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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 182)
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Meet The Warlords

This is so cool, I love the way you're making this into such a unique experience, I can't wait to play this.

Good karma+4 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ have some more humour

Do I want another beer? = More Beer!!

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ have some humor

Sounds like the supernatural fandom

Good karma+6 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ have some humor

I prefer to think that all of the above was done by one super like being "Polish Man!" To the rescue... or maybe to the bank to rob it with a spoon! *cue theme music*

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ C&H

I don't know why but my mind immediately nicknamed the dude with the gun ***** pistol Pete, he sounds like a cheap villain hahah

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Bothan Sovereignty

This ship is my absolute favourite ship and you guys have definitely done it justice, as well as all the other ships you guys have done. It looks awesome.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ I don't even...

Aaaaaaand I have no idea what I just watched. I feel like I should've looked at the file name first, like whaaaaaaat?

Good karma+6 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ have some humor

Ah I guess that's another extremely dangerous animal that lives in Australasia now guys, damnn they have it hard there hahah

Good karma+3 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Barrettor Class Star Destroyer

Every time there's an update for this, I just know I'm going to be impressed and boy was I right. This looks awesome!

Good karma+7 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ well that's a relief

Yay! My country is (kinda) in the news for something.

Good karma+11 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ The Morale System

Man just reading about all the stuff you're doing with this mod is awesome. Loving how you're managing to incorporate the lore in with the game play and this is by far one of the coolest mechanics I've heard about, Keep it up man :)

Good karma+3 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ stuff

I have sung this before, let's just say it's totally worth all the weird and dodgy you'll get hahha

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ More Stuff

A genius is never appreciated in their own time ;) haha

Good karma+7 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Stuff

As a New Zealander I am unsure where there to delighted or horrified by this :P

Good karma+9 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

Ah well it seems like everything has just got out of hand then. Well bugger that, people need to chill out and just relax then. I've come halfway through all this stuff so I though I would give it a shot and try and help sort this stuff out. Because in all honesty, its getting really old really fast.
I don't really know anything about the censorship stuff so I can't really speak about that.
I think answering back I perfectly fine, how else do you sort things out.
Responding to the hate message is well within your bounds, although personally I would probably just ignore it.

Well I don't really know how to solve the "campaign" issue, I can only say my opinion, which would be to ignore it. Bullies, real or not, just like the attention and the reaction, remove those and it should hopefully resolve itself.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

Ah okay, sorry for making a general comment. You seem to be pretty reasonable actually. I was not aware of any bullying as I usually catch the back draft of whatever is happening with all this stuff.
Oh I'll completely agree with you that there's a lot of offensive stuff there, but I personally just ignore most of it. Sometimes there'll be a gem of a picture that is not offensive or whatnot. Some people like that stuff and I can see how that could upset you. But I do have a quick question, why do you look in the group then if you know it'll just annoy you?

Ah yeah nah, that comment is pretty bad ae. That one I understand the response for. I have a work friend that is Hindu, I think, any thats not something I can see as being alright.
My group,... well it quite a diverse bunch with differing opinions and you'll find that I share one similar to you. I personally respect most religions as its not my place to say what is right or wrong, I just want to leave things be so that it stays peaceful.

Somehow I don't see an end to the "campaign" I reckon if everyone just left each other alone it would be sweet as. That's all I can really say.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

As I said before, I am not aware if it is unprovoked or not. If you were provoked, I am personally sorry for whatever offence you may have incurred.
That is not the sole purpose of the group, although it has become an increasingly larger part of it unfortunately.

Look I completely understand what your saying, and I see why you think what you do. But someone has to start it, do you not what to be the bigger man in this situation?
Trust me when I say I wish that this strife did not exist and we could just get along but when conflicting ideas meet, there's always going to be extremists and ruin it for everyone.
I don't mean to be part of the "hate campaign" against you, just a moderate voice that can help attempt to bring around an agreement to all this fighting.

Good karma0 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

Mate, no one is innocent. Its as plain as that. In my book racism, hate-speech and discrimination is never okay. I'll have you know that I have personally worked against such mind sets while I was at high school.
Although I understand that I have a biased view point, its just as biased on your side. But we can meet somewhere in the middle, surely would that not be beneficial for everyone?
Good and bad are just labels my man, no one is the good guy here. All this is, is an extension of what kind of influences that we feel today. Trust me mate, I don't believe everything anyone says.
I may be apart of a group that mocks religion, but that is not the sole part of the group. I personally do not mock religion, I joined because it is a group with similar interests to my own.
Do you agree with everything everyone in your group does?
I am just trying to saying that you shouldn't really lump all atheists into one group. Because I am not like everyone else and neither are you.

