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Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ TiberiumSoul

Rest in peace TiberiumSoul, you will be missed greatly :(

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Hybrid TC

Are you still working on this? Because a DuckStation fork has just released a feature allowing users to take 3D screenshots of map geometry or 3d models. This would allow you to rip the game's enemies if you weren't able to do so before.

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Romanov's Vengeance

Also, even after being upgraded, Harriers will not automatically attack other aircraft, only ground units (after changing the stance, of course). They will only attack aircraft if specifically ordered to do so. Not sure if this can be fixed at the mod level, but it'd be a good change.

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Romanov's Vengeance

Really pleased with how you have been developing this mod so far! It is very fun to play and feels satisfying. I do have a few minor complaints but I think they are related to the OpenRA engine itself rather than the mod, for example aircraft being slightly finicky in their behavior (sometimes they don't reload unless explicitly ordered), but really, this is great fun and I'm looking forward to playing more of it.

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Command & Conquer - Combined Arms

This mod feels really great to play with all the latest updates and new units it has. But if I may make one request, is there a possibility of reducing the extent in which the AI cheats for money? I can understand that for the hardest difficulties, but it feels very unfair on normal, easy and even hard that it does this... That is the only criticism I have of the mod, otherwise, stellar work.

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ DOOM 64 CE 3.9.0 (Full Download)

Great job with this update, I am very happy you are continuing to support Doom CE :)

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Anonymous Var X

This looks very impressive and ambitious... best of luck!

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ WGMEGA v6.2

Thanks WG for your stellar mapping output of recent years!

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Quake 2 Re-Release - N64 SP Map Jam

Congratulations on the release! I sincerely hope this is the first of many Q2 SP mapping jams to come!

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Scattered Evil

Is this for the original Vavoom source port or for a fork of it?

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Corruption Cards

"A load of others" what others?

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Rubicon

Hey Crimson! I just saw this, good to see you still hacking away at TS modding after so long! I look forward to trying this one in the future. :)

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Hybrid TC

Very nice! How did you manage to extract the assets? Are you also going to use the 3D model enemies?

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Space Tales

Have you played this old RTS game called Space Clash? It seems to have some similar ideas. There's a YouTube LP of it if you want to check it out.

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ OpenE2140

That is a lofty and ambitious goal, considering how many missions E2140 has (I believe it's over 100?). I wish you the best of luck in it!

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Annie

So, how's the project coming along? :) I have been a fan of this since the 2006 DoomWadStation demo, and I would love to get to play the complete version one day...

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Developer Blog #7, 2023 Plans!

Welcome back! Looking forward to the campaign, I hope it'll be well balanced and feature plenty of base building. Best of luck! :)

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Retro Generals

This looks amazing! I've really wanted a project like this for the longest time. Do you plan to port over all civilian buildings from the original game? Those added a ton of charm to Generals and it would be amazing to see some of them shine in RA2, like those chemical factories or satellite stations.

Either way, best of luck! I will be sure to play this once it's out.

Good karma-1 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Retro Generals Navy!

I take it these won't be able to move, either way? Looks great regardless.

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ OpenE2140

Will this have a single player AI?

Good karma+3 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Redeem Your Space - Re-translation

Thanks very much for this! I didn't even know this mod existed until now. Perhaps this should be uploaded to unrealarchives?

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Shattered Paradise

Is there a changelog available for February's release?

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ HYDRA

Hey, this is pretty cool and unique looking! I wasn't aware of it at all, I wish you'd posted about it on the DW forums or something to bring more awareness to it.

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Fate: A Doom Total Conversion

Looking forward to it :)

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Rise of the East

Hopefully all the technical problems that people reported will be fixed soon, as this mod is quite good but the technical problems right now hold it back.

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Phobos v0.3 - Pre-release and PSA

Amazing job on this update. I was wondering, are there any plans to make it so that more than two bridge visual types are possible under RA2? Or is that far too hardcoded?

Good karma0 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Romanov's Vengeance

Fair enough, thanks for the explanation.

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Realm of Shadows

Glad to hear the demo is on its way :)

Good karma+1 vote
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Romanov's Vengeance

Hey, is there any chance you could add the non-soviet flags for Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia? I think they could be cool for custom maps. Also for the central asian states, if possible.

Good karma+2 votes
Dynamo128 - - 982 comments @ Naval Rework Playtest

Looks great!

Good karma+2 votes