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Zorean is the brainchild of Rui Curado, owner of Isomeris, a software development tools vendor. The two-and-a-half team is currently working on both sides until growth is possible. An idea to build a completely different game sparked the activation of Zorean back in 2006. With some help, that idea is now being materialized in the form of Mark Lane's Logs: Project H.U.M.A.N.. _________________ Rui Curado is the head of Zorean, doing most of the creative work and PR. Started developing games on the ZX Spectrum way back in 1985, when saving meant recording robotic sounds on an audio tape. In 1990, his first PC game, Labo, won the 1st game development competition in Portugal. The action game had 9999 auto-generated levels, and a stunning 4-color palette. Since then, apart from casual toy games, Rui has turned to more serious stuff like cutting-edge software development technologies. In August 2012, the idea of creating a game played in the real world brought Zorean to life.


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