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Dead never die out

ColdDemon Blog

Back in business.
I don't know why, but suddenly I felt like modding again and I brought the RotS-Mod for CoH back to life.

Let's see what future will bring, maybe i will start other projects for RTS-games or even other games.
I don't know any direction I will go with new projects, so I am excited myself.
Whatever it will be, you'll be the first to read it here!

End of an era!

ColdDemon Blog

The time for me working on CoH:OF is over. This era has to end, due to new projects in the future.
I hope may people enjoyed watching the progress of the RotS-Mod.

Now i think it is time to say this:
Feel free to tanke my work and mod on with it if you want. But be sure to give me credit for what i have done.

But don't be sad, a new era will come. I will start to work on CoH:ToV as soon as possible.

Preparing for W.A.R.

ColdDemon Blog

Warhammer Online is about to be released in 2 weeks and the Pre-Order Key is already on my desk.
Whoever is about to play it can PM me.
If i don't change my mind, the Black Guard of the Darkelves will be my Choice.

Now you may think "where is the connection to ModDB? why is he telling this?".
I tell it because MMORPG always take much time away and I hope it won't disturb my modding-progress that extreme.

And this is for all of you who support me and my mod:

It is you who make me feel responsible for players out there who are in search for new gaming experiences.

Modding and me!

ColdDemon Blog

Seen my first Mod getting more appreciation then I thought when I started my mind starts to think about many new ideas for mods.

First I will put all my attitude into finishing the RotS - Mod.

But what will come next? What will it be, strategy again or should i switch the game or..............
Too many things, too many thoughts, let's see what modding will bring for me!


ColdDemon Blog

Tommorow will be the first day of a 3 week holiday for me.
That means much time to work on my current mod.

The comming weekend I will be at the Wacken Open Air and the wekend after that there is the PartySan Open Air, both located in Germany for those who don't know.
So there will be no news, no images, no releases at this time.
