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French stalker fan, administrator of the old site: stalkerfrance.com. About modding, i'm working for Team Epic as level designer. About games, I'm a fps gamer, I like Stalker series, Half life series. I like to play few rts as C&C and Red Alert series and one RPG, Skyrim.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 817)
Borovos - - 817 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

The first version is always the best! I'm joking, my own one is not perfect, it's far away. But I'm proud to see trucks cemetery in S2. I hope they are adding more place from the real Zone.

Good karma+2 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ Oblivion Lost Remake

I saw it on ap-pro too. Is there a english version for this beta?

Good karma+3 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

I don't remember exactly, did you talk with your friend, the guide, to open the access to Novospelichy? If I remember, you have to say goodbye.

You have a marker for the level changer, but is there a quest marker on a npc?

Good karma0 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

@LiquidBronze, I know, I know. I'm just sarcastic because I'm afraid by comments like this... It's not trolling, it's about misunderstanding. Sorry

And you're right. Long time ago, I remember the hard way to find mods on ru version of gsc forum, wait a long time to have them in english and finally translate all this mods in French. RMA, NS...
Now, we have very good translator and it's so easy.

And yes, it was difficult to create links between this two community. But it's always in progress imo.

Good karma+2 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

As I understand on ap-pro, it's 10% chance to have a respawn during sleep.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker


Are you using patch 1 to 4? I think it was fixed yet.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker


And what about Call of Chernoybl?
We used a leaked engine ofc! And we was at the top 1 on moddb during years!
And since the leak of the engine years ago, all mods for Stalker game series used edited engine.

It doesn't matter for GSC or for moddb. Great mods are free pub for all of them.

Here, if the team didn't upload True Stalker on moddb, it's because they didn't want. Nothing more.
They want a single place to work and share datas, their own website as the mod was create by the "ap-pro" team.
And we are in 2024, eveybody can use a browser with translator.

So, please, stop trolling about "obscure site".
You're like a ignorant afraid by strangers...

So sad.

Good karma+3 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

Obscure sites? Seriously?

Since the old gsc game site is dead and stalkerin.gameru.net close, Ap-pro.ru is the main site for the stalker community.

We, english speaker, are the second zone, not the first. Stalker come from Ukraine and the fan community include russian and ukrainian gamers and modders.

So, if you want to dl the mod, you use Chrome with the autotranslator, go to ap-pro and take it.

If you are afraid, just go back.

Good karma+4 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

Just take the time to read, the game need OpenAL. It's in installation process, as DirectX.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

It was always locked during my game.

Good karma0 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

When you start the game, are you sure than patch 1.4 appears in the main menu? On left bottom
This crash is fixed yet.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

Use Chrome and autotranslate.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

Just wait a little bit and follow others quests.
In dialog or pda, you have a msg as "i'll rescue him when it'll be the good time to do it" or something else.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

If the team didn't create it yet and didn't share ressources and tools, it's for a good reason.

Ppl have to understand the priority for a team is to fix bugs.
When everyone add his own work, histoire own addon, it's a mess.

It remember me the release of coc.

Have tens beta tester is not as a public release.
So wait a little bit. They probably do it later. They work on it since several years. There is no emergency.

OFC, it's only my pov.

Good karma+2 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

I don't understand why ppl want fast travel. It isn't a big freeplay mod with a lot of levels as CoC and others (i'm member of Team Epic). You just have to follow the main story. And made secondary quest in function of the main one.

It's as in SoC and CS. A true stalker with a great story.

It's as the progress regarding stuff, weight and others. I'm at chapter 5-6. I can carry 90kg, I have good stuff, a lot of ammo, medics...
The player is not a super hero with powers. The main caracter is a ordinary stalker coming back in the zone.

Please respect the game design and authors. Be patiente.
Take your time, don't rush, enjoy your travel, your progress and have fun.

Good karma+8 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

The beginning is a bit hard. After, you will find arties, drugs in stash or dead corps. And later, a good outfit.
All that you need is here.

Good karma+3 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

Fixed in patches

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

You can report bugs on the ap-pro.ru forum, using a translator.

And this bug is already fixed. Just check ap-pro.ru thread.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ True Stalker

Please guys, take the time to read this before crying (I just copy-paste it from the official page on ap-pro.ru).

A few recommendations for those who encounter technical problems:

1) If your settings and saves are not saved, run the game as an administrator.

This happens because you installed the mod in the Program Files system folder, and it, under certain settings of your system, may prohibit you from making any changes. We recommend installing the mod in folders other than system ones.

2) If your antivirus complains about the installer, then temporarily disable it or add the installation file to the exclusion list. There are no viruses in the modification.

3) We are aware of comments regarding the font size in dialogs at some resolution settings, and will definitely consider resolving this issue.

4) If you encounter memory crashes (mainly on old or weak computers), increase the page file to at least 8 gigabytes.

5) If you have an error OpenAL: Can't create sound device - update OpenAL. It is in the mod installer, you can check the box.

6) Screen resolutions 4:3 and 21:9 are currently not officially supported by us.

7) We are aware of the problem in the quest to find Kiryukha. Will be fixed in a patch. For now, try to immediately respond to cries for help as soon as you hear them.

8) In case of crashes, attach the logs that are stored here: \True Stalker\userdata\logs

Report all errors to the forum (ap-pro). We will try to fix the bugs you found in the coming patches

Good karma+7 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ COP THEJOURNEY SDK

Very good. I'm sure than members of the community will use your great work.

