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I'm now in the indie games developper's world and I ambitiously want to publish my first video game project (on every platform). -My current video game project is named “SunQuake”, it will be both Third Person & First Person Shooter with the ability to switch views. Fantastic explosions, sci-fi looking maps, modern weapons and an innovating gameplay for mobile devices! -The project is at very early stage right now but will be up to beta stage very soon. To be released early 2013 on android play, PC (Desura), IOS. Visit game's/my website at www.ballue-3d.com -I work alone, but I believe I'm enough talented and motivated to make the dream of being a well known indie game developer come true. I believe it's possible for me to make it, as every tool, service and platform needed are accessible for me, now. - Cheers -

Comment History
ballue3d - - 6 comments @ Driving Speed Pro

This game is Beautiful. I'm gonna be your challenger because I'm thinking about programming a racing game like yours! :-)

Good karma+2 votes
ballue3d - - 6 comments @ With your project, are you self motivated from start to finish?

apparently no... I'm not self motivated any longer now! I don't know what do to...

Good karma+2 votes
ballue3d - - 6 comments @ How long has your project run?

Hi everyone ! my project ("The sharpshooter 3D" or "Tireur D'élite 3D" in french) is paused ! I don't feel like programming and don't feel like 'game making' at the moment... it's sad because I'm alone and nobody else will do the work! Lack of motivation and interest... there is still a chance that I will finish this project one day or another. yeah I'm gonna make it, we gonna make it ! we gotta make it ! we gonna make it ! :-)
-How long has your project run?
-less than 2 years, I've started June 2009.
-What are the things to do ?
-the lighting system, and to create several game levels, enough to get a good "lasting appeal".

Good karma+1 vote
ballue3d - - 6 comments @ Bloom update is live!

Nice ! very nice !

Good karma+2 votes
ballue3d - - 6 comments @ Prototype RELEASED

this is beautiful, really ! I like this !

Good karma+1 vote
ballue3d - - 6 comments @ Fray: Birth of a concept

this is beautiful !

Good karma+1 vote