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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 151)
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Warlords Battlecry III: United Rebels

That's available on the user's end.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ just one day in etheria


Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Warlords Battlecry III: United Rebels

stand alone, like tpc and separate from tpc as well. i plan to have all done in July, let's see. needs more playtesting

Good karma+3 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Knights 1

Some races, such as Knights, can go up to Tier level 6, where they can upgrade further their units, unlock abilities and do some late game havoc.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Sirian Judgement 1

A new offensive spell for the Archon

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Showcasing Knights 1

Sirian got the OG model back. All titans now have abilities too. Additionally, the knights now play with a Sirian Priest (magician that raises swords from the fallen and blesses), a Sirian Zealot (warrior that changes damage to nearby friends) and crystal swords (upgrades into the dancing sword). Some renaming back to vanilla standards, like the Knight Lord.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ mines and income 1

Mines and income are like vanilla (no double resource income), same with the starting resources amount. Upkeep is also removed.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ new portraits and avatars 1

Some more hero avatars and AI generated portraits for most races while trying not to change much the aesthetics of the game

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Create a hero 1

some changes to hero creation (all to approximate to the vanilla vibe):

1. Classes restricted to races and using the few ones that wbc1-wbc2 had
2. Skills more thematic and revived some from vanilla
3. Perks are less and there are no faction perks
4. removed the quiz and long hero name generators

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Background 1

These AI generated backgrounds are a good start to show this mod. Many thanks for Xackery, who gave sent us the images generated via ChatGp4.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ The Protectors of Etheria

soon (tm)

Good karma0 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ TheUnbeholden

Same orientation, exact same goal.
Just do it!

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

Zizek sounds conservative to you because he wants to go back to marxism-leninism, after understanding that Derrida and Deleuze are fancy liberals for a new-left identity based on Postmodern concepts such as the reverence to liberal values on an anarchistic-libertarian sense (meaning, subversive and destructural methods aiming at an objectively confusing ways towards dismantelling the enemy: the liberal)

Populism are useless in a sense that they want nothing, they aspire nothing and (this is more important) they can't be called usefull idiots. They are sheep to their masters (UKIP proves this perfectly). The work to be done there is too harsh to make them come to the fringes. It is best, anyway, to speek truthfully about your political intentions (as Meloni is doing)

Center left and social democracies still have value and they will fight back, as the Portuguese and French govs are suggesting. But yes, that is your main enemy in Europe, not the liberal (whom you can make partial alliances indeed)


"Relativism derives from GE Moore's emotivism, that is just the history. Natural law stems from the rather obvious idea that human morality must be rooted in human nature, and I would call that logical rather than what detractors would think is arbitrary."

I disagree with you (not the Moore part). There are no Universal morals, and relativism is part of the daily evidence. if you try to impose a natural order of things, you will fail (just see Iran right now). Human nature exists in a very basic way (Kantian faculties are key), while the everyday joes are individualistic when they don't strife in life (autonomy and independence are liberal values). If you do need to find a sense in life or meaning in a group or family, then you must be not doing well in life (ofc, this is my experience with the theme). Social "sciences" are not truth, they only try to explain phenomena that is intrinsically ever changing. There is only opinion there, not truth. Only conflict of ideas, like we do here everytime.

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

Maybe, referring to the way you define yourself politically, you have some opinions on what is happening in Italy, namely, Meloni - Fratelli d'Italia.

You are going to win this one. Any thoughts? And the Portuguese "Chega" Party (they are both closely related to the French nationalist movement)?

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ The Protectors of Etheria

not an *******, you have your opinion and nobody will take it from you. from my limited experience with 0.9 (I'm not always in the team working with everybody else) it is more stable, but not in a final product. Good gaming

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

Ok, I am going to lower my tone, because you are reaching a place where we can actually engage in discussion and accept a difference in thought.

While I must admit I don't know who that blogger is, there is some food for thinking, and in time I'll get back to you.

