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Addicted to making games. It's only a problem when I run out of games to make...

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Demo Update

Demo Update


An update that fixes player reporting in the online lobby, fixes some localization issues, and some UI alignment issues.

New Demo Released!

New Demo Released!


A new demo for CounterAttack: Uprising has been released!

Upcoming Update 1.1.5

Upcoming Update 1.1.5


Update v1.1.5 has been in development for a while and is getting close! A new demo will be released at the same time.

CounterAttack: Uprising releases on the Epic Games Store!

CounterAttack: Uprising releases on the Epic Games Store!


Today CounterAttack: Uprising releases on the Epic Games Store! It coincides with update 1.1.4 which brings fixes and improvements

Epic Games Store Release Date Set

Epic Games Store Release Date Set


CounterAttack: Uprising will release on Epic Games Store Jan 11th, 2024.

Update 1.1.4 and other news

Update 1.1.4 and other news


Update 1.1.4 will release soon! It brings fixes, balance changes, and several improvements. Also, CounterAttack is also coming to the Epic Games Store!

CounterAttack: Uprising is available now on Nintendo Switch!

CounterAttack: Uprising is available now on Nintendo Switch!


CounterAttack: Uprising is available on Nintendo Switch! The free Uprising update is also live on Xbox One and Steam. With continued support for cross-platform...

Long time, no update!

Long time, no update!


I haven't posted an update here in years, it's time!

Preparing for Release

Preparing for Release

CounterAttack 1 comment

Custom Levels, 300+ Attachments, new Ship models. CounterAttack has come a long way.

New Trailer, Updated Website

New Trailer, Updated Website


Lots of new stuff in CounterAttack with the latest update. Multicrew ships, 4 player local coop, 8 player online. Over 200 attachments now, and more coming...

New Attachments, New Levels

New Attachments, New Levels


Lots of new attachments lead to cool weapon combinations. A new level keeps things interesting.

New Levels, new Trailer!

New Levels, new Trailer!

CounterAttack 1 comment

Three new levels, tons of new attachments, and a brand new trailer!

Progress Update - More Players

Progress Update - More Players


CounterAttack has been on Early access for almost two months now. There are lots of high scores, Steam cards are available, and tons of feedback!

Early Access

Early Access


CounterAttack is launching very soon, Steam Early Access has come! It's been a long road, and there is still a lot to do, but we're excited to be here.

Progress Update: Coming Soon

Progress Update: Coming Soon


Since CounterAttack has been greenlit on Steam we have been focusing on getting everything ready for launch. Adding a few more attachments, cleaning up...

CounterAttack has been greenlit!

CounterAttack has been greenlit!


On February 25th, 2016, CounterAttack was greenlit on Steam! Now we just have to finish and ship the game! We'll try not to let all this (digital) paperwork...

Progress Update: Reviews and tweaks

Progress Update: Reviews and tweaks


Good reviews, bad reviews, and development marches on. Feedback is definitely always welcome. Knowing what people like and dislike go a long way to improving...

Progress Update: Greenlight Top 100 and a Demo

Progress Update: Greenlight Top 100 and a Demo


CounterAttack is in the Greenlight top 100! Also, a new character General Weise, new attachments, and juicy enhancements.

Progress Update: Unlocks

Progress Update: Unlocks

CounterAttack 1 comment

The Greenlight marches on towards the top 100. In the meantime we've added new attachments and weapons, updated some levels, improved the bosses, and...

Progress Update

Progress Update


Progress on CounterAttack is coming along. New feature; attachments! Powerful permanent upgrades that can be unlocked by beating various levels. Also...

Development Update

Development Update


In this week's update will go over the improved explosions I have added, planned updates, and speculation on the future of CounterAttack.

CounterAttack is on Greenlight!

CounterAttack is on Greenlight!


After more than a year of development CounterAttack is on Steam Greenlight!

Graphics update

Graphics update


A new trailer showcasing the enhanced graphics and game play in the latest version.