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Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Which further development would be the most interesting to you?

Actually, I think it's normal to have bugs in the mod. There are a lot of bugs even in finished games. I just played skyrim. 10 years old game but terrible in error. If you think it will be troublesome, you can release it as beta. we play we report problems to you

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Which further development would be the most interesting to you?

In fact, some empire total war mods have Khiva Khanate. it was done by someone else before. Maybe it will make your job easier

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Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

I totally understand you, my friend. After all, you have a private life. And you do this as a hobby. You have created a really beautiful design. After installing a mod for the first time, I was able to play with peace of mind and without being ridiculous to me. As I said before, it's like the 2023 update of the game, not a mod. you are loved my friend

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

I actually commented on the Special News Issue in the articles section, but I guess you didn't see it, I'll copy it here.

It would be great if you add new cities to the game. In particular, I think there should be a central Asian Turkish state that stays above the Safavids. And certainly America should not be empty, unclaimed lands. There must be cities in those empty places, even if they are small or poor. I get scared when you say you want to change the combat mechanics. because one of the reasons why I prefer this mode is that it looks like native, it's like an upper version of it. In some mods they increase the range of line infantry to 100. they make the aim skill 35 and the reload skill 15. I think this is really bad. I think the stats that the game gives to the units should be preserved, for example, a normal european line infantry Range: 70 Accuracy: 40, Reloading skill: 25, Ammunition: 15, Melee attack: 6 Charge bonus: 9, Defense: 13, Morale: 7. I find these stats very balanced and I think it's true. cavalry just seems useless to me. if a normal cavalry unit is 45 (when the line infantry is 120) maybe 50 can be made because 45 really is too few and most cavalry units can't even destroy half of the line infantry even if produced for the same cost. so they will fight straight in 1 v 1 without tactics. Apart from this, it is very boring for me to go beyond the patterns determined by the game in battle mechanics. or changing the construction cost of buildings, making the soldiers' prices and salaries different from what the game determines seems bad to me.
note: maybe the line infantry reload event can be slightly increased as well, waiting for the line infantry to fire in the early game is a cruelty.
one more note: all of what I just wrote is my personal opinion, of course I may be wrong about it :).

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

dude i commented but you didn't reply :(. or are you bored of me :D

Good karma+1 vote
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India - Special News Issue

It would be great if you add new cities to the game. In particular, I think there should be a central Asian Turkish state that stays above the Safavids. And certainly America should not be empty, unclaimed lands. There must be cities in those empty places, even if they are small or poor. I get scared when you say you want to change the combat mechanics. because one of the reasons why I prefer this mode is that it looks like native, it's like an upper version of it. In some mods they increase the range of line infantry to 100. they make the aim skill 35 and the reload skill 15. I think this is really bad. I think the stats that the game gives to the units should be preserved, for example, a normal european line infantry Range: 70 Accuracy: 40, Reloading skill: 25, Ammunition: 15, Melee attack: 6 Charge bonus: 9, Defense: 13, Morale: 7. I find these stats very balanced and I think it's true. cavalry just seems useless to me. if a normal cavalry unit is 45 (when the line infantry is 120) maybe 50 can be made because 45 really is too few and most cavalry units can't even destroy half of the line infantry even if produced for the same cost. so they will fight straight in 1 v 1 without tactics. Apart from this, it is very boring for me to go beyond the patterns determined by the game in battle mechanics. or changing the construction cost of buildings, making the soldiers' prices and salaries different from what the game determines seems bad to me.
note: maybe the line infantry reload event can be slightly increased as well, waiting for the line infantry to fire in the early game is a cruelty.
one more note: all of what I just wrote is my personal opinion, of course I may be wrong about it :).

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ What do you think about tight formations, manpower and expensive cannons mods? What do you think about other possible improvements? Choose one option, which is most important to you.

dude, until you did it, no one would have thought of it in sects in islam. but you're probably right because what I'm saying must be really hard. possibly done with a team. I react to them for leaving the game, which has such a good logic about sega, so plain.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ What do you think about tight formations, manpower and expensive cannons mods? What do you think about other possible improvements? Choose one option, which is most important to you.

I think the main thing that adds fun to the game is not the units and battle mechanics. In my opinion, diplomacy features are much more effective as in NTW. Through diplomacy, a country abandons its alliance with another country. Or, through diplomacy, a country declares war on another country. Or when you conquer a city, it can be made a protectorate. Imagine that you can recruit soldiers from the country you are the patron of. It is an incredible event. or if we could intervene in the country of which we are patrons. There are countries affiliated with us in the game, but they are stuck on their own :D. It would be great if we could interfere in their internal affairs. buildings of different characteristics. In etw you have a choice of two buildings in single-built cities. if a third option is offered. a high-income building. or features in new total war games. I think these can make the game much more enjoyable. but what I want most is that the minimap in the battle is like the one in ntw. The war minimap in etw is as bad as vomit. It would be great if the game gave you a task per turn (I can't remember the name). probably the translation will translate very badly. There are differences in meaning in what I write because of the translation. sorry for the bad english. I probably wrote something very lame and exaggerated. but I think sega should have added these to the game by now :(.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Anatolian Janissaries

Thank you buddy. I'm happy to be in my name's mode. I wish the continuation of your success

