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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 50)
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Destination Facepunch


Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Brick-Life: A Half-Life 2 Modification

Just a fair warning, you'll get banned from Moddb if you don't make a real website, not just a forum, but a website with information about your mod. As I am sick today I really can't help you but, I hope you'll get the basic layout done tonight or tomorrow.

- Namelezz aka Perfection32

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ CSS SCI FI 2.0 released

Looks awesome...now I need to get HL2 installed again...:P

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Destination Facepunch

We just put the closed beta and it has been tested:

• All-new particle system with fully working water, fire, smoke, dust and other particle physic objects.
• Added smooth durability on low-end computers.
• Fixed several bugs and issues (thanks Timgames and his awesome bug-reporting system!)

Also it's fun to play with the new engine; water kills fire, explosions create awesome smoketrails that fade slowly, dust moves when you go through it...enables all kinds of new puzzles and stuff like that.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Platinum Arts Sandbox Beta 1.0 Release!

Ahh, it's Cube 2. No wonder.

This answers a lot of questions...if all the blood decals / violent references have been deleted, I'll give this to my cousin.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Black Mesa

Keep it up guys. Also, as a suggestion, could you put some action on the background? I found Half-Life 1 pretty boring because you saw rarely any NPCs besides enemies. I mean, freaking out scientists running around, explosions and stuff like that. To eliminate the feel that you are alone against the enemies.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Destination: Facepunch - Monthly Update #1

Predictable response :l

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Destination Facepunch

That Googlepages thing sucks and is completely outdated. Let me wrap a new site up, expect it to be up tomorrow or the day after.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Half-Left

Uhh, I am afraid this mod has become dead D:

We tried to make it but no coder joined in the end and several mappers left the team...sorry to disappoint you this way :l

Perhaps in the future I will work on this thing.

Good karma+2 votes
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Destination Facepunch

I am a /B/tard at heart. I didn't hear of FP since about December 2006. Been browsing 4chan for ages.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ BioHazard Alert

Wehey, it looks good but VALVe doesn't like that you use their zombie models :D

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Destination: Facepunch - Monthly Update #1

We are not promoting 4chan in any way, our community wanted 4chan as a chapter in-game. And they wanted longcats and other stuff as enemies, therefore we did that. Obviously we can be without mentioning the whole place but include a chapter in-game you go through the boards, and that's it.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ de_KearnManor

The new screenshots are kickin' rad! Keep it up, Naticus ;)

Starts feeling like a new Tomb Raider to me...in a good way :P

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Chernobyl: Radioactive wasteland

Ah sorry. It is you. Good job on map, keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ -

I would hang this to my wall as a painting. So...beautiful. Takes me back to those childhood days.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Kingmaker Progress

Those hands need serious bumpmapping, the map is fullbright (ech) and the enemy is...god I can't stop laughing. I mean, look at those eyes...haha.

But apart from that, great job. Just polish a little bit of things; eg. the sword doesn't correctly stick to the hand and the model is VERY simple.

Good job, keep it up.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Dark Source

Very nice and detailed interview. I hope to hear more about this.

Ps. First post :D

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Pillars

Or only blood, Sin City style.

Good karma+2 votes
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Pillars

Awesome looking b&w graphics. How about making everything else black and white except the enemies? It would make a good boost to immerisitivity and most of all it would look artistic :P

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Half-Left

There is half left of Gordon Freeman, that's the idea :D

It really isn't that important, but he was cut in half still.

Also, I say 15 days to the next media release, weapon renders and other nice updates!

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Fruit-Life not released in March.

Your mod is awesome, finish it in peace, brotha ;)

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Absentis Lvl 1

Awesome, just plain awesome!

I love it, stylish, artistic and good-looking at the same time!

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ New Weapons, New Teammate, More Testing

Lookin' good. Keep us updated ;)

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Cryo Shock

I completely agree with Babuzaa, but my comment wasn't by any means meant to be harassing or anything. All I said was the truth; your "concept art", as you call it, is screenshots and concept art taken from other mods. They are not your property, and you shouldn't use it. And the judging by the "reaction" of me, you took the concept art off. I haven't complained, I just told you that taking concept art of other mods without permission is prohibited.

And no, what excuse makes you "spread ****" about my own modification? This is not the case.

What I said was CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISICIM. Have you heard of it? This wasn't the reaction I expected.

I am just another guy browsing Moddb, but trust me, anyone could have said the same.

Whatever your reaction is from this comment upward is up to you-

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ de_KearnManor

I mean as in a showcase video, not in the mod as a map.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ de_KearnManor

Yeah, thanks :D

Also, Half-Left includes a Melee Engine so you can punch and kick. I am going to demonstrate this effect in various maps when I release it as a separate add-on after Half-Left, so my question would be could I do a scene where the player kicks a guy down the roman pool in your map? You will get your name in the credits if you accept it.

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ de_KearnManor

I didn't notice you are Natcarm D:

Sorry, I am so sorry :(

And this mod is going to be awesome if you can do a cool map like that :)

Sorry again, it's the Coca-Cola I have been drinking.

I wish you good luck on your mod!

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Dystopia

There appears to be a mod called "CryShock" that is attempting to use Dystopia screenshots as "concept art".


I think you should check it out, they have been ripping concept art everywhere :/

Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ A little step further


Good karma+1 vote
(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments @ Half Life 2 : WiiMote Mod

zero094, I take that as you don't have wiimote? This idea rocks, imagine almost like HOLDING A REAL CROWBAR and hitting headcrabs with it, wow.

Also, is the wiimote sold separately anywhere? I think it only comes with Wii.

Great mod, boy! This is awesome, I love it, I will buy Wii for this!

Good karma+1 vote