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Just your average gamer I guess. I am not a modder. (as much as I would love to be. I just don't have the computer for it.) Love the Command&Conquer; and Mount&Blade; series as well.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 38)
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ BannerPage

Just wanted to leave a short and sweet comment. Your mod is pretty much everything I wanted out Warband, thank you for taking the time to make this. You have made me come back to this game after not touching it in almost 6 months. I hope to sink hundreds of more hours into it.

Good karma+7 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

So why does the forum seem to have an issue with ipv6? Is there going to be fix for that or anything? It tends to get annoying having to "fix" it every time I want to visit your forum site for the new updates.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Could i get some help here? I can't access the swr forums sites at all as it tells me "Could not determine your IP address". I have tried it from multiple different internet sources and different houses, but it still tells me that.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Hello, I am having issues getting into the swr forums as it tells me that it "Could not determine your IP address" I can't access the game SWR.net on because it says i do not have a "Network.ini" in my documents folder. Any help would be appreciated since i can't seem to access the forums.

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ C&C: Untitled

Well Rebel Man is very frightening. >~>

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ C&C: Untitled

What is with the "Super Technical" the GLA use in skirmish mode? It complete scared me shitless and have no idea what it is. >~> I was really really close to defeating the GLA in a match playing as the USA Superweapon general and all of a sudden my entire base is destroyed while I was distracted. I went back to the replay and saw a floating technical that caused Nuclear Explosions when it fired. I lost my whole base in seconds to it.

Good karma+3 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Before more people ask about a new release and don't bother checking their official site. A quote from The_Hunter on the Forums.

"I'll just go ahead and confirm there won't be a christmas release this year.

But i can garantuee it will defently be sometime durring the first 3 months of 2015."

Hopefully this will thin out the constant questions. >~>

Good karma+4 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Oooo it's made it to the top three (at the moment) Here is hoping it hits #1! Great job guys!

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Screenshots

That helipad design is just really popular with russian factions isn't it? Rise of The Red's is similar to it (Though obviously not the same) and I am pretty sure I have seen someone one else make one in that design as well. Looks very good all the same!

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Disruptor Rifle

Almost reminds me of the shock rifle from unreal back in the day.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

You can not separate the data without breaking the mod I am afraid.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

You do realize he said "in the future" right? He is being a little rude about it but he is saying to be patient. They don't tell you if they have updates coming. Sadly enough you just have to wait like the rest of us.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds Release: Patch 1.802

Well at least the CEO resigned. We may see a new dawn in the company towards consumers again hopefully.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

It has been a little while so I think I may safely bring this up. can you please take down "The upcoming version 1.8 will add..." It is just an OCD pet peeve of mine. I sorry! >~<

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I think there may be a limit on just how large a map can be, but I would love to have a map of the world or just simply a very very large map that would actually make sense in an actual battle.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Alright I just want to know this. It may sound a little dumb, but it is safe to assume 2.0 is bringing up a lot of new units for the generals correct?

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

It has to be your computer as far as I know. I am not one of the modders so I can't really say. I just know I haven't been having this issue on any of my computers. It being purple would definitely be because of an unavailable texture and the turrets is also probably textures simply not showing not that the turret isn't there. It probably is. Im sorry to see that no has seem to give this any attention but I believe it your computer. If you can in any way try it on another one and see if it continues.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Definitely not the place for that question...

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I don't know if I have asked this before but are the Americans going to get a visual re-do in the future? I for one would love to see this as they seem a little out of place with everyone else (besides the Chinese) looking different.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I have voted as well. Can't wait until 1.8!

Good karma+3 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM)

Alright. I found out it was not the mod. I uninstalled it but they are still gone. I have windows XP so I don't know the problem.

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM)

Alright I am having a pretty strange issue. I have installed the mod and it runs fine the problem is the models. At the select a character screen there are no models. I can see a stretch of one ever once in while because they are swaying. Also the sith lord isn't at the main menu. I started the game anyway and T3 is there but the level is completely gone. If you could help me in anyway I would be very thankful.

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I can disagree here. Yes it may be a little disadvantage, but I have defeated the Americans with Russia in less than half an hour on the miniaturized version of America. Though if given time I do believe that America has a pretty substantial advantage to anyone else because they can pull in money like they are growing trees.

Good karma+2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Pimp Our Guns

Oh very awesome. I will definitely make some weapons if I can!

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Hey guys. Just popping by checking up on whats new. I have a question though. (Yes I am bugging about updates.) Is the list of generals a list of the ones you have completed, or just a list that you guys have put up as filler until you are done with 2.0? And if possible, is there a realistic time frame we could expect even a small update?

Good karma-2 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I couldn't agree more. I would love to see a fourth rank. If they survive to kill so many units that they get an upgrade so that they can have increased endurance against their weakness or even so that they can hurt them more. (Except infantry against aircraft of course.) Say that an infantry man kills so many enemy units that it gets this said fourth rank and now he can use a grenade launcher that can do almost as much damage as a regular anti-tank infantry unit. I believe that would be really useful. Though of course this could be used as a major disadvantage to the enemy because of hoarding of said "uber" infantry. I still love this idea.
Though, I do not think it is possible to do what I said. I am not known in the scripting field of games sadly enough.

Good karma+5 votes
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ UltimateZeroHourGen

/) Brohoof!

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Jarmen Kell

I like this model actually. He is their best soldier. He can look and take what ever needs or wants. He isn't going to be some some robotic super-soldier or from that picture I saw, A Chinese sniper looking model.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ Seraphim improvement

I like the look of the new model over the old because of the higher detail but I think that there may just be few too many bolts to add to the chain of complaints about it.

Good karma+1 vote
kenseirabbit - - 38 comments @ GLA Suicide Bomber

Model looks great in my opinion. I love it when people actually take the time to make a infantry model look good. Instead of having some weird smudge face thing.

Good karma+1 vote