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MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ MaxPV1981


Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ MaxPV1981

В ВК глянь группу, легко ищется.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality

You can take ANY tutorial on how to install BF2 mods :)

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality

Some gameplay videos:

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality

There are two clicks to links, through the vk page.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality

I think torrent files + OneDrive links is enough for most of users.
And please, don't try to download it from other sources.
God knows what is in archives.

Good karma+3 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality

I don't know what is it.
Take a time to read the info at the top of this page.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality

Why? Just download and play :)

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod 4.0

Hundreds and thousands of units in campaign - is it normal?

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it.
Unfortunately, it shall be removed from moddb soon due to PR team complain, so anyone who interested will be able to find the mod and latest updates at my vk page: Vk.com

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality 4.7

Read all the essential info.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality 4.7

Hi, it is the very large maps with many vehicles, so it is not recommended to run it locally.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality 4.7

If you're new with BF2, read how to run mods for it.
Or use the Play_FullScreen.bat file in the mod root folder.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

"How can I use mortars / MLRS, etc, effectively?"
Unfortunately, there is still no proper aiming system for indirect mode in BF2 mods at all. In A2R such artillery systems are used only by AI, as they ignore the HUD and use their own fire predictors.
Also you can find more complex system for long range artillery at Kashan Desert map (BM-21), but it is still unusable for human players.

By default you can't get into such vehicles, except for Taraba Quarry map, where you can play both sides.
AI uses it well, of course.

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ Secure 4gb patch for Windows

You need to add the information that it is for 1.4 version only. For 1.5 it does nothing.

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality 4.7

About the maps - read the FAQ first.
If you installed the old mappack, you can have serious problems with the game.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Hi, you can't "run" it, it is the mod for BF2, so refer to BF2 itself.

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

"Why the hell would you write something in Albanian language"
There are some memes about Albanian language in russian folklore :)

Good karma+3 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality 4.7

Read the FAQ.

What do you mean under "I download another type of map"?

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ Omaha Beach

Oh, glad to see my bots become popular :)

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Hi, it means the server files are different for server and clients. You need to synchronize it.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Вы можете даже к моему логин-серверу подключиться, используя перенаправление портов - инстркукция есть в дискорде, и в теме в вк. У меня тоже все анлоки открыты.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Если у сервера есть работающая БД - то да. Но надо понимать, что всё это чисто на любительских началах.
Я вообще анлокер закинул для тех, кто играет в одиночку, но сам давно не проверял - у меня собственный логин-эмулятор.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Привет, анлокер же перенаправляет запросы на другой сервер.
И когда ты пытаешься залогиниться, он логинится именно на сервере, указанном в exe.

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Your AI template for vehicle is missed. AI templates names are different from vanilla BF2.

Good karma+2 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ revamped kit

Players wouldn't see any changes for blocked factions :)
On this map only Syria side is available.
So there is no reason to install it for them, and we don't need to confuse them with unavailable options.
BTW, M240 with iron sights is about to be replaced soon.

"- Installation:"
This is the wrong way.
Players shouldn't change the existing archives.
You need to make your own zip, and mount it in the ClientArchives.con/ServerArchives.con appropriately.

Good karma0 votes
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality [Battlefield 2 coop mod]

Never seen such error. Maybe you're using non-english version?
Did the files unpacked correctly? Did you checked the md5?

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AI-controlled suicide drone

It is a chinese copy :)
To be serious, I found absolutely nothing while searching for modern drones models for BF2. Only quadrocopters and analogues, but I still have no idea how to make AI to drop mini-bombs from it. Maybe triggerable projectile, but it needs much tests without any guarantees.

Good karma+1 vote
MaxPV1981 - - 214 comments @ AIX2 Reality 4.7

"Удалил старый мод (пропатченный до последней версии, не помню точную)"
Привет, а зачем? В комментариях я же писал, что последний патч - как раз версии 4.7. Т.е. приводит игру к текущему опубликованному релизу. Ну разве что в новом релизе удалил некоторый мусор. Основная цель - уменьшить размер патча, который разъелся до гигабайта.

"Теперь получаю ошибки типа "memory sanity check error"
По поводу этой ошибки писал в FAQ. Очень странное поведени движка, потому что у меня на двух компах (1060) всё отлично, на третьем (тоже nvidia, но GTX950) ошибка выскакивает один раз при формировании кэша, и после не появляется. Связана с наличием в ресурсах пары dds под 20 МБ (HE_Explosion.dds и req_effect.dds). Некоторые связки видео/драйвер кушают их нормально, некоторые нет. Вообще, если будет доставать, могу просто уменьшить эти эффекты в два раза и выложить.

"то при прыжке, взрыве гг улетает хз куда"
Ну, на самом деле он не при взрыве улетает. Призвано выявлять тех, кто не следует пунктам инструкции по установке и игнорирует сообщения в игре ;)

"И почему RAR, когда есть православный deflate?"
Ну, тут согласен, было бы проще zip, но rar'ом было удобнее, и уже залил...

Good karma+1 vote