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Comment History
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Gameplay delays caused by absence of precached player models on the map. This means every time bot respawns, it reloads its model from scratch. Having precached models of multiplayer players as anim objects on the map solves this problem. Extended server rules with ability to adjust difficulty through vote will be available soon, as well as ability to turn off rocket/grenade launchers serverside, as well as define grenade launchers clip capacity.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Thanks, ȢæȢ!

- One more patch: fixing grenade explosion effect of OICW and AG36, as well as ANY projectile explosion. As you may notice at now, OICW grenade shows strange "tail-trail" after explosion, as well as AG36 grenade explosion. This will be fixed. Also, bots will be optimised a bit.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

HIDDEN MUTANT IS ALIVE NOW! Some animations of other trigens are working pretty good for him (especially Fat one's animations). It looks very scary :)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

I know about that monster. This is the one lying on table in the Bunker level. It just a character rag-doll model without animations. So, maybe use anims of other trigens? I'll try :)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Themodderofmods, bring down console, type bot_quota 5 hit TAB key then hit ENTER key ;)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Hey, Garcy!
Please describe "Bots with NO weapon" bug. I'll look what i can do. Also, i need a pic to make Server Information Replacement.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)



Go to your Far Cry folder, then go to FcData folder, and REMOVE CCGF_CACHE.pak file from this folder!

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Some good news for future release:

- Increased detail texture distance. Even far terrain looks better!
- You will be able to pick up helmets from fragged enemies.
- Valerie dialog ability (?)
- Wrench swing can be fixed by accepting old version of some dll library (?)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod) 1.89 - *OLD*

Kato-yuen, thanks for downloading.

How to fix on-ladder crash? You said you have installed the mod on FRESH INSTALL FAR CRY. The game code of fresh install mismatches with ladder code in FCAM mod (different versions)! Please patch the Far Cry to at least version 1.32, or better to 1.4 to avoid this bug.

Good karma+1 vote
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Hey, Garcy!

Scope lens stretching in widescreen mode fixed.
Just download fcam_fix.pak, follow the instructions in PM and...
LET'S RELEASE F.C.A.M today! The whole world is waiting...

Thanks to everyone for your patience!

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Hud elements for widescreen are aligned.
Bunker level optimized and fixed!

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Huge thanks, TwinturboZ!
Garcy, here is another fix/update:
- Widescreen support. Not ideal, but decent.
- Bot spawn armor now visible.
- Bot friendly-fire-off teamkill fixed (discovered and tested, so 100% guaranteed)
- Wrench melee swing fixed (?). Try to place objects9.pak in FcData folder.
Download fcam_fix.pak. See the readme inside.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Sorry, i didn't understood then! The spawn armor is invulnerability timer (if player is invulnerable after spawn)! Ok, i'll look for this bug.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Hi, Garcy!
I've made the hack for widescreen resolutions, to increase fov in widescreen, also, i moved the radar a bit right, when in widescreen. It isn't stretched, but it seems a bit increased, and i don't know how to reduce it's size. I'm thinking, thinking...

What is "spawn armor visible"? I never seen any model changes on players. Please, give more detailed info.
Animations. I know why you can't see correct wrench animation. You have version 1.4 of game, but i have 1.32. I want to make animation work for my mod too, it's really bad that animations aren't play in v1.4!
I must find a workaround for it!
You can help me. Please, give me wrench.cal file of wrench weapon from 1.4 patch. Also, does grenade throw animation for Hands work in my mod under version 1.4? I need this info to create workaround for wrench swing animation.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Ok, i'll look what i can do with widescreen. My monitor is wide-screen, so it's perfect to test this! Also, i'll look about bot killing spree.


- BasicAI.lua: fixed very annoying bug when mercenaries do their job (for example, fishing) while holding their guns in hand instead of putting it on back.
I'm hunting for this bug for a very long time, and finally squished it!
Garcy, just download fcam_fix.pak

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Garcy! New update is available!

