comments

I don't pirate games but if its heavy DRM i usually crack them.

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gigimoi - - 56 comments

I run linux, I like to test if WINE will run the game if it's PC only.

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TapSkill - - 7 comments

I think kids pirate games because their parents won't buy the games they want. They become sneaky and get all those games they secretly want... like Barbie Horse Adventure.

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joannagatt5 - - 1 comments

I only buy those games which multiplayer I cannot get access to otherwise, like Battlefield 3 for example. Apart from that I pirate everything, I'd rather spend my money on actual things I can use like clothes or food then giving my money away. It's ok though you guys can cover for me, that's my motto, Don't worry there are always people who will take morality into consideration.

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Guest - - 694,407 comments

I think a legit reason to pirate something would be to see if it would run on your computer, like say you want to play BioShock Infinite, so you buy it but then you find out it runs on your computer for about 3 fps there is no worse feeling, trust me i know.
Or, if you own the game on another console and one of your friends has it on a different console such as PC you've already paid for the game, you shouldn't have to pay more just to play with a few of your friends

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