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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 57)
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Siren (Doom TC)

Can confirm, happens to me too. Jumping helps

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ DOOM INFINITE DEMO 0.978.3

Why can't I pick up the shotgun at the beginning? Can't continue :/

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Duke Nukem 3D - Legacy Edition

Whenever I arrive at E1L4 and try to save my game, whether it is via F2 or Main Menu, game crashes with a "CACHE SPACE ALL LOCKED UP!" message.

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Ashes 2063

Type "maplist" in the console... tada!

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Bloom Final Release(Gzdoom Version)

Here's what I found in my two playthroughs
BLM05: Can't get kitchen's secret, player won't fit into the sector
BLM05: The train's furnace is marked as secret, but has no goodies
BLM07: Is the secret Beast vision powerup reachable? Found no way to open the bars blocking it, not even in GZDB
BLM08: Penultimate boss spawn is borked. Idk what is supposed to spawn. I've gotten the boss with two companion hands, boss and 1 hand, boss only, and no boss but the two hands.
HUD: Bullet Box HUD message on pickup is "BBOX"
HUD: Secret level rune HUD message on pickup is "Diving Suit"

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Bloom Final Release(Gzdoom Version)

BLM03: I can't seem to be able access the secret rocket box (Thing #467). Checked in GZDB and the "door" sector doesn't even have a tag (neither do its lines, double checked just in case)
BLM03: Also, playing as Caleb, picking up the Life Leech didn't trigger the secret.

Good karma+3 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Temple of the Fire and the Water

(Good to know that it wasn't my fault xD). Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Temple of the Fire and the Water

Rename the map file to "lev1", run the game, and start a new game, should do the trick. Idk why it doesn't work for you

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ pagb666

Why wouldn't I?

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ SplitWolf

Now we need multi-screen support so I can turn my screen... so my nephew doesn't look at my viewport :P

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Zrift Chasm in Doom - Legacy Edition

Can't the original Chasm weapon sounds be activated somehow? The new ones are too freaking loud.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ S.M.O.G. Anomaly

Looks amazing, can't wait to see more

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Raven Keep

Updated vkQuake and ran like a charm. Did a quick timedemo and vkQuake pulls almost 30% more avg. But frame drops are still there, GPU is not maxed, none of my CPU cores are maxed... so the limit here must be the game engine itself.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Raven Keep

"-heapsize 2000000" did not make a difference

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Raven Keep

Second level won't run on vkQuake "allocblock:full". A shame, the added performance boost from Vulkan would've been great.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Blood: Fleshed Out

e3m2 is taking me directly to e3m4. Intentional?
EDIT: e3m3 is bugged, ends as soon as it starts

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

Also, if you own an Nvidia card, remember than you can use DSR to render the game internally at 4K and then output at 1080p. The higher the resolution, the higher the chances of getting crashes.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

I could play like 90% of the game in 4K with no issues with the older WS patch. But there are a few situations that forced me to go down to 1440p and even 1080p (the less the resolution, the less the crash change). Notorious crashes:
- At the stairs by the pool room. Looking at the dark corner by the stairs.
- Monastery past. Looking at the panorama while going out the window to reach the church.
- Looking at dynamite boxes exploding in the pirate cove. The more exploding at once, more the chance of crashing.
- All the Aaron portion of the game. The lightning effect from the Monto-shonoi spawning in can easily crash the game
- The Stables stage. A crashfest.
- You can face some rare crashes during the Eternal Autumn portion of the game... or none at all.
- The endgame cutscene.
- Rare crashes when dying and the monster "fatalities" come in play

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

PD: Setting Coronas to false under d3d11 driver section doesn't disable them

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

Ok, reinstalled the game and fixed the coronas issue, probably applied the widescreen fix years ago. But when removing the D3D widescreen patch, the game turns into a crashfest, even at 1440p. Reinstalling the WS patch removes the crashes, but breaks the coronas. Other games work just fine at 1440p or 4K with the D3D11 driver. This is the WS patch I was using: Wsgf.org

If you want to investigate the issue, remember that you can force 1440p by creating a custom resolution in you video card panel.

I'll stick to the regular D3D driver, works a lot better.

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

Saying that DNF uses UE1 is like saying that CoD Black Ops 2 uses the Quake 3 engine. It's a long, long shot.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

I just gave Undying a try, and the coronas move all over the place when turning the camara, they don't stay in place.
EDIT: Game crashes when using the "next inventory slot" key. Error here: Prnt.sc (Doesn't happen when playing with the regular D3D driver)

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Shrine II

MAP13: Found the super secret, but can't open the regular secret. Checked in the editor and the door sector doesn't even have a tag.
MAP19: The pods are counting as monsters
MAP25: Only 33% secrets can be achieved. There are 3 sectors tagged as secret, but you can only get 1 credit from the 3D platform sector. The other two secrets can be activated by touching the bottom of the death pit in the "real" sector.
MAP21&MAP28;: Add a flight powerup on the super secrets, you sadists!

As a side opinion, I don't really like how many secrets and super secrets are laid out. Without using the level editor it's extremely unlikely that anyone will figure out a bunch of them ever. And don't get me started with the "don't break any breakables/don't kill anyone" mega secrets with the monsters infighting or breaking the breakables... it's just pure luck.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ New Death Wish episode in Development

Looks amazing!

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Shrine II

Hey there, played through the first two levels. Good stuff! I'll point a couple of things I found out:
1) I was unable to get 100% kills in MAP01 three times in a row, stuck at 98%. I tried the "kill mosnters" command and found out that it breaks the vases... Are breakable objects counting towards kill count?
2) I'm not entirely sold on the 100% protection from high amounts of armor. Lots of hearts are let behind and most importantly, if you don't take actual health damage, there is no feedback at all, I won't notice I'm being hit until armor goes below 100% prot.

Good karma+2 votes
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

As an update for the high resolution bug. Unreal works in 4K, but will give the same error if pushed to 8K.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

Yep, works sometimes. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

So I finally started playing it at 1080p, and every time I start a new game or enter the next mission, game goes windowed with a black square on the top-left corner of the screen. If I alt+enter to bring it back to fullscreen, it crashes horribly. And that's without the movies or the codec installed. Doesn't happen when I load a game.

Good karma+1 vote
pagb666 - - 57 comments @ Unreal DirectX11 Renderer for UT, UG , Rune and DX

Here you are: imgur.com/a/Crzir5J Even on places where it doesn't collide with the SSAO it's pretty noticeable. I had SSR disabled here as a side note.
And here's the high res crash on startup: imgur.com/a/kO97lxC
Keep in mind that most of the time you can force high res by creating a custom resolution at nvidia's or amd's video control panel. Anyway, if you want me to test 4K or even 8K builds, just ask.

Good karma+1 vote