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Honestly, not that great of a Hammer mapper, but i think i'm okay with it... Meet my friend @[THE_MELTINGPOT](members:the-meltingpot:4612007)!

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What happened?

What happened?

Corrupted World

The last article on Corrupted World came out a year ago and it was about a sequel. Well, where did the project go?

When update?

When update?

Ragdoll Obliteration

Why doesn't the game recieve it's first update? Answering here

Don't wait. Project's closed.

Don't wait. Project's closed.

Bullet Busters

Forget everything you saw. The project is closed and the files are lost.



Ragdoll Obliteration

Celebrating the release of the game, i really hope you people enjoy it as it evolves.

Ragdoll Obiletration

Ragdoll Obiletration

Indie Devs

News about my soon coming out game which i made in 3 days.



Ragdoll Obliteration

Hello! I am feeling proud to announce that the game is releasing in public alpha state tomorrow! Le me know if you find any bugs and other stuff after...

Official OST!

Official OST!

Bullet Busters

This article will tell you all about the official ost for the game!

Entering Alpha Stage

Entering Alpha Stage

Bullet Busters

The gaame finally transfers from Dev. Testing to alpha stage!

Should the game have Sniper Rifle?

Should the game have Sniper Rifle?

Bullet Busters

We need your help on that because we don't know if the game needs Sniper Rifle or not.



Corrupted World 1 comment

Some surprise for the people who completed the game.

When will the game release?

When will the game release?

Corrupted World

This article is gonna tell you when the game will release and will it be free.