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Widderune edited WOLF RPG Editor English (widderune.wixsite.com/widderune/wolf-rpg-editor-english), the English translation of "WOLF RPGエディター" (www.silversecond.com/WolfRPGEditor), which was translated by Velella Himmel (vgperson - vgperson.com/). He has retired from the translation work, but he will try answering any questions regarding WOLF RPG Editor English.

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White Day: Original Textures

White Day: Original Textures

White Day Texture 5 comments

Here are most of the original textures for White Day! I have made them available for those who wish to try to edit and enhance the textures, which and...

White Day Textures v1.0 by Widderune

White Day Textures v1.0 by Widderune

White Day Texture

I played and finished an earlier English version of the game, I think it was 1.6. It had a couple bugs, but I was able to figure out how to work around...