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I am a Source Mapper, Working on several projects including a mod called "Freedom". I will post pictures of my progress on here. I am the leader of the 'Lost Star Studios' company, Please visit and comment!

Comment History
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ The Closure

Leon I've been playing your mod for the past two days, and I am amazed! Some scenes are truly breath-taking and I can definitely see and tell how much hard work and time was put into this. I LOVE it. I've never been so excited about a mod, but this was definitely worth the wait.

Thank you so much for this masterpiece, this beautiful piece of art that you have released to the public. You need to work for Valve!

Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Episode 3 RELEASED

Hell yeah! Congrats dude! Thank you for all your work Leon!

Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Random Quest II

I'm tracking, I loved the idea and overall gameplay of the first Random Quest and I'd love to see this. I'm hoping this mod isn't dead

Good karma+4 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ The Closure

This will be a huge release! I think I speak for everyone when I say we're excited to see the mod and appreciate all your work! You're definitely my favorite HL2 modder because of the quality of your work and I will wait as long as I need to for this mod to be released because I know that no one will be disappointed.

Keep up the good work Leon!

Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ The Faggot

You really are putting way too much interest into this mod kid. If his old title offends you, then I don't know what to tell ya bud, (besides BIG DEAL) but you're a ******* idiot if you let a mod offend you.

Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ The Closure

I've always been a huge fan of your work SPY. Keep it up! Can't wait to see this finally released.

Good karma+1 vote
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ The Faggot

Aye bruh where this mod at? I wanna play it. Don't let these people get you down, keep up the work!

Good karma-1 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Air Control

You spelled best wrong.

Best piece of crap* :^)

Good karma+1 vote
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ The Citizen Returns

Amazing mods, the whole series is beautifully amazing. Great job guys.

Good karma+1 vote
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ "Freedom" The escape from City 16

City 16 is a near distance from City 17 and the pre-war culture and architecture is almost the same. The story is of a young citizen who was living with his friend 'Daniel' (A resistance member). Daniel wakes you up and hurries you out of the apartment during a Combine raid and you confusingly stumble outside, Some of Daniel's friends find and escort you to set you on way to escape the city.

Feel free to check out our "Videos" tab, And watch the recording of the first map of the chapter, of course there are still animations and custom voice/faceposing to be added, but notice the enviorment.

The whole story will be narrated by the player, Who is telling the game as it happens like a story.

The setting and city look similar to City 17 due to me wanting to keep the original "True to Hal-Life" feeling, But with a different location and story.


Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Obsidian Conflict

Some of the greatest fun I've had on a HL2 mod was on Obsidian Conflict, It stays alive and people are always on, Keep it going!

Good karma+3 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Coastline to Atmosphere

I love the extensive gameplay that is usually put into your mods, I can see that you put a lot of your time and effort into the mods your develop, And I think I speak for everyone when I say that we apppreciate it!

Wish you luck in your next mod, I know it will be good!

Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Joutomaa

I would like to see the same great mapping continued, Along with some more 'unique-ness' such as more interaction with resistance outposts, More levels that show the history,development and hardships people have gone through outside of this city.

In all, I love and mod and rated it 10/10, I map for Garry's Mod on the Hammer Editor, I tried out making a mod and figured out it is a lot harder than you think. D:, So I realize the great work you've put into this.


Good karma+2 votes
DoctorNuka - - 14 comments @ Random Quest

I was astounded by the way this mod was created, The maps were uniquely built, And as a mapper myself I would love to praise your work. The story is well-made, And it leaves me wanting more! Good luck on the next version mates.

Good karma+4 votes