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Attractio is an indie first-person puzzle game developed with the GC Engine (GameCoder Studios' in-house engine) where the player has to solve challenging puzzles manipulating gravity. These puzzles challenge the usual way of thinking about physics and gravity. In Attractio each object has its own gravity direction which can be changed by the player.

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[crash] during loading at first level (Games : Attractio : Forum : Early Access / Demo : [crash] during loading at first level) Locked
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May 7 2014 Anchor

I bought this game via humble bundle recently and I also had issues with that missing dll. I managed to get that dll, but now have issues with the game crashing when I am at the first level during the loading screen.

I.imgur.com here is a picture.

and here's my dxdiag.


May 7 2014 Anchor

Hi, I see that dxdiag reports two display cards (with the same name both), so, I suspect that you have hybrid graphics and maybe the game is running with the weak display adapter instead of the strong one.
Open Catalyst Control Center, look for the "Power" menu, then "Switcheable Graphics" and make sure that attractioupdater.exe and attractio.exe (both) are in high performance mode instead of power saving.
If that doesn't work, try to put the texture quality in low.
If none of that works, open P;PDATA%\AttractioEarlyAccess\profile\logs and send to us all its contents.
Please tell us if you can fix that.

Someone else told me that he had problems because his username(of WIndows) have an space.
Does your Windows user name has spaces, or "non-english" characters(like 'ñ', 'á', etc.)?

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