That said, there is something you must still pay attention about what I was trying to say, and here it goes, in a mood of good will:

1. The debunk of Marxism is welcome. I don't think the people you suggested are a great start simply because, in order to debunk marxism there are academics like Nozick for instance, much more interesting to talk about because they engage in theory, philosophy, politics and sociology in a contemporary sense, and that is more relevant even for NRx

2. In this sequence, there is no truth is social sciences or philosophy. Physical sciences (Physics and Chemistry) and its languages (infinetisimal calculous, boolean logic, Bayasean statistics, etc) are the only actual knowledge we know of, the rest is metaphisical speculation or opinion, or belief, or emotional feeling. Therefore, debunking marxism is futile. There is a debate, not reaching any fundamental truth about reality. That is why I care more about the social experience of socialism, rather than what the books had to say about it. Even if marxism, theoretically, is debunked (and Marx himself did it, as you pointed out in another place) the response of the Barbarossa offensive, Stalingrad (a city who deserved love poems from Neruda) and the end of german fascism is much more "identitarian", if you like and to use some of your language.

3. This leads to red pills. I honestly believe you must put everything in the same ground. Theory is only a tool for debate and explore human conditions. In the end, nobody is "right" or has seen the "truth". That is why most people jailed in the January coup are also rethinking their position. You are in a place of confort, while watching the actual warriors faint their enthusiasm. There is room for you to think openly.

Have nice day

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

Again, yes: you define yourself at the core of contradictions (Umberto Eco's Urfascism is the key here).

In the same sentence you state: «I never said that I was married to any particular ideology. [...] Reactionary is the only way to go [...].»

Then you equated liberals with communists, but now liberals are anti-communist heroes. Inconsistence is your name, and we know your tactics. «I would say that modern liberalism (and marxism) cynically abandons nationalism when it wants to expand. [...] Liberals literally ally themselves with anti-communists [...].»

Then you are just manipulating people's fear, nothing new.
«My main "beef" with progressives and communists is that they don't actually care what the people think.»

You are a mine of gold and because of you I feel sorry for the Herrenrasse. They have a lot of work to do with their foreheads if they keep using tools like you.

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ The Protectors of Etheria


Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ The Protectors of Etheria


Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

Indeed. At least we agree on something.

I just do not understand why you keep changing your values. In one day you are an advocate of the ethno-state and the day after you fight for liberal values. Lack of congruence is your name (as Umberto Eco said, you belong to that hive of contradictions named... what? yes, have a bone, good boy).

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Natural law

Your reply is just a prove that your country does not care for you or anyone else. The relation between believing in such high fantasies and a country that want you to complete a basic education without knowing a thing is just too obvious. The west can never go back, whites will be a minority and you can only feel disenfranchised about it. There is no ethnic replacement, there is only a replacement from high standards to conspiracy low-donkey mentality.

Don't play their game, they want to control you. Biden, the Clintons, the Trumps, the Al-e-x jones. They are all for profit at your mind expense. You will not find truth in conspiracies but in solid Science books. They want you to believe in the great replacement so they can play you like a good servile Pavlov dog. It is all bs, don't fall for it. They want you to kill and die for their own values. Neither of the sides is true, they simply try to divide you in order to conquer every aspect of your life. Democraps and Republicunts (even in their democratic socialist or alt-right versions) are the same, don't fall for none of them. They are the enemy.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ The Protectors of Etheria

Just saw this now, thanks everyone.
However, I am very disappointed you took my name out of the TPC official website as an active musician in this project... As a mod you could not get any money due to NDA constraints but at least the original free music could be an excuse to get some coins. And nope, not asking for any of it, just to be clear.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Natural law

Law of nature, strictly speaking, is just the law of cause and effect in physics. it is this simple. natural law, on the contrary, is not a feature of reality. it was a human creation. When you perceived this as fiction and a construct (since Comte ofc) we were able to create our own morals, laws, concepts, ideas. We are no longer forbidden to be autonomous because we do not recognize any other authority to act, speak and think, but the human family. You see how nationalism is backward and is dangerous to the actual progress we need to do as a species.

