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Hello all, my name is Murat Korkmaz, I am a professional Web Designer working in London. In my free time I manage and lead 3d Art for Metal Storm mod for the IW Engine.

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Politics, Espionage, and War!

starf1sh Blog

Zomg, we just started work on our Half Life 2 Multiplayer mod "Operation Metal Storm". Me and my close buddy Castiel have been itching like mad to create our own modern warfare shooter for a while, and now we've finally stepped up to the plate with an amazing concept and started! :)


starf1sh Blog

Just started development on the Half Life 2 modification "Left Behind", you know, zombies n shit! :P I will be lead artist through out the creation of this title. We're going to try and do something real different with the whole zombie theme, and of course hope that everyone will enjoy it. :)

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Our New Game

starf1sh Blog

Hello guys, I'm currently at work on my teams brand new game entitle "project" crakpot, the game is a single player and multiplayer sidescrolling shooter for xbox live arcade. ;)

Cheers chaps.