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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 90)
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ RVE Adjacency Demo

How to I pull up the spawn menu.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ OBSOLETE - Revamp Expansion Mod 2.0 Beta 1.0

Update, now that I have tried to remove the mod it fixed the issue with the mod working however now I am unable to remove the mod and it is always installed. When I say to remove the mod in the launcher everything returns to vanilla SC2 until I join a match.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ OBSOLETE - Revamp Expansion Mod 2.0 Beta 1.0

When installing the mod through the mod manager theres some weird bug where only a very small portion of the mod gets installed. Like it says that the mod is installed on the game version in the main menu but when I go to play a skirmish I can only build a few of the new units. There no tier upgrade button or anything and the research trees are exactly like vanilla SC2.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ OBSOLETE - SC2 Mod Manager Release 02/23/16 B2

There was an error message and it filed a crash report but I dont know how to submit it.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ OBSOLETE - SC2 Mod Manager Release 02/23/16 B2

Removing the mods causes the game to no longer launch. If I add the mods back it is able to launch but even after a game.pref reset it is unable to launch the vanilla SC2.

Good karma+2 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ What is it


Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Is the dragon every going to have a fly ability or something similar? Or is that too much wishful thinking?

Good karma+2 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Cool but, don't keep it just to the UEF. :P

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ OBSOLETE - Revamp Expansion Mod 2.0 Alpha 1

Not sure if this is a bug or not but I cant find any way to build a nuke for the UEF nuke sub. Only when I am Surfaced there is a way to launch a nuke and it is grayed out.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ OBSOLETE - Revamp Expansion Mod 2.0 Alpha 1

Oh mah gawd.... It's actually happening. Cdn.niketalk.com

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ test game 2

OOO looking so close to consumer level playable :P

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Maybe a couple more years. :P

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Monkeylord MK II finalized

I know that feel...

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

I never said that I was talking about you.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

The other thing is that when a lot of those 13 year old kids grow up, their IQ doesn't really increase because they think that they don't need school. So basically if you even do your homework at all you're smarter than most of the kids in the US.

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Fine fine don't listen to me. Just know that I am going to enjoy this mod when it comes out.

Good karma-2 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

I guarantee that people will like your mod in its current state simply by seeing the comments on all the content you have released.

Good karma-2 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Again, you may not think it is enjoyable but as long as it runs on my PC at all and makes sense then it is fine. Also I never said that it would be with friends. I just want to see and explore what has come out already. Also would the reason that I wouldn't be able to have a match with a friend and enjoy it be because of bugs that break the game or game elements that would always win? Because I don't really care about either of those.

Good karma-3 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

They have shown us that it is currently working through videos and pictures...
Also OverRated, the mod would be playable but it won't be as enjoyable as you would have intended. People release broken games and games that have things that are WAY overpowered than the rest, but like I said earlier they are often balanced in future updates. People still play the game because it is FUN. We don't need it to be prefect, we just want something to play. Those errors that you are talking about can be overlooked as long as you are working to fix them.

Good karma-3 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Again, I love what these guys are doing I just want at least something... also releasing it now wouldn't be half-assing it. That's why patches exist. That was my entire point in my previous comment. I don't want them to make lower quality work, I just want them to release what they already have and then continue to work on it the same way they have been while the rest of us tinker with the released version. PLUS we would be finding bugs for them that they haven't already noticed. There is literally no downside to this as long as they stick with it.

Good karma-2 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Supply and demand... right now there is a lot of demand and no supply. Even if you did release and unbalanced version people would love it. People do this with actual games as well. Like the people over at Digital Extremes who work on Warframe. They will release an updated every Wednesday and then release quick-patches throughout the week. Yes, there are moments where they release a weapon that is WAY overpowerd but they are able to fix it within hours. I know that they are getting payed and that they have an entire team but I'm sure that people would be a little more lenient with mod makers like yourselves. Weekly updates are really nice but even if you did a balance patch once every month you could get things pretty balanced and not too out of order.

Good karma-3 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

I know I know. I really want this to just be released and I love what you guys are doing but it has been a LONG time as well as you guys saying that things will happen within this time frame and then they don't... It isn't always your fault its just that it makes me wonder if this will be out within the next year. People don't like getting hyped and getting their hopes up only for it to never happen.

Good karma-1 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)


I swear if the alpha doesn't come out this month I'm going to start losing hope in you guys. No offense but it has been over 2 years.

Good karma-8 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Aeon Arch Angel wip

oooooo Please release the mod T-T

Good karma+6 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ UnitPort


Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ UnitPort

I installed it... what is different about this to Legacy RVE?

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ test game

Please, I can't take it much more... just... release... :P Also, why does Purple have like... 50 engies?

Good karma+1 vote
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

lol I just want to play it :P Dont really care about the bugs!

Good karma0 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Still testing? T-T

Good karma+3 votes
ShadowGhost2 - - 90 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

Oh so an ability! Micro-manage to the max! :P

Good karma+1 vote