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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 202)
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ Version 1.2 - Creepy Yantar

Why's the LR300 changed into a generic M4 carbine?

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ M4

I hate how many mods change the LR300 into a generic M4 carbine.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ Ray of Hope

I highly doubt that.
S2 is already showing dead-on-arrival signs, being a timed console-exclusive and already selling season passes and NFTs months before the game is even estimated to come out. IF it comes out; no gameplay has been shown.
I would not keep my hopes up. S2 has all the risks and reasons to be absolute feces, yet people still play and mod even the 2006 SoC to this day.

Good karma0 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ General info.

You have heard VERY wrong. Most likely just complains coming from (console) gamers that are too used to hit-scan shooters.

Literally anyone in STALKER can be 1-shotted to death with a clean hit headshot, at least 99% of the time. Landing those decisive hits can however be a bit of a challenge, as STALKER games use very detailed, yet slightly exaggerated BULLET PHYSICS. This means that shots take some time to travel, they start arching down at certain distance, may ricochet off hard surfaces... etc. The weapon and ammo-type also affect the general shooting performance a lot, with pistols and shotguns having the shortest effective range.

On top of this, STALKER does utilize a pseudo-RPG -like progression system, that revolves around your gear. The starting equipment are practically always inferior when compared to end-game gear. This is however also the ONLY true limiting factor that *may* stop you from running from the start to the very center of the Zone, right off the bat; it's technically doable, but you can bet you'll probably get sniped and/or radiated to death long before even seeing Chernobyl.

There's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to STALKER, especially if you haven't played too many late-90s and early-00s PC shooters and RPGs.
However, Once you get an actual assault rifle, load it up with AP-rounds and pop a scope on top...maybe wear something a bit more protective than a leather jacket... you suddenly start feeling like a demi-god.

Before AND after that though, you just need to master the old slavic ways of surviving inna Zone: low-crouch, use cover, use single or burst firing mode, aim through sights, aim to the head.

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ SH2 Patch

This fix is outdated.
It's easier and better to use the more modern "sh2proxy" fix, which automatically set's the game's affinity to a single core, fixing looping audio and crashing issues, PLUS incorporates a widescreen hack of its own. On top of that, sh2proxy also fixes issues like the slooow transition speed between the game and menus when playing at high resolution, something no other fix has done so far.

Good karma+4 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ 9mmar

Very nice!
A question though: would it require a lot of work to change the AR to use its own ammo, as was the case with the PS2's port of HL1? It was slightly silly how the HiDef version changed MP5 into M4 that still fires 9x19 pistol ammo.
Alternatively, how would you feel about changing the AR into the Colt's 9mm AR15 carbine? It would literally only require changing the shape of the magazine, as seen in this photo: Tinyurl.com

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ Glock

Very nice... but wasn't the original handgun in HL1 a full-size Glock 17? It certainly had 17 round magazine; not that you couldn't use G17 mags in G19, it'd just stick out a bit from the grip.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ Silent Hill: Alchemilla

if you "lost" your cursor, it means that YOU HAVE solved the puzzle!

yeah, this mod doesn't really do a good job guiding you. You gotta find an unlocked door next, that'll lead you behind the (now shut down) fan.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ MISERY

the GSC's Stalker forums have a whole thread for the thing.
in short, it's sort of a sandbox mod that removes/alters the story and MC, and allows you to freeroam the Zone, join any faction, and try to take over the whole place with your AI bros. Tons of new features, gear and visual overhauls.

For rookies, just check out the STARTER PACK; it keeps things very "vanilla", but fixes tons of bugs and improves performance AND visuals tremendously.
See the Starting Guide image for info & links: Tinyurl.com
(click on the "proceed to this site")

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ Good luck!

yeah, it's WORSE than that. Wouldn't wish it necessarily even for my worst enemy.

Good karma-3 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ Shoker Weapon Mod

you ONLY need to rename/delete the GAMEDATA -folder found in the game's install dir to restore the game back to vanilla state. Very few mods include any sort of uninstaller, since it's really that simple.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

BS went to **** right after the first game, Infinite was a disaster already. All of them pale completely in comparison to the System Shock -game, to which BS was supposed to be a "spiritual successor".

