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Project leader and creator of Star Wars: Interregnum and the Enhanced 4X mod.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 3,878)
GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.51

Is your checksum for the main menu mod tab 222114439?

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

I'm not sure why you've been having consistent issues. We may be able to provide more assistance with the Beta 2.51 version on our discord server, as this might take some back and forward to resolve. Discord.gg

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Please post your checksum and mod order so I know what you're working with an verify the installation.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

You're using all 5 mods needed to use Interregnum and Sins Remastered together right?

Does this happen without remastered?

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

That is a better question for the Official Sins of a Solar Empire discord. The official forums also had a DEV post with modding limits.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

There is, some of the campaign maps do this on Mon Cala as an example.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.51

Probably. Is your checksum on the mod tab of the main menu options 222114439?

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.51

What is the version number on the lower right of your main menu? There is probably some version of this mod that will work for it, if not this one. If you can play multiplayer with steam players, I assume this one will work for you.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.51

I am not often getting minidumps with this version. Are you sure your checksum is 222114439, and if the crashes are random, have you tried reducing your ship/planet/structure detail settings a notch? If so, and the crash occurs after you load an auto save, can you send me the save file?

Good karma+2 votes
GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Glad you're enjoying the mod! If you're encountering random crashes, try reducing your ship/planet/structure detail settings and see if that improve stability.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.51

Kaine's Pentastar Talks ability only captures true minor factions from the Minor Faction DLC, I.e. planets you can capture with an envoy. You can tell these planets are minors if you click on them and you can see they have minor faction abilities.

Special planets like Kuat, Coruscant, Mandalore are more like the pirate base. They are always hostile and cannot be peacefully acquired.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.51

From the beginning (over 10 years ago!), I planned four new factions in Interregnum. We are not currently planning any additional playable factions at this time.

Good karma+6 votes
GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

The main mod we balance for only needs 2, Star Wars Interregnum and the Enhanced 4X Mod. All the others are optional.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Use our Online Mod Manager tool, and the installation should be simpler. No matter how many addons you want to use. Goafan77.github.io

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

While the Enhanced 4X mod does use planet textures from Infinite Space, the mod itself is not compatible.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

I'm not sure where you're getting that the Skipray is stronger than the Raider. The Raider is over 3 times more durable and has 50% more DPS.


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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

We are continuing to rebalance the economy of the game based on feedback of this change. A lot of players like the change, but indeed there isn't enough things to use the resources on early game, so we will be rebalancing some prices in a future version.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Its a bit out of date, but perhaps you'll find this video guide helpful. Moddb.com

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

There is not currently a translation of the mod for French or any other languages.

If you wanted to make one yourself, go to the Mod Folder, then the "String" folder. The "English.str" file contains almost all text shown in the game, and would need to be modified to support French.

It would be easy enough to translate all the base game text at the bottom of the file to French, as there is a French translation of Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion you could copy. However, all the mod specific text has never been translated, as I don't speak any other languages myself.

Some mods have done AI translations, but I can't speak to how effective they are.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

The Galactic Empire has the same maximum base fleet supply as all the other factions at 2000. In fact they get slightly more than other factions thanks to their "Council of Moffs" end game tech that gives them +100 supply and +2 capitalship slots.

Imperial ships do tend to use more fleet supply than the vanilla races, but that's because their units are stronger. So in terms of raw ship numbers, you may have fewer ships, but those ships are larger and more powerful as a result. All of our unit balance is per fleet supply and believe me, the Empire does very well when it comes to how much damage it can do with a given fleet supply.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Glad you're enjoying the mod. :)

The Warlords do have smaller fleets, but they've got better tech and lots of customization for a quality for quantity approach. In our MP games I think they're currently doing better than the Galactic Empire, but I personally struggle with them too. The smaller fleets do require you to change your fleet compositions.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars Interregnum Beta 2.5

This should only be the case for versus maps, which are intended for more PVP focus, and campaigns.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

What was great about making the Dark Empire is that by restricting it to campaign missions, we could make it at full power without worrying about multiplayer balance. If it was normally accessible, it wouldn't be as fun.

That said, nothing stops anyone from making their own maps that use the Dark Empire with the Interregnum galaxy forge. Maybe I'll upload one as an example if time permits.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

I at least personally have no plans for full Clone Wars era factions. We may continue to add a few more Clone Wars ships, but Interregnum is strictly set after Episode VI.

The reason for this is not because I dislike the Clone Wars or Prequels. But rather I simply don't consider myself an expert on the era. I've read many dozens of Legends novels in the Galactic Civil War and afterwards, played many of the games etc. But I've only read maybe two prequel era books and a few games. I've not even finished watching all the Clone Wars TV show.

I completely agree Sins could use a dedicated Clone Wars mod, and would be willing to assist anyone who works on such an endeavor if they want it to be compatible with Interregnum. But I am simply not the person who can make it happen with the quality or passion it deserves.

Good karma+2 votes
GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ E4X & Interregnum Gameplay Minimods 1.88

You mean planet bombing ships? That might be difficult, the AI in Sins requires access to certain ship roles, and planet bombing might be one of them.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

The E4X versions should be the same. Maybe you had a corrupted file somewhere. Regardless, glad you got it working!

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Just to make sure, you definitely have the latest version of the Graphics minimods right? Moddb.com

dolynick would be best able to assist you. It might help him if you can link a screenshot of the issue.

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ E4X & Interregnum Gameplay Minimods 1.88

Yes. These are all optional customizations, you only need the main download to play. Moddb.com

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GoaFan77 - - 3,878 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

What faction are you playing as?

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