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Bob Evans joined November 16, joined

Oh... Hi there, my name is supposedly Bob, although it's not. I'm some random, stupid 15 year old guy that likes strategy games. In fact I am making a game of my own called "Alien Incursion", and it is at Version 1.2, and is really fun imho. So read my blog or something and leave a comment, I just love talking to random people of whom I have no knowledge! Oh, and browse and comment upon my images, because they're cool...

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Tank Lovers Group

Tank Lovers Group

1,101 members Hobbies & Interests

This group is for everyone who like tanks, sci-fi tanks, real tanks, funny tanks, you can put here tank mods, tank maps, simply everything with straps...

Ship Lovers Group

Ship Lovers Group

183 members Hobbies & Interests

If you love ships,this is your place! Many people like you is waiting for you to talk and discuss about these steel wonders! You can also talk about sea-based...