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Skills: C++ Programming Basis, Concept art Drawing Base Anatomy, Spriting used Programm Paint, Story writter. Languages: German (Main language), Portuguese (Mother language), English, Japanese.

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School and How to begin.

謎Enigma謎 Blog


To start this topic of i would like to say i been having alot of issues having to cover school and gamedesign togheter.
Which of all i have to focus on my school more. That doesnt mean i cant continue having ideas and upload some art or other.
Now for the second part is as you can see i created a Gamedesigning Group called Bethic Team. This should be the starting point of my Gamedesigning carrer. I already have planned what kinda game i will start to create.
And even though i made a group i would still like to join a Group for educational porpuse to gamedesign since my knowledge of AI programming, Physics programming and Graphics very low is.

So yeah i hope youl enjoy it and take care.