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Just a guy who makes music and plays games. Look me up on YouYube, you might like what you hear.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 39)
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Fake Factory Remaster

Yeah, it's weird. All the sounds are extremely muffled and slowed down big time. The weapon sounds aren't playing either.

(side note) I'm running this through MMOD currently so I'm not sure if vanilla is the same way.

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Fake Factory Remaster

Just got to this part and was wondering about that. Thought it was just my game screwing up but I guess not.

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Signaller

Could've sworn this was a beta inspired mod at one point.

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Destination: 17

Looks exactly like Project 17 to me. Pretty sure that's what these screenshots are from.

(edit) Talking with the dev currently and this is heavily inspired by P:17. Maps are original and are indeed made by this person.

Good karma+3 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Is it really that time again?

The Vortessence is strong with this one! So glad to see this is back.

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Isle of Ascent

Following this for sure!

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half-Life 3 Citadel Unleashed Release

That makes sense now. I'm not running the strongest system right now and this ordeal has happened before with another mod. No biggie fr. I figured it was something on my end. Thank you for your time actually answering with the solution and "Best of luck on your. . future endeavors."

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half-Life 3 Citadel Unleashed Release

Keeps crashing. Won't let me start a new game, hard crashes when it goes to load in the first map and it does the same thing if I hit load game. I've tried starting it 4 times now but it keeps crashing to desktop without giving any reason as to why. Any ideas?

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half-Life: The World Machine Release

Damn this really good! Love the Alien and 2001 references as well. A few times I actually forgot this was supposed to be in Black Mesa and kept expecting a Xenomorph to pop up outta nowhere. Solid mod.

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Project Citadel

I'm getting nothing but missing textures. Every Half-Life and CSS are already installed along with Mapbase.

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half Life Another Story DEMO

Aight so, this is meant to be constructive criticism and NOT me bashing this mod in any way. While I love this mod, there are some things that really need to be tweaked. The damage output from the enemies for one. Like, my guy, a single headcrab should not be able to knock half of my health away in one hit. The Vortigaunts and most of the others make perfect sense but why in the hell do the headcrabs do so much damage? Plus there's never just one so you're basically ****** if you get blindsided my 2 or more. Idk, just a little peeve I have so far. The flinching when getting shot needs to be toned way down too, the character just ends up looking at the ceiling if he gets hit by more than one "Black Ops?". All in all, fantastic mod, like seriously this is amazing, but there's still some tweaking that needs to be done. I wish you the best of luck on completing this one day.

Good karma+3 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ HALF LIFE 2 1970s cancelling the mod (NOT PERMANENT)

These things. . . They take time.

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ eXperiment 1.0 Patch1

Google won't let me either. Says virus detected.

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half-Life Sudden Invasion | Release 1 - Visual Rework

HUD doesn't seem to show up for me. Is this normal?
ps, This is really good so far!

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ The Storyline of Half Life 2 1970s

I'm down! This sounds pretty cool.

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ HALF LIFE STRATIGRAD VER 1.0

Having the same issue here.

Good karma+3 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ dark concept 1.1 release


Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Build2001 - Short Message

Glad to hear it's still alive! I don't remember where I saw it but a lot of people thought this was abandoned/cancelled. So happy it's not because this is legit one of the best beta mods out right now and it ACTUALLY feels like the Hyper Era brought to life. The addition of the black stealth suit makes it even better in my eyes!

Good karma+2 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half-Life 2: Overcharged

Whole thing is broken. Same issue here, I wouldn't expect a fix.

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ SIGNAL LOST - Dimensional Malfunction

I eventually got it running but it took a minute. I wouldn't stress it, sometimes things need a little tinkering. It IS an amazing mod so far though.

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ OVERCHARGED_with2patches

That has what to do with my comment exactly? How did HD graphics come into this?

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ OVERCHARGED_with2patches

3 "updates" later and it still refuses to run. Cool looking menu but that's about all I've seen. Sorry but this is not it guys, I am VERY forgiving of rough mods but damn. This is broken and unoptimized like a MF. Given up on this one. Don't like leaving negative reviews but I can not sugarcoat this one..

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Half-Life: Reamped

Well I know what I'm playing when it comes out. Sold based on the premise alone, plus the trailer looks amazing for a pre-alpha sneak peek. 🖤

Good karma+1 vote
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ Build2001 - Gold


Why must the best beta mods get cancelled? Sorry but I would much rather have this get worked on/completed over whatever it is Dark Interval and RTBR: Redux are trying to do..

Spoiler alert, I personally am not impressed with Dark Interval. Props to them for doing their thing and said thing is actually pretty damn good, but at the moment it's just not it for me. Feels like retail with a new coat of paint, skyboxes that change every 2 minutes and physics that are way off. Plus what the hell is that slow *** crowbar swing? Downvote all you want.

Good karma-8 votes
Shogxn - - 39 comments @ half-life 2: project skyscraper 1.2 release

I got them working, Steam was acting weird.

Good karma+2 votes