Good karma-1 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

Ah if my comments have been taken in such a way, I must apologise. They were not suppose to be taken in such a way, my intention was to never be arrogant just a different view point. As for "My friends" they may chose to debate this anyway they chose to and does not have anything to do with me. For this cycle for hatred to stop or at least die down, one must make the first move away from these negative comments.
I do not strenuously support anyone mate. I am simply saying that there is a way to do this differently to how it is already going down.

Good karma0 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

I shall reply to you because I believe you have misinterpreted what I was saying. I am not defending Comrade, simply pointing out what has caused such events to transpire. I am not saying that he has done nothing to antagonise you or others, simply I have not seen such displays, and he might have for all I know.
My hypocrisy you say? I have never claimed to have any better beliefs than you, and as a matter of fact I personally believe that everyone is allowed to believe whatever they chose to. I have never, I repeat, never called religious people stupid or brain washed. I have a broad understanding of religion, being brought up religious and going to a religious school.
Somehow I doubt that Evanp would be taken to court for such comments, the courts deal with major crimes, not whatever personal offence you may feel by someone on the Internet.
I would kindly ask you not to insult me or my country as I have not insulted you in anyway. This "garbage" that you refer to is simply what I have chosen to do with my freedom to speech. For your information I live in New Zealand, a established part of civilisation.
It seems to be that you feel threatened as you have resorted to insults and personal attacks. Which is quite sad, as I was expecting a civil debate, but alas I guess it is not to be.

Good karma-1 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

You are allowed to have your own opinion but as you put it this is a debating society, so but still are trying to force your view point on others. You do realise that you can explain your view point to others in civil and respectful way right? The way you write your comments come across extremely arrogant and it is almost as if you're talking down to others. I am completely aware what this picture is in response to, and I'm all for showing people that they might be wrong about some things, e.g militant atheists. But again the way you have presented your rebuttal is less of a counter argument, it seems resembles a personal attack.
Also as a debating society we must be open to new ideas and to go into arguments with an open mind and frankly, you seem to have a extremely closed mind to anything but your own beliefs. Which in turn raises a concern that you are not here to join in some civil debating but to try and convert and attack others of dissimilar beliefs.

Good karma0 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Exterminatus

I just noticed that too. Quite petty isn't it?

Good karma+6 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

You mean where you have specifically gone out of your way to attack and cause trouble in the anti-theists group?
As far as I am aware, Comrade has not attacked you or the Christian group here on moddb. Any action taken by Comrade is fair as you have provoked him into a response. You should've learnt by now that if you poke the beehive, you have to be prepared to be stung.
This so called "crusade" would not have happened if you hadn't metaphorically punched the beehive.
Your actions have consequences and you have to learn to deal with them. Stupid or bad actions usually invoke similar responses, so you knew this would happen, don't complain about it, this is what you wanted.

Good karma0 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Exterminatus

This is why we can't have nice things.

Good karma+6 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?

Usually I'll sit out of these kind of debates but of course there are extremes and militant version of everything. The problem with all of these religious/atheist topics is that no matter who is putting the info up here, its always skewed. These can't be looked at one-sided, otherwise its just pointless.
Oh and don't ask a question "Are atheists persecuted and oppressed?" then go and answer it yourself "It seems to me that atheists are the oppressors and not the oppressed" That just shows that you're not willing to actually listen to what anyone else has said. You've got to come debates with an open mind man.
Plus, Knight was that last comment really necessary? It seems a bit unwarranted to me.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Around the world in 80 drinks

Not going to lie, a bit disappointed New Zealand isn't on the list. We have awesome drinks!

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ meanwhile in new zealand

As a New Zealander, I don't even know where this is haha :P

Good karma+4 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Federal or Parliamentary republic?

For those of you that want more info about the Aussie one, this is what happened as ComradeWinston mentioned

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ Are you up for the task?

Well 29, I'm not sure if I should be proud of myself or ashamed of myself...

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderMcCarthy - - 182 comments @ WOULD THIS HAVE BEEN SO HARD, BIOWARE?!

Damn, that looks pretty amazing

Good karma+20 votes