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Read the FAQ. There's tons of ways to improve 32-bit experience.

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

when it's done

Good karma+3 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

it should be there, at least I got it, but you can either change it through the User.ltx (found in Appdata folder), or type this into game's console (opened with ยง key):

g_actor_body off

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

the DirectX8 -mode (Static Lighting) makes the STALKER games look like some very early 00's titles, but at the same time anyone should be able to play the games on that mode. It cuts out most of the more modern eye-candy (bump-maps, real-time shadows...), thus sacrificing a bit of atmosphere in favor of speed.
At the same time the Stalker started its life as an DX8 game, which is why the textures etc look pretty good. The original devs added DX9 mode (the latest **** at the time!) just before release, making it look more like the late-00s game it ended up being.

Now, I played original SoC with DX9 Full Dynamic -mode, med-high settings, no AA, at 1024x768 res, with my old Intel core2duo + 3GB DDR2 + Nvidia 6600GT 128mb. Overall you don't need too beefy machine to run the Full Dynamic mode, especially if you're fine with sub-1080p resolutions like 720p.
Dropping all the settings just a notch, to around 75% from highest, can help the performance a lot, without sacrificing much of the visual quality itself. Keeping stuff like Antialiasing, Sun-Shafts and SSAO Low / OFF improve the framerates the most out of all settings.

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

STALKER's MP is just your generic deathmatch in tiny, closed maps. It's really not too great in any way, there's tons of better shooters for that. Plus you could get SoC, CS or CoP for said purpose.

Co-op style gameplay in MP is still impossible with Xray, since synching the A-Life and other functions for all participating players is one helluva hassle, and would require an MMO-style dedicated server system.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

it's kinda sad that we need this kind of videos today. Unpacking a multi-part .zips and running installers isn't exactly new or anything.

Good karma+3 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

I disagree. I've always hated those "Gnomus scopes" designs, as they CRAMP the reticles into this tiny space, while the fake scope-overlay OBSCURES the view more than the regular "full screen" scope textures. I had this image comparison somewhere which shows how these poor CoD-like scopes take easily more than 50% more of your screen space, thus just hindering the gameplay.

Got the mod to change to regular vanilla scopes, and I couldn't be happier.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

there's a separated mod for that. Look up the forums.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

well that sounds like one of the few "fake" / bad endings in SoC, so I'd assume LA has multiple endings as well, one of them being the "true end" as well.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

You either got very weird settings, or suffering of some kind of GPU problem.
Try deleting your User.ltx from the STALKER Lost Alpha/Appdata folder. This will reset ALL your settings, and it's been known to also fix settings not saving up.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

This should really be addressed. The various books, documents and other "quest items" you collect tend to have ridiculous weights, taking up few kilos in your inventory. And you cannot even drop 'em to boxes.

I edited the Strelok's book to weight 0.01 kg for convenience, but now I got few 0.5kg docs and other crap taking space.

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

That's just how SoC works, ever since its Alpha-stages (which LA imitates).
Also unlike in the vanilla SoC, in Lost Alpha the pistols are actually pretty damn useful. A single shot of 9mm +P+ to boars head can kill it instantly, and emptying a full mag to a person most likely WILL kill him as well.

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

you need to take the SOUTHERN exit (market in your map) instead of leaving the route you came in the first time. I did the same mistake, and returned back to the mines through the now-marked second entrance when I came back to the area.

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

the few rare friendly Stalkers.
In otherwords: no, not really. It is a wild, virgin territory

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

scratch that, latest is 0.8. It and many other fixes are found on this thread:


Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

As said in the top of this site: disable actor's legs from the Options (switch to character shadow)

Good karma+1 vote
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

check this thread, and download the latest "upgrade fix" file (I think it's 0.7 now, on page 2):

without this fix you still CAN upgrade your item, but you have to click the small colored bar on the upgrade-icon.

Good karma+2 votes
Teemuslayer - - 202 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

disable player's feet from options.

Good karma+2 votes