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Hey guys, a little bit about me, I'm a fan of fps games and the halflife community. I currently attend Gorgetown Highschool in Georgetown Texas. I have always been interested in how First Person Shooters are made, especially the mapping and world design. Now im as green as they get (I've dabled a bit in the tourqe engine, big mistake I dont suggest even thinking about it, but other than that have no experience whatsoever in game design) and all I have is; source sdk base, an extreamly crappy computer that runs at a snails pace, a mind full of ideas, and the enthusiasm to make a great game. Any help or tips for someone just starting out would be greatly appreciated.

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Trouble with Hammer

FishnChips Blog

Im having difficulty with hammer editor the wire map does not apper in any of the 4 "windows" so i cant make a block or do anything. Also my hl2 isnt working properly, probably because of all the custom skins i have for it. i dont want to get rid of them but thats what it looks like ill have to do.