Good karma+3 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

What you say sounds very good. Thanks a lot for your understanding. Sorry for bothering you. Thanks again for everything.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

hello my friend, first of all, I didn't like using 'European firing drills' in eastern units.
I think it spoils the realism of the game. secondly, it's a matter of wanting a Janissary unit equal to the strongest infantry in the game, I don't have such a request. 'Swiss Guard' Accuracy: 55, Reloading skill: 60 can also use 'Platoon firing'. This technology strengthens the infantry incredibly and thanks to the bayonet, 'Charge bonus': 19 becomes Defense 20.
Even if you make the morale of the janissaries 13 and the melee 15, it does not equal the best infantry in the game because janissaries
Charge bonus: 13, Defense 15. No 'platoon firing'. You say janissaries are superior to most elite line infantry. this is the stats of the elite line infantry('Guards') even in small nations in Europe Accuracy: 50, Reloading skill: 55, Melee attack: 11 thanks to the bayonet, Charge bonus: 15 on the 13 bayonets, Defense:18, Morale:11. and 'Guards' units can also use 'Platoon firing'. and the limited recruitment rate you mentioned yes some units even have 1 but most nations already have 2 elite line infantry. there are even 4 in some nations, for example France. Swiss Guard, Royal Ecossais, Maison du Roi, Infanterie Vieux. 'Bulkeley's Regiment' (not elite unit), referred to as line infantry, is almost equal to the stats of the Janissaries. I am fighting the infantry of different nations in the game. Believe me, the Anatolian Janissaries are lagging behind. Even 'Guards' units defeat janissaries. anyway thanks for adding an elite unit to the ottoman and getting the outfits right, adding a lot of different features to the game. Another issue is the cavalry issue, the cavalry is 45 people. and if the ball hits 15, 10 people die instantly. cavalrymen who 'Charge' first in their war wins. Stats don't matter that much. yes, the ottoman artillery units have high firepower, but they don't have horses either. Wherever you put them, they stay there. I respect your opinion because you made the best empire total war mod :D.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

dude something caught my attention. There is a Swiss Guard unit in France. Accuracy:55, Reloading skill:60 Melee attack:13 but with bayonet it's 15, Charge bonus:16 Defense:20. the anatolian janissaries you added Accuracy:50 Reloading skill:55 Melee attack:12 Charge bonus:13 Defense:15. Anatolian Janissaries do not use bayonets, cannot be square, and cannot benefit from technologies. Even the small western nations' guard units are stronger than the Anatolian Janissaries, come on dude. I think you can strengthen the Anatolian Janissaries. As if the ottoman was behind the big European nations in technology at that time, then strengthen your close combat or increase your morale. melee 15 morale can be 13. already at most 4 can be produced, at least be strong. The European-style army that the Ottomans issued in those years was 'Nizami Cedit'. If you want, you can add an elite 'Nizami cedit' unit.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

yes, the sound has been improved in the latest version. I read an episode where you wrote that you fixed the sounds, but I didn't think it was about military units. sorry my fault. Because deli cavalry is used in weapons, it has a very advantageous position against mamluk cavalry. Mamluks' charge stats are slightly better, but deli-cavalry makes up for this once attacking with a weapon. I mean, I didn't use any Mamluk cavalry while I was playing, I thought I use five or six at the beginning of the game, that's all. Technology is needed for deli cavalry.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

hello, I played the new version with the renewed janissary outfits :D. In the speeches of the Mamluk soldiers, say armed peasants and citizens. So it's very different, normally they should say cavalry or something. I'm just saying so you know. Please don't get me wrong, it's not that important, as I said, I just wrote to inform you. also why did you add mamluk soldiers :D. There are already deli cavalry in the Ottoman Empire. moreover, they are better. I think what is really needed is the lancers cavalry. or you can increase the morale or stats of the mamluk cavalry and make it more chamfered but stronger.
Historically, Mamluk cavalry were private soldiers. That's how they designed it in age of empires 3. and seriously thanks for the mod, it's so awesome.

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

Thanks for the more accurate janissary outfits I'm looking forward to the Ottoman empire update. There is no elite Ottoman soldier in the game. I hope you add an ottoman soldier with high stats. Especially in western nation, there are infantrymen whose morale is 12-13. It is very annoying that there is no high morale unit in the Ottoman Empire.once again, thank you for all your hard work. thanks

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

I gave the highest score. It's amazing even as it is. I hope you improve your mod a lot more

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

Thanks for the feedback. Thank you for your contribution to the Ottoman Empire. It would be nice to see an elite unit with strong statistics in the Ottoman Empire, as in the European states :) My favorite part of this mod is that it was made by the game's maker. It doesn't break the nature of the game. Also the Safavid update was great, it's great and realistic to have sects in Islam but I felt like religious unrest was too high. Religious unrest is very high in Mesopotamia. In addition, 20% of the population is Sunni. I think there is not that much of a problem between Sunnism and Shiism :)

Good karma+2 votes
Kupa.46 - - 18 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

I've tried most empire total war mods but Foothold in India is the best. It improves the game without spoiling the originality of the game. I commend the designer of the mod, he did a great job. Also in the ottoman, the clothes of the 'beylik janissary musketeers' unit are ridiculous, no one goes to war with those clothes, the real janissary clothes are the 'jazayerchis* unit added by the mod maker to the safevi' and the *cemaat janissary grenadiers* clothes in the ottoman Can the mod's creator fix this :). Could you please add an elite unit with rifles to the ottoman, an elite ottoman rifle unit that is good at close combat and has high morale. Because the Ottoman Empire does not have such a unit. Finally, sorry for the bad english.

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