Good karma+4 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

"the game is not very stable"
Welcome in stalker univers.

"Especially when many applications..."
Perhaps should you close them when you're playing.
Are you working or cooking when you're making love? Computer are like humans.

About "shame to devs". First, try to do that we did, and after it...
A little bit of respect is always welcome.

Good karma+10 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Everybody joined the C-Cons. I'm writing to you by the way of a zombified stalker.

Good karma+2 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ Back to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - December 2021 Update

I see in your trailer than you add the "ton anomaly" in Agro underground.
Are you using the static object or the dynamic one?

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ Updates. What about a public beta ?

Sorry, it's in french.

D'après mes souvenirs de la beta ce CoC, et comme tu bosses seul, je ne te conseils pas une sortie maintenant.
Le bug reporting sera un casse tête à gérer.
Au delà des bugs d'origine, des zozos vont se mettre à modder ton produit dès le début avec le gun porn machin, le mod shader truc et le bidule AI en plus, sans parler des aléas avec les différentes configs (du Xp en DX8 avec une vieille pétrolette au top config Win10 avec une carte dernier cri).

Sans parler de tous ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est un readme, qu'une open beta signifie forcément des bugs, que quand un auteur met en place un système de bug reporting, il aimerait bien que les gens le suivent sans poster n'importe où, n'importe comment, sans oublier les haters ou les trolls de manière générale. (Mea culpa à la communauté, il y a de bons joueurs dans l'ensemble, mais on retient plus facilement les chieurs, les insatisfaits)

Bref, tu n'es pas dispo, donc laisse couler.
ça te prendrait du temps que tu n'as pas à devoir surveiller les bugs qui sortiront au fur et à mesure.

Le seul point positif serait un debbug par la communauté russophone d'ap-pro.ru.
Si ton mod leur plait, non seulement tu peux imaginer un bon bug report, mais en plus voir des patchs sortir.

Bon courage à toi

Good karma+3 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ Beta test started, dev news

Very good news. I'm happy for you.
I like this new skins so much.

What about new monsters you created?

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ The Journey

Gunslinger use a edited engine if I remember, that can not be merge with others mods without tons of work.

About polycount, if ppl want high poly, they have to play game with new engines, not old game series as stalker.
And have low poly and high poly stuff in the same game looks so bad imo.

And don't forget than el_chupacabra work alone on his mod.
Each addition, each change, each edit needs more work.

Good karma+3 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ The Journey

That's good news.

Good karma+3 votes
Borovos - - 817 comments @ Dead Air

You can use Chrome and translate the content of the page.

Good karma+1 vote
Borovos - - 817 comments @ Into The Zone

Not exactly, but very closed. The same mind.

At this time, I mean in 2011 or 2012, easterns mods was using the SoC's StalkerMapPack mod as a base.
I remember the discovery of very good mods as Narodnaya Soljanka , the Secret Trails 2 mod or Lost World series.
I found them on ap-pro or stalkering.gameru & I shared them to the french community, we tried to translate them from russian to french with the poor ggl translator, to fix them, to follow updates...
The sharing was done on gsc forum too.

Secret trails was a very good one but it didn't have respawn. Lost World series evolved too much & too fast. & I didn't like the final result (when the first version was so good to play). StalkerSoup was too buggy for me and a mess with all this adds, it's the giant modpack.

So, I loved FreePlayStart mod for SoC & StalkerMapPack was here but levels was empty.
How do?
My goal was to merge them, add more levels, fix levels and add alife everywhere.
Bamah and Bangalore helped me a lot on GSC english forum.

During this time, Bangalore was working on his own side for Soc or CoP. I don't remember what Alundaio was doing, probably scripting some crazy things for CoP mods, perhaps for Misery.

You have to understand that was a crazy work for me. Take coordinate ingame with a poor script and use notepad to add a single anomaly, a way point, a smarty, a box in a level, step by step, it was too much for me.
Do it again and again. To add alife to CS Marsh only, I needed all my nights during 3 months IRL. Looks the level list, 43 levels! So, my project was ready for several years, just insane...impossible.

In the same time, I created Bog & my firsts versions of TruckCemetery.
The SoC SDK & others tools was too slow.
It was very hard (or impossible) to compile Marsh or TC for SoC, compiler crashed, team as Dezowave, didn't shared their tools...
The engine code was not yet leaked.

By the way, eastern community team improved their mods based on SMP and my project was not really needed.

My interest go to the release of TC level.
Because of technicals limitations, I choosed to port it from SoC to CoP.
And a day, i don't remember how, I joined Bangalore's project.

Ofc, I prefer SoC game & spirit to CoP ones.
But I tried and I was satisfied by the tools, the CoP SDK, the compiler...and my team mate.

At the beginning of 2013, I came with my work, my point of view, my ideas and concept. We worked together, Bangalore, Alundaio and others, with the same goal, the same mind.
It was very fun. The soc, cs & cop engine was leaked, CoC was improved. Tools was shared and improved too in the community.
a new age was started.

& a day, we did it, the map pack with a full alife for others modders, for storydesigners, modpackers.... was done.
At first, the freeplay was include for fun, for balance during the beta test. Finaly, it was a feature of the sandbox.

It's the link between ITZ and CoC. My way.

Good karma+5 votes