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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 64)
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Hailstorm

Wouldn't it only need 2 bridges if it was a dedicated carrier/troop ship? that's what the Venator's two were for. 1 for ship operations the other was for fighter CIC.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Screenshot

Didn't the Republic have something that looked like this? Never actually seen?

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

with all respect I'm on the discord and got told the game is stable. nothing is going to be done and it's my system. STA3 has become unplayable for me

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Are the Minimods not working with new new release? Minidump every time, no matter which minimod is enabled

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Mod of the Year 2023

what ship is that last one???

Good karma+4 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Wondering if someone can help, getting an issue where my games crash, no warning, no message or dump log. Simply freezes for a second and then game shuts down. I've redownloaded STA3 and SOSE 3 times. Will happen on demand if i try going into the "diplomacy" menu.

Good karma+2 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Screenshot

That has to be the best version in any game I've seen

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Screenshot

Just hope it's stronger than in SOGE, in the Clone Wars these would go up against Lucrehulks. I also hope the Recusant is given a more stronger role

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Screenshot

It's the original one from Rebels

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Ages of the Federation

I'm stoked about SWSG really am, especially as SOGE is the only mod where you can play as the Grand Army of the Republic. I hope you guys don't make the same mistakes with the CIS. They made the Recusant class ship a pointless frigate when in canon it played a far bigger role.

Good karma0 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ STA3 with Sins: Remastered Shields by Druark

Love the effect. However, finding that the shield effect is actually happening on weapon fire not impact with the shield. Is this something known?

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ STA3 with Sins: Remastered Shields

Am finding that the Shield Effect is not in sync with the actual weapons. Shield effect seems to activate before the "beams", "torpedoes" & "pulses" actually hit.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Ages of the Federation

No word of a lie, I logged on this evening, thought I'd give it another go, it worked!! Couldn't believe it, not really sure what changed, I'd shutdown and restarted lots of times. Just thankful it worked. Just have to get used to the new game now.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Ages of the Federation

Anyone on here having issues with Epic Game Launcher? Sins II not loading?

Good karma0 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Ages of the Federation

As with STA3 all i can say is WOW

Good karma+2 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ A Minute's Notice

Is this going to be in game? Knocks the socks of the Daedalus

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ AOTF Roadmap

Is this is what has happened or what is happening? Cos this Mod has already blown my mind. I'd love to see some of the UI bits in Armada III, the ship/station overview when you've selected them is amazing

Good karma+4 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Ages of the Federation

Just some feedback, this game is like playing Armada 3 (which is 1000000 times better than both previous released games) I was just noticing whilst playing the AI as Romulans they don't seem to research the Plasma Torpedo's and continuously have the nuclear missiles? Is this meant to be?

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Remastered v0.95b and AMD Graphics Cards

Have made the adjustments you've mentioned, game crashes, no mini dump or error message simply shuts down. I've redownloaded both SGR and Remastered three separate times. Any thoughts?

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Hey, Have had a mini dump 4 hours in to game, I've saved so i hope that it won't happen again on reload. I have the mini dump report if there's an email address to send it to. I've re-downloaded both Sins and the Mod as well as validating the files and ensuring all is well.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Info Required - When researching the Resource Addendum for the Card/Dom's shouldn't it turn the Union Commerce Station into a Refinery also? Have completed the first level of Addendum, as Dom so can't increase the extraction rate; but the resource tab's don't show refinery income and can't see any Hauler type Gormell's start appearing? Am i getting it wrong?

Re-Edit - The asteroids themselves do show a resource increase, so there's jus no Haulers that appeat?

Also, I've noticed there's a lot of people adding their thoughts and opinions about the changes you've all made. I'd like to say i'm not "moaning" or "criticising" what you guys have created is amazing, it's not a mod it's a commercial grade game. At first i didn't like some of the changes that were made, but slowly as i play each faction it becomes clear why you've made each one.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Decimation

Ofcourse, I understand, Just played as the Feds, 3 hours in, all research complete, built the Typhoon it was a bright blue (Team Colour) went to save and Game closed, no error message, no mini dump. I'm trying to work out what this could have been. It has to be my end rather than the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Decimation

Hi Guys,

Is there likely going to be a patch? I've now played 18 games, 4 Fed, 4 Card (dominion), 2 Borg, 4 Kling and 4 Rom and I've had a mini dump on 16 games, all at varying points.

Hope to hear back soon


Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Can anyone direct me to where i can read/study the planet types? Playing on a Few Random Sector maps and can't seem to get enough research stations in a system.

Good karma+2 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

However I do have to say, as a massive Armada fan, I played 1 and II for years and used to love the Fleet Ops mod until it died. But this mod beats not only the other mods but actually is better than the actual games. Your team should be running a Gaming company.

Good karma+3 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Just wondering if it's my version or it's meant to be, I'm looking at the Starbase upgrades and The Nor Class and Unity class armament upgrades say missile batteries are added? Should this be that or should it be torpedoes? Missiles aren't really a thing in ST universe, after Enterprise anyhows or am I wrong?

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Stargate Races

Having some issues, running r1.07 with remastered, keep having the game unexpectedly closing on me. At different stages of the game.

Good karma+1 vote
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Stargate Invasion

Love the mod, just a small issue really, the ORI random event, which i think has been done brilliantly; but it spawns to often especially at the beginning of a game. Finding that they've destroyed any AI opponents before they've made any progress. Thanks

Good karma+3 votes
Drewlew - - 64 comments @ Stargate Invasion

Really wish i knew what to do, love this game but neneis was a fav.

Good karma+1 vote