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RSS Reviews


Early access game review

10/10 for sure! It had so much and it has even more right now! This game is just an evolution of Terraria, I like Terraria a lot, but this one, oh baby, i enjoy playing this one much more. Totally recommended by the way!



Game review

Oh no! a 3/10! Cry cry ;-; But now seriouslly, why am I rating 3/10? It is quite simple to be honest, to many focussing on older players already, there is nothing that may help newbies. Also, not to refer that they broke the game, since.. that update from march 2016, Epic Loot was the name, since then, the game wasn't Robocraft but something else, something very different from before, it would be nice if FJ decides to do a seperated game without any updates to make called Robocraft Legacy or something, here it will be the real Robocraft, how it was before, the real game, not like now that everything is AI assist.. Oh wells, do what innit? Another hopeless game.. it had so much to remain with nothing.