Then if we create our own morality, our own identity as a species, as you implied in your comment of Mill, territory is futile. And it is futile for the simple fact that we can still create identity without belonging to any culture. We are doing it right now. We are people from all around the world trying to make sense of the human condition, the dasein of Heidegger, this condition of been projected into the world of humanity, as a sentient being. But we also have autonomy and freedom, and that is the only true relation you can do with any human ever in any time of space. We are the creators. we do not need no reference to land nor soil or blood. What would settlers be then? Their culture and their identity would not belong to any place, they were not expanding the land and blood to other physical places. They created new realms of possibilities, and that is where capitalism and the ethics of Protestantism meet, to quote Weber again. They created new ways of living, they actually destroyed the blood-soil paradigm in the very moment they decided in their brains to take the adventure. That is what freedom and autonomy is all about. There is no natural law, otherwise they would stay in their caverns and we today would not be able to talk with this technology.

History is marching forward. There is little you can do now to stop it. And even if a minority like yourselves are lost because you do not accept this fact, then the price of progress is precisely to have people like you far behind. Embrace Science, not myth. Embrace the future, not the monotheism of race and land. The future is global cooperation. I think you can see this clearly.

Again, I thank you for your inputs and the polite tone this had taken.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Natural law

The whole point of Nationalism and identity has to do with the assertion that natural law is fundamental to our existence. I don't think this is true. For instance, none of our human condition and experience is natural. Technology is not natural, human language and speech is not natural, conceptualizing a car and drive is not natural. None of it is natural, and we are living proof that we can defy natural law. So, if we actually do it, why do we need this primal sense of belonging? You can still be part of a civilization without referring to any of these identity politics blocks. The notion of a nation, race, blood, soil, all of it has been debunked by multicultural reality. You do not actually need it to strife, you do not need it to perpetuate your existence. If you do not want to see your legacy buried in history the only thing you need to do is procreate and pass your genetic information to the future.

You confuse a sense of belonging based on identity, that is just an idea amongst all others, with the false necessity to perpetuate those ideals. If there was no change in ideas, there would be no history. The whole point of history is that there is clash of ideas and the less fit will perish. This happened with nationalism and the movement of history is not to go back to tribal thinking but to global cooperation.

Natural law, that implies the idea of identity, is a false concept. Every civilization created their own positive legislation, that is, humans create their own sense of right and wrong via law, they create it to regulate their own behavior. You do not need no external system of morals, no sense of identity based on nature, no links to a old structure of values that tells you who you are in the cosmos. Because we are humans, we have the power of creation. We are the only gods we know, because we create the law that reflects morality in a particular time and space. This also means we are not linked to land, tradition and blood, our identity is not there, but in the ideas that are permanently in conflict, due to the explosive, progressive and ever changing nature of contemporary democracies. This is why you will fail. You are clever enough to see how faulty a link to identity is.

Now, to say that ideas identify societies is accepting Marx materialism. Why? because where do these ideas come from but the social-economic relations that dictate the contextualization of the moral disagreement? So materialism, for communist, is not saying that all is matter (that would be naive materialism), it is the proposition that states or declares that matter rule over ideas. Thus he says the most fundamental truth of social reality when "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.". This also applies to natural law. it is a construct that we made, a primitive idea that would identify ourselves with a type of society. But it is society itself to regulates these ideas and the ultimate form of progress and freedom is the autonomy of creating your own ideals. Therefore, positivism is the only solution you have in the question of identity.

Also, it would be good if you read Habermas and John Rawls on this question (Nation, morals, identity and natural law). They are the kings of liberal thinking and their system, to put it in a reductionist form, is that societies are based on contracts, that is, social determinations. This is where concepts such as justice, identity, morals, etc arrive. For Habermas this process is done via communicative action (following Weber and parsons) for Rawls it is a explicit social contract based on the agreement of our condition, our vision of the future and our notions of right and wrong. It is not over land nor soil, but over ideas that we regulate when we create new social relations.

