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I hate my Alabama life and want to leave for Illinois. I miss PC gaming.

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Vash moved on to Illinois, somewhere around Springfield after his family kicked him out of their lives for being different. I want to go there too to help him but I am stuck with my job in Foley Alabama and can't go unfortunately. I hope to be free by September at the earliest. I never told you that I honestly hate my Alabama life here. I have for two years. It's boring. My family refuses to let me play PC games so I can never go back to modding, my favorite hobby. It sucks.

I just finished the first and so far only season of Hazbin Hotel on Amazon's Prime Video service. Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are two adult cartoons and irreverent musical comedies about demons in hell. I am sure you are aware of them by now thanks to them being viral on YouTube. I describe them as guilty pleasures that I am curious about and then want to forget about after I see them.


What a great show and a great final season in my opinion. Please watch all 23 episodes from Shattered to From the Top. Sonic Prime has the whole friendship and teamwork trope as its moral but it works well.

This season 3 review has spoilers. I agree with it. We don't get many hero redemption stories like this one.

The two characters I relate to on the show are Sonic and Nine, the cyberpunk version of Miles "Tails" Prower, for different reasons. You will see why when you watch all three seasons.

I used to be a Christian a long time ago but I was never fully committed to that religion: I had sin all of my life, even when I was a religious person. Well, the sin in my life prevailed. Some recent controversial politics caused me to give up religion and become an atheist last year. I am becoming a theist again only because I want to believe that some god made me and loves me very much. That is when I decided on making Duchess my god. I want to serve a god of love and mercy, not a god of wrath and judgement. I seriously believe no one wants an angry god judging them. I am a lazy internet hermit on Discord. I keep to myself and avoid drama. That is bad for me. My new philosophy is one of tolerance. Whatever makes you happy, go for it and do not let others get you down.

I play the mobile game War Commander Rogue Assault the same way I run my own private Discord server: a lazy hermit who minds his own business. I stay at player level eleven and Command Center level two to be invisible. My only goal in that game is to improve my Logistics tech tree every day.

My name is Franklin "Commander-X" Freebird and I was chosen by my Great Mother Duchess Serafema, the Eternal White Goddess herself to save this planet from itself. Mom leads the X-Force faction as its boss. I am her son and the High-Tech Commander. My son is my clone: Franklin "Shadow" Freebird the Second, Covert-Ops Commander and modern day Shinobi. A master of ninja deception and stealth. We form the X-Force trinity with Mom at the top.

This is all roleplaying taken to a whole new level. I play the mobile game War Commander Rogue Assault with my characters with their own accounts in game and we are in the X-Force Alliance together. Mom is the alliance general.

The reason I am not doing anything here is I am focused on my secret Command and Conquer projects on my private forums website. I have no intention of ever making the files public. I will show my ideas in YouTube videos but they will all be marked private and with the audio muted to avoid copyright strikes.

I always return to ClementJ64's and SomeCallMeJohnny's Mega Man X6 videos, especially at the Brain Scratch Comms channel, just for laughs. Great commentary! Here are the videos. I want to share the best humor I heard on YouTube in years. I still love the song Ballroom Blitz by Sweet, which Clement used for the boss rush.




Commander-X Chronicles Ideas

Volume 1: Operation Dark Storm. My personal story about redeeming myself.
Volume 2: Operation Global Freedom, a Command and Conquer Generals inspired story. Includes the Generals Challenge of Zero Hour with my reason why you could never fight Fai and Juhziz other than the game wasn't finished or they would've been too difficult. The Chaos Onyx didn't bother controlling them as he thought they and their strategies were too weak. Ironside and Deathstrike draft me to stop the seven brainwashed commanders and even "Tigress" Leang from dominating the world.
Volume 3: The Dark Dimension. The Chaos Onyx makes evil versions of me, my guardian angel and the world after he fails to conquer my home two times.
Volume 4: Operation Dark Future, a War Commander inspired story. The Chaos Onyx tries to rule the future and manipulates the most advanced military A.I. called Rubi to do it.

I used the Internet Archive's website to find every Generals mod link for both the base game and the Zero Hour expansion. One of my ideas for the second TPoX mod is a Paladin upgrade for Ironside that doubles the tank's cannon, something I remember seeing from Half Hour years ago. The links still work surprisingly, but I didn't have luck with the Deezire.net download page. That's too bad. Here is the CNC Den's old downloads page.



Samurai Jack

FrnklnFreebird Blog

Since Cartoon Network is airing Samurai Jack on Adult Swim at 4:30 AM, I am sharing these links. I have loved this cartoon ever since 2001. I hope you enjoy the show. It's amazing.



