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RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Ashes 2063

Thank you. I didn't notice the destructible ventilation texture next to the "stay out of my kitchen" sign at kitchen. And judging by the Internet, while I was googling, I was not the only one who had problem with that.

This is just some kind of problem for professional developers at gzdoom - making multi-kilometer labyrinths: Hands of Necromancy, Vomitoreum etc. But from sourceport of doom you waiting funny linear shooter but not metroidvania elements.

Wish this game was at steam. I love that if you beat games on hard or look for secrets, then at least the game will give you an achievement for this.

I would also wish you to work on darkness technology in game. On older CRT monitors, if the designer decided to make the game dark, there was nothing the player could do about it. On LCD monitors, you can play without the flashlight by changing the Black Level slider on the monitor. The original Doom3 (not bfg edition), if you do this on it, at least punishes the player with awful textures and an acidic palette. Also the game forced you to search for monsters in the dark using EAX, and you practically don’t use OpenAl at all.

But the game is still great and I wish you to start selling it on Steam and Google Play with consoles. The work is amazing and more people should know about it.

If you will sell it on Steam or Google Play, I advise you to think about the “addons” tab in the main menu for mods, as it happened with doom1-2 on unity.

Good karma+2 votes
RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Ashes 2063

Where I can find battery for bike at second episode? There is no walkthrough in the internet. Watching an hour-long video on YouTube when the player picks up a soapy pixel little sprite is problematic.

Good karma+1 vote
RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior 1.2

If you have amd videocard and dont have lights at level try to edit P2Savior\base\config.cfg with any text editor.

Find "gl_renderer" and set it to "0"

Good karma+1 vote
RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Raising the Bar: Redux: Division 2.1 Release

Division 2 and Division 1 is the same game? D2 is just update?

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RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Slayer Testaments - full release

>The start hub is organized the way it is for a reason.
No, you dont understand. I talked about feeling "beat the game". Its like Platinum at Sony PlayStation. Right now mod feels like "as you like - so play, I don't care".

>Glad this mod does give you nostalgic ferlings! Try out the SpongeBob in the custom maps wing!
Its not about nostalgia, its about art. Slayer's Testaments and Heavy Metal FAKK 2 have rare artstyle: lowpoly retro heavy metal hellmeat sets.

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RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Slayer Testaments - full release

Maybe then cut off the double jump and give instead one long and high jump? And make control the jump with a dash and rune of control?

Also the game has problems with the feeling of walkthrough. Maybe instead of classic maps give the player an arena maps to survive? Devil Daggers for example. Give normal tasks and conditions so that I can feel that I have beat game. And not just pile a lot of maps into one bunch and it is not clear how to beat all this. For game to be popular, the gamers must try to master it on YouTube. I really think you should do something like Devil Daggers.

Or make a normal story and not just "shoot, run and kill them all for stats screen at the end". I really love Doom16 snapmap + snaphak. His tools allow mapper to do much more diverse and fun things instead just "run and shoot for the stats". Even I made something fun at this tool. I would like you to be inspired by this scripting system for the design of future maps.

I also want to add that Slayer's Testaments maps gave me a feeling from childhood. The game is very similar in style to old and forgotten hiddengem Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2

Good karma+2 votes
RogerWilcovich - - 9 comments @ Slayer Testaments - full release

I would really want to love this mod, but I can't. I love Doom16 and Eternal, but the lack of mods for them is problem. And then they make such a mod. Optimized, open to creativity, and making it possible to turn off glory kills.

First of all it buggy. A lot of bugs. Bugs begin when you try to configure controls. Then the player is faced with the fact that shoots may not be registered, jumps do not count, and the meathook does not work properly. You made more than 170 maps, but you couldn't polish the main base - it's weird.

The second is presentability. The game poorly explains its own rules and mechanics, as well it bad organizing the process of walkthrough and achievement. Here they just piled everything into one pile - dig in. There is no sense of walkthrough and achievement.

Third - monotonous and unbalanced. The first problem was perfectly solved by Doom 2016 SnapMap with its amazing visual scripting tools. And second: only routinefights are dumped on the player: more, here's more, and more. Kill everyone again. No variety or challenges. And with bugs the balance of hardcore in some places turns into hell.

I would wish to authors:
Fix bugs. Completely remove the upgrades for the player and weapons, making it default for everything. Normal integrate to turn off the glory kills mechanics. Make a normal organized menu. Make some kind of system of "beat" for maps. Some tick in the description of the map would be enough. Write a manual for players, how to use J.A.C.K. for example to create a variety of mods with their scenaroio, music and various game situations, and how to embed them in mod and share.

The reason for this mods I see is not to downgrade graphics, but to fix the problems of Doom16 and Eternal - different mechanics for different parts of the franchise, no mods, annoying udgrades and glory kills.

He fix almost everything, just need to polish a little.

Good karma+2 votes