So the whole point is that natural law is a fiction. Links to land and blood are real in the biological sense but have nothing to do with the way social life springs. They spring from debate, discord, rationality and creativity of values. So again, materialism here means that the type of social relations you create, are based on human actions, and ideas are fundamentally dependent on these social relations that become facts, in Durkheim language. Politics is no different and any concept of idea must be, necessarily, created, not derived from a hierarchical cosmos.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ Natural law

I may not agree with you, but you will get a thumbs up for ACTUALLY read and think FOR YOURSELF. This is a message for people on the right that are stuck in propaganda.

I need time to unpack all of it, like the difference between Marx materialism and Dennett's physicalism (they imply other ways of thinking and they do not necessarily overlap). But at least I thank you for posting this view.

Good karma+1 vote
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

but to get back to the original point:

Yes, veterans, workers and patriots deserve more than your own 3rd position. Get over it already, you are trying to go back to a golden age that ended precisely because it didn't respond to the real issue within your system. Yes we did fail our first attempt, but the future is yet to be written, while you think you can come back to the past and undo your own ideological faults.

Nonetheless, glad we talked with some maturity.

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

About your own position.

1. I am not sure you understand what 3rd position means, historically, and no, it is not Anthony Giddens. It is Fascism with another name. Especially, you state this, with your aim towards corporate + State intervention.

2. you don't prefer democratic authority. This means you don't get what democracy is, or, you do but you are willing to call yourself anti-democratic. That combined with the BS of Prussian ethics, tells everything we need to know about what you want.

2.1 BTW, Lenin stated that those who do not work shall not eat (after Paul ofc) and that communism is soviet power + electricity. So prussian ethics... ok, you don't know what you are talking about. Socialism does not make workers contempt to work.

3. Stating also that socialism is a moral response is missing by far what is all about. And yes, communist do live by work ethics in their everyday lives, in work, in family in comradery. You are either too young to have met real communists, or you believe the propaganda of liberalism.

4. If communists are contempt at something, it is actually to people like Marx. I am pretty sure you don't get that as well. Max was a liberal and bourgeoisie, he paved an intellectual road. Most communist countries, if you look closely, made statues of marx and engles, where engels was standing and marx was sitting. But they did nothing but pave an idea. It was Stalin and Mao who built socialism, and yes, they killed millions, and yes they were not j-e-w-s and yes they created the ground-steps for technological and scientific revolutions. I known you are going to mix all of it, because you can't get your head around it.

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

Putting it politely: You do not understand what socialism means.

1. it is based on the concept of struggle. Class struggle to be precise. Ofc, this can go up to war. We are not hippies.

2. it is based on the idea that history is not made by ideals but by people and institutions. This is why we are materialists (and please, if you do not understand this, like Unbeholden, don't reply to it)

3. Social democracies and democratic socialism are almost the same, true. But ofc I am talking about real existing socialism, that is, the experience of URSS. Bash what you will, if you don't grasp any of it, then don't answer "necrostatistics = bad"

4. Marx was only the start. He did not make "HIS" manifest, but a manifest of the communist party. If you can't tell the difference, then do not reply as well.

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

You miss to understand the point. Both Democraps and Republicunts are the same. As for the second part... give me a break I am tired of this PC rhetoric and BS identity politics. You do not understand socialism. The fact is that you live in Corporate Amerikkka and any political party will make sure it stays that way. America first is total nonsense, it is just a slogan. But at this point it matters nothing, because the whole country is aiming to pre civil war already. You have only to blame yourselves, your "freedoms" and your "lateral" facts and your "natural" rights.

The veteran, as the worker, as the patriot, are all trapped inside this logic. Those who support the logic of Corporate USA are the actual anti-democratic enemies socialists fight against.

2 cents for you to think for 5 min alone.

Good karma+2 votes
Zeto55 - - 152 comments @ It is the Veteran

what? The veteran? He fought resource wars, he didn't protect your rights. The men and women who fought abroad are heroes, but not because they fought a real war, a war to defend you. These were nothing but wars to protect your masters' interests and capital. You just praise your master and call these people to a fake duty, those who suffered immensely in your fake wars.

Don't be such a peasant, you slave.

Good karma+2 votes