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I'm Jake, from Liverpool, England. To start things off let's just say any mod that has a cinematic feel will appeal to me (as long as it's good, I guess). Zombies, story-driven games, deep characters, puzzling conundrums, atmospheric environments and great gameplay. I love it when you know you've improved on a game after it feels like you've done everything you can with it, and if you can change the experience someone has playing it compared to the original, if you can make it more intense, new content, new characters, whole new stories, in short ambition, and ambition achieved, then it's aaawwwwriiiiiight.

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The Jake Man Cometh

Jakebitezz Blog


I'm back baby!


Ain't been on here in ages man, been outta the scene for a good few months now but I wanna start it all up again. I always have this love/hate relationship with modding and the likes. I get obsessed for months at a time and then stop making progress and just give up until another idea comes my way. Concepts paves the way for a relapse and I'm back again, but without a concept. Hmmm, interesting. Anyway, definitely chatting on a bit here so yeah, I'm back, for awhile hopefully :)

Let's go get some shit done

Absolutely Can't Wait

Jakebitezz Blog

Bring on the Post-Apocalyptic lulz :]

Free-Roaming, Ooooooh.
Oblivion-Sized World, Ooooooooooh.
Guuuunzzzz, Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh.
Dogmeat is back, Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh.

Can't wait.

Order you're posters off this guy, here


That picture is amazing!


Jakebitezz Blog

Scholars do not know the exact year or date of Jesus' birth or death. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke place Jesus' birth under the reign of Herod the Great, who died in 4 BC/BCE, although the Gospel of Luke also describes the birth as taking place during the first census of the Roman provinces of Syria and Iudaea in 6 AD/CE. Scholars generally assume a date of birth between 6 and 4 BC/BCE. Jesus' ministry followed that of John the Baptist. The Gospels name Pontius Pilate as the Roman prefect that had Jesus crucified, and Pilate was prefect of Judea between 26 and 36 AD/CE.

Everything you knew about Jesus was wrong.

The shit's just hit the fan.

Jesus lol

Left for dead. Still a wanted man. The Holy anointed one never had the most peaceful of lives. But is this guy even for real? What's the talk around Nazareth of flashing lights a few days ago? What the hell are these mechanical objects he has, with their piercing cries and white hot projectiles? Living up to his Dad's reputation has never been so hard.

Jesus is here. Pretty soon civilization is gonna realize that they just FUCKED with the WRONG Messiah.

Jesus lol 2

A First Person shooter like you've never seen before, utilizing the beautiful source engine.


You better start prayin' hard
'cos he's all out of mercy.


Jakebitezz Blog 2 comments

Hey again, just need to write down a few ideas here for my main project at the moment. I'm trying to get a Max Payne 2 'The Walking Dead' based Mod started.

I'm planning on having 3 or 4 fairly large levels, and a training level and bonus level. The training level would take place in the camp they'd set up outside Atlanta City at the start of the comics.

I'm hoping to include a small chunk of Atlanta City, with Glenn and Rick. Which would be less of an action based level; it'd be more about just getting out alive. I'm planning on having swarms of zombies in it.

I'd then like to make a level set in Wiltshire Estates, that I'd like to be pretty small, but have interiors also, it'd be a much calmer, more objective based level.

I'd then move on with a fairly large level re-creating the Prison grounds with a whole bunch of the characters from the comic, and possibly some interiors of the prison. This'd be where the majority of the MOD would take place.

I'm aiming to keep it relatively feasible for the moment. So wether or not I will be able to achieve all this is yet to be seen. My main focus will be on changing the style of the game, and making it a very different experience to Max Payne 2 and also fully immersing players in 'The Walking Dead' Universe. If anyone wants to help on this mod in any way feel free to contact me; I will be making an actual mod article for this project once I have it up and running.

Wish me Luck!


Jakebitezz Blog

First Blog, Right Here.

Now I don't know if any of you guys here at MODDB, have heard of Robert Kirkman's excellent Zombie Comic book 'The Walking Dead', but I'd probably count it as my favourite comic of all time. It presents a very human view of an undead uprising in a post-apocalyptic setting.


I'd count it as a very heavy influence on a lot of my modding work an my future plans for a mod, I've currently been working on a small RPG like game based in the world using a program called RPG MAKER 2000 (although this isn't my main focus whatsoever). This is purely a fan-thing for myself and friends, if anyone wants to see a small glimpse of it here's a little picture of some of the characters. Looking a lot cuter than usual might I add.

