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MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V2

That's not an error. It's how the original texture is meant to look. It would help a lot if you actually played vanilla.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V2

The Beret guys always look cooked, even in vanilla. It's a side product of how the default human rig interacts with their models.

Wolf's face has better smoothing than his default SOC model. The eyes are also working as intended, there was next to no tweak done to the weights of his eyelids, as the blinking animations always worked fine on Wolf.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Absolute HD 2023

But shotguns don't hit anything beyond 30 meters with your settings. The only shotgun that can hit at those diatances with your current set up is the toz34 regardless if on the handa of npcs or player.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Absolute HD 2023

I was reading your notes in weapons.ltx, and I feel the need to point out a couple of mistakes you might have made, maybe they are intentional, but I'll clarify to make sure.

In the notes you write

impair = 1.0 ;A multiplier for recoil?

This value, according to some info lost when gsc forums clsoed, it's actually a value for to make different types of ammo contribute more or less to weapon degradation (presumably it interacts with condition_shot_dec). Mods that add corrosive or old ammo achieve the effect by tinkering with with this value.

This here is probably on purpose, but you've drastically reduced the k_dist value for all shotgun shells, which means the description of slug and dart increasing range to up to hundreds of meters is false for all shotguns but the hunting shotgun, which can fire well beyond the stated ranges.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Absolute HD 2023

I notice that you use R_Populik's models. You should be aware that their the alpha and blue channels of their bumpmaps are switched.

Unfortunately, you will lose quality trying to correct the mistake, due to the compression on the original blue channel. At your resolutions, it might be worth it, tho, since it corrects some odd lighting issues.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Pripyat Reclamation Patch

InnoClarke reported a CTD due to a missing entry in postprocess.ltx that I had missed all these years, and Rico_Heart pointed out that my latest upload never updated the version number.

In light of these, I've updated my original uploads (1.0, 1.1 and 1.2) to remove the issues.

Version 1.0 and 1.1 can be found here:


Version 1.2 can be found here:


Good karma+4 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Pripyat Reclamation Patch

Huh, I was never aware of this as never disable the effect. The thing worked on my with default settings, and the person that helped me playtest never tested disabling controller effects.

This is years way too late, but I shall fix my original uploads with the missing code.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V2

I have updated the file, this should fix all the soldiers with berets.

Good karma+4 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V2

Thanks for the heads up. Yep, I messed up the texture assignemnt for the all the beret soldiers. I'll fix it as soon as possible and update.

Good karma+3 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ 🌺[1.5.2 DLTX] Footsies v2🌺

Yeah, there would be more sound feedback on non looping cycles. I'm trying to go over the cop files to tweak and share those, but as I explained in reddit, it's stupidly time consuming; have to extract dozens of animations per monster and then go over each keyframe by keyframe with milkshape to determine the timing.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ 🌺[1.5.2 DLTX] Footsies v2🌺

Hello, I'm the person that shared the footsteps tweaks for SOC on reddit. I've been looking at the files used by COP, which I'm pretty sure are the same as Call Of Chernobyl/Anomaly, and a cursory glance at the files tells me that there's a number of mutants that wouldn't actually produce footsteps with my configs.

The cut mutants such as cats, izloms and zombies should work fine, but all mutants with new models such as burer and chimera wouldn't work as intended.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V1

You can actually notice the problems of the pouches in the Sunrise type suits right there in the preview you posted.

The Sunrise pouch hangs out floating to the side of the leg, while you can tell that in the Duty variant it clips into the leg. The later is specially noticeable when the NPC or player crouches. This error is also in the Freedom and Monolith variants.

The Sunrise is the less egregious, and it's set how it's supposed to, at a slight angle so that it doesn't clip into the leg, though the straps look weirdly stretched (this is because you lowered the waist on the models, and the pouch/strap keeps its relative position to the unmodified mesh).

I also notice that you don't include a proper version of the gasmask model with two side pouches (stalker_mo_hood_9, stalker_neytral_hood_9, stalker_sv_hood_91). Though these would have to become three different models, as the differences in the textures used would result in weird look the way Vanilla set these suits up.

Nontheless, this is a great baseline into a rework of the vanilla meshes. We're missing Mercs and Military (and the special player meshes), but what's there, while not completely polished, shows great promise.

Good karma+3 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V1

The bumpmap mismatches are not the fault of his mod, vanilla SOC actually reuses a handful of bumpmaps for multiple suit variants even when they show significant differences.

The wind of freedom and monolith suits being among the worst offenders, as they have pouches by design yet have assigned the bumpmaps for the regular SEVA vests.

The only game that includes special bumpmaps for those specific variatns is COP, and even there the bumpmaps are of poor quality.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Vanilla Models Updated V1

Wow, this is great. A step in the right direction, as I always felt HD replacements miss the mark. Do all the unique SOC variants (backpacks, tanks, unhooded) get covered too, or just fully masked models?

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Radiophobia 3

Download via Torrent?

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Updating Characters

That is the creepiest **** I've seen recently.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Velociraptor

No, the Jurassic Park raptors are Deinonychus in both movies and books.

Utahraptor was discovered WHILE they were filming, and it's MUCH larger.

Good karma+3 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Cry of Fear - Scare Trailer

I LOVE the reaction of the guy at the end.

Looks down, looks up, scary monster nearby, pause, leave silently.

Good karma+4 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

But it was planned. They had a model, an inventory icon.

If any weapon should be added, it sould be the P90, the PKM and the Protecta.

Any other just wouldn't fit the STALKER vision.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Story actors


Good karma+3 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Cry Of Fear Facebook Milestone 3

Holy ****!! That is so incredibly badass!!

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ K10 Vision (Vanilla SHoC ADD-ON)

Dude, those shadows are WAY too dark.

Good karma+2 votes
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Collision Course

Because this needs to be said, great Dilo. Pretty spot on to the JP design.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ L.U.R.K.

That's done on purpose by aliVe. You can buy Guide's info from traders I think.

I feel its a stupid mechanic that should be removed or improved as it doesn't happen ALWAYS.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Crytek releases CryENGINE® 3

Scalability applies foward as well.

Sure, the developers might have dumbed down options to fit the consoles, but that doesn't mean they removed them, just that they are not using them to the max.

And that's where PC gamers will win, because we will be able to go beyond that (with tweaks, mods, etc).

Also, the videos are really promising, I'm not seeing any serious dumbing down of the engine. It looks as good as Crysis on High/Ultra upon release, and the chances of it performing better due to code optimizations to fit the consoles are high.

Lastly, not using D11 doesn't mean its not "next gen". No console game is going to use it for the moment, and Crytek always pushes old tech to the max before moving to the next thing.

So I'm really ok with them sticking to D9/10 and giving the lesser guys the chance to play with this.

Now I just need to prepare my PC for upgrade (still playing Crysis/Warhead at medium-high).

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Trex Compare

The older one is gonna need a slight update if its to become part of the final project.

Though maybe you can merge the old head with the new body, and rely on the different shapes for dimorphism.

Also, I'm impressed that you corrected the hand postion in the new model. The amount of detail it has its outstanding.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Lost World Returns

Please tell me Saskia and Johann are next on the update queue :pelase:

Your work continues to be outstanding. Props to the team.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ new trex

I think her proportions are perfect. One of the most accurate T. Rex models I've seen actually.

Good karma+1 vote
MrSeyker - - 29 comments @ Lost World Returns

So, registered and voted. Good luck. Hope to see more from you soon.

Your work's the best. And if you can't release a game, maybe you could do a movie ;)

Good karma+1 vote