- Client side bot connection rewritten again. Server full of bots: is freeze on connection still occurs?
- New BasicPlayer.lua. It has "Unlagged" stuff (to simulate hit detection on clients with very high ping)
- HYPER-OPTIMISATION: I've found a piece of code in basicAI.lua, which i've missed previously. It's DoChatter() function (used to emit radio cracks from mercenaries and growling from mutants). It was insane lack of performance, because it was called every frame update, for EVERY AI (just imagine it)!
It was bad idea for this not-so-time critical feature. So i've optimized it, and moved to client-side update (approximately runs four times per second for every ai) and performance now is MUCH better!

let's download fcam_fix.pak and give it a good testing.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

There are much more available.
- Video proof
- These bots bug fixed ?
- Car kill icon redrawn
- Fixed wrench animations

Just RE-DOWNLOAD fcam_fix.pak (4.4 Mb)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Also, what's wrong with wrench swing animation? Does it makes REPAIR animation instead of SWING? Or everything is OK, just ugly animation?

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Hey, Garcy!
Update is available. There are more improvements inside:
- Bot client side connection code rewritten
- Bot tagging code rewritten
- Bot weapon switching bug fixed
- Bot behavior improved (bot now looks for nearest pickup when loses hostile contact)

The link is same, but again, download fcam_fix.pak instead of fcam_fix.zip

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

New update is available. Bot suicide on client join fixed. lol3r_86, this isn't like Lemmings! It's when one of bots dies, when player joins game on multiplayer server.

The link is the same, but you should download fcam_fix.pak instead of fcam_fix.zip

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

OK, thanks for encouragement, lol3r_86!

Garcy, here are options for you:

1) Release as soon as possible!
2) Forget about my presence on this planet, my scripts, my support and testing etc. I'll try to fix bot suicide today, but don't wait too long, let's release! :)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Hey, Garcy!

look in RL.lua for the following line:

ZoomSteps = { 2, 4, 6, }, -- something like this

then paste the following line after it:

ZoomDeadSwitch= 1,

By adding this line in any scoped weapon script, you can make "scope aiming" without holding the aim button.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Testing scripts now
Mmm... i believe you like this new handling manner of Rocket Launcher. It's much more realistic than previous ones.
Bots... bots are still pretty stupid now, but they can do some funny stuff. I wish you to have a good laughing at them!
Garcy, please don't forget about implementing old code of swing door, to make it open automatically, like in version 1.32 of Far Cry.
Shooting when looking through smoke causes smoke trail seen through scope. I really like it!

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Final fixes will be available tomorrow (i hope)
Melee headshot detextion is hard-coded in C++ so i don't know how to improve that.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Death Scoreboard Fixed
Old Rocket Launcher (the one from v1.32 of game)
Car Kill Icon changed
Machete/Shocker/Wrench headshot removed
Bots Teamkill - works correctly
will be uploaded soon

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Killing spree message for bots works now (cleaned unused line for players also).
Don't know how to refine bot jumping... that depends of quality of ai navigation on a map.
What should i do with server admin menu?

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

OK, Ok...
Bot tagging are ready - [Bot] lol3r_86 :)
Server administrator can change bot tag by using
bot_tag Tagname variable
Automatic door now automatic again, as in 1.32 version of Far Cry.
I'll finish inactivity timer tomorrow (i hope)

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Team sign above bots head just added. Also, i added an ability to switch teamsign on and off. Reasons: 1) teamsigns are INCREDIBLE waste of CPU and GPU! 2) I think it's a cheat (personally i hate these triangles above teammates' head)

Anti-cheat features:
Inactivity timer adding right now
Team change timer adding right now
Names teamcoloring? Will try...

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

I'm preparing something more improvements to the scripts of this mod:

- Client side weapon dropping improvement. Will be work on client connected to dedicated server too.
- AI sight/sound ranges fix should work. It's very strange it doesn't work in this version, so i'll do advanced test and will improve it.

Good karma+2 votes
Mix3r - - 30 comments @ FCAM (FarCry Addon Mod)

Garcy, i'm making debug of "server full of bots". That's a good idea! Thanks. Will fix it tomorrow. Also, can you release standalone script patch 1.5 after all the fixes will be applied?

Good karma+2 votes