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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 371)
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ ABR COP MOD 2.1.8

well, it sounds great. cheers!

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ ABR COP MOD 2.1.8

greetings, man! would you mind sharing with me the name of the song you used on the 2.0 release trailer?

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar: REDUX: Division 3 Demo Release Update

it's coming along great, guys. keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ teaser1

very impressive work, man. congratulations

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Updated build

thanks for the update!

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Black Mesa: Blue Shift

it's a typo, 'r' and 't' keys are next to each other. don't be a jerk

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Xen Skyboxes

i think he did a really great job with the skyboxes, most definitely an improvement over the low resolution generic imagery from the original ones. however i will agree that the pitch black background in the nihilanth portal sequence definitely had it's charm

Good karma+4 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Status on the project (08/10/22)

sorry to hear things didn't work out in your job, man. finding a good way to deal with people can be pretty difficult, specially when they are douchebags. stay strong and thanks for all the passion you've shared through your projects!

Good karma+4 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Combinification

i know i am quite late for this but regardless i still wished to say how grateful i am for still finding talented people such as you working in the half-life modding scene. your content is very fascinating both in its artistic/historical inspirations and in its highly detailed implementation of original concepts in level design. i haven't gotten around to trying out Snowdrop Escape but at some point i will definitely play it to completion and share my thoughts, i'm sure it's great. best of luck with your current project. i hope it turns out just the way you desire

Good karma+5 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Mine weather WIP (Next Update)

very impressive job with the way surfaces are affected by the rain. however, i personally dislike the explosion effects, the blast and flaming debris that fly from it look way too bright and 'whitened'. seems a bit off to me, from an artistic point of view anyway. thanks for sharing the footage and good luck with the rest of the update

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Major Graphics Overhaul - March 2022

congratulations on such a meaningful progress milestone! best of luck with the remaining future of Desolation

Good karma+4 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ New intro screens, new nightvision

excellent work, my friend. i noticed the pso scope looks overly dark in some scenes (see 4:27 and 5:23) maybe lower the black tone a bit? project is looking great regardless

Good karma+2 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ telegib

honestly didn't ever expect to see this kind of interactivity in a half-life mod. remarkable work, man.

Good karma+16 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ The second Decay: Solo Mission demo is public!

best of luck with the rest of development, mate. I'm glad things are going well on your side

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Half Life 2: Raising the Bar REDUX: March 2021 Update

the weapons are looking splendid. the AKM in particular is such a beauty. i would add some more detail to the animation bit where he inserts a new magazine so it better sells the feeling of really "sticking it in there" and the movement doesn't feel so sudden. but that might just be my kalashnikov loving self obsessing over it ^^

Good karma+2 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Chapter 3

that's a... very exaggerated bloom effect. do you plan to keep it this way?

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Raising the Bar: Redux: 1.2 Animation Showcase

what do you have against inspect animations? they are entirely optional. if they bother you just don't press the key assigned to the action, simple as that. i personally think they are great and work much better than animations triggered by long idle behavior. had a great time with them in Killing Floor 2

Good karma+4 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Hazard Course is Released (Again)!

my most sincere congratulations, i would pop a bottle of champagne for you guys if i could afford one but i'm currently unemployed (i didn't even know today was tuesday so i guess that joke is on you). wish PSR all the best with it's next project and a great 2021! 🍾

Good karma+4 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Outer Canals - Division 2

i'm digging the mood!

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ 2020 winter update

it's always good to hear from you. i'm particularly fond of the adjustments you made to the fov of the weapons models. keep up the good work!

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Arcane Dimensions

i frankly cannot believe i wasn't aware of this mod's existance. looks stunning in every department. very hyped to try it out!

Good karma+4 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Major Development Update - December 2020

awesome news. hope you guys enjoy a well deserved rest this season. happy holidays!

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Combine assault

the author seems to have very good taste in art direction. mod has a grounded yet charmingly light hearted atmosphere. a breath of fresh air considering nowadays everything is either dark and bleak or super flashy and flamboyant.

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ 2020 WIP Video Special

ah, yes. the mod people didn't know they wanted but so desperately needed

Good karma+3 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Another Workshop Update

i'm glad both teams could sort it all out. must be a huge relief to finally break the workshop milestone. out of curiosity, will you be replacing the outside rock textures for the ones implemented with BM 1.0? since you mentioned tinkering with the lighting engine i'm curious if you'll make use of other Black Mesa graphical features

Good karma+2 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Hazard Cursed

i didn't mean it was on pair with their technological/graphical complexity standards, i'm mostly referring to the level design, writing and scripted sequences. i have played hundreds of user made content for half-life and yours is uniquely professional, to the point it's easy to see HC as a "canon" reimagination of the tutorial section (just like Black Mesa is considered for the main campaign).
i also didn't mean the kind of partnership you seem to be illustrating. but maybe the one i have in mind is not actually possible and i'm just too naive. i was thinking of something in the molds of the recent Left 4 Dead 2 update, where Valve allowed community members to work into additional features for their game. since HC was always meant to be a non-lucrative project i can't see why CC wouldn't welcome your team to help expand their title.
sure, that means Crowbar Collective would be materially profitting from PSR work that was never paid for. and i can respect why your team wouldn't want that, but it seems like a feasible deed should it ever interest you guys, not for the sake of clout (thank you, i just learned a new word) but to create a cohesive and well known Half-life 1 remake that sports all scenarios from the original game. you could still keep the free mod version available to the general public like CC did with BMS.
i don't mean to belittle your work or insult anyone, i'm just a fan throwing ideas in the air

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Hazard Cursed

i know i have mentioned this before but i really cannot stress enough how much of a missed opportunity it is that Crowbar Collective ain't making a collab with you guys to integrate an enhanced version of Hazard Course into Black Mesa as official content. the quality bar certainly meets the standards. pretty much peanut butter and jelly situation, can't see what's stopping it from happening but i am not very savvy in the way the game industry works so surely there is a reason?

Good karma+1 vote
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Half-Life Absolute Zero Update 8 - Transparency

i won't bring hate, just facts. that was the most alienated and self-centered comment i ever read on a gaming website. no one in Moddb is working under contract. that is the whole point of free modifications, that individuals can create something new out of their love for a certain type of media and then share it with the community. all developers in here are entitled to shift their efforts and interests to a different foccus. they do not owe users a fully realized project just because that was their original goal. what you're demanding is basically that all content creators be forced to work without pay just to meet a quota and entertain you, if that is your vision for this community then surely you have no place here

Good karma+7 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Hazardous, of Course

you guys are the most sympathetic crew i ever get to hear from in Moddb. just that artwork in the header already warms my heart a bit. also, thanks for the opportunity to check on Francesca's page. please tell her i saw that family portrait of Gordon, Alyx and the chubby baby snark and it's just lovely. keep up the good work and have a nice and safe week everyone

Good karma+2 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments @ Quicksave is back.

thanks, man. players always appreciate when you listen to their input and react to it. best of luck with your upcoming project. it's always good to see fellow hl2 modders growing as game developers and experimenting with new things. cheers!

Good karma+3 votes