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ParagonEarth is a game developer from Portugal. Rather than liking a single aspect of game development he likes everything, from art to level design, programming and even music, he’s always eager to learn. One of his games, “Pulcra Vermis” is a game about an unfortunate adventurer lost in a dimension in which stands a colossal castle, inside, in order to leave he has to resolve multiple puzzles while deciding whether to listen or not to a mysterious voice in his head. You can find and play his games on his homepage.

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Pulcra Vermis:Re - Devblog 2

ParagonEarth Blog

This time I learned a lot! But the most exciting part of it was working on Vermis, the female character of the game, even though she's still not finished I never went so far in developing a character as I did with her. These are the improvements I made in the last few weeks:

  • Improved Vermis's room.

  • Improved the dialogue and added an inspection option when interacting with Vermis.
  • Improved Vermis.
  • Created clothes for Vermis.

  • Created a walking animation for Vermis.
  • Tested cloth simulation for Vermis's dress ( utter failure but I'm getting there).
  • Blocked further the well area in the labyrinth.
  • Created a ripple effect when throwing objects into water.

  • Almost finished the new version of the "monster".
  • Improved a new area in the 6th floor.
  • Almost all bookshelves in the library were replaced by the newest ones ( there's tons of them but they're instances so they shouldn't affect performance).
  • Created a low poly version of the chest.
  • Chests are textured and can be opened now.

  • The new main character mesh is almost ready ( but clothes and shoes still need to be improved).

  • Wrote one ending to the game.
  • And many other things too trivial to be mentioned.

Pulcra Vermis:Re - Devblog 1

ParagonEarth Blog

Hey everyone! I’m working on “Pulcra Vermis:Re”, a remake of "Pulcra Vermis" which can be found and played here: Paragonearth.itch.io

Pulcra Vermis:Re is a first-person puzzle exploration game with elements of psychological horror. In the game, the main character finds himself trapped in a strange dimension with the only thing in sight being a colossal castle. After lifting a mysterious book from the ground, he starts hearing an impassive female voice.

This will be a long journey but I really hold this game dear to my heart so this time, I want to achieve something I wasn't able to in the previous iteration, I want to tell a story, a story between two souls separated and reunited by death.

This is the progress I've made so far:

  • Added volumetric fog.
  • Improved the lighting and post-processing settings.

  • Expanded the labyrinth and blocked out a new area.
  • Reprogrammed the object interaction and pickup systems.
  • Enhanced a bit the look of the hall.

  • Replaced objects with high vertices counts with lower ones without affecting the overall look.
  • Created an improved version of the chest, chests now have a higher purpose than just being decorations.

  • Blocked out an exit from the labyrinth back to the castle.
  • Fixed a bug in which the female voice would spawn endlessly when repeatedly dropping and picking the book.

  • Multiple assets were replaced with improved versions.
  • Added some balusters here an there.
  • Different footsteps sounds for different surfaces.
  • Ambient volume lowers when inside the castle or enclosed spaces.
  • Better looking and optimized bookshelves in the library.
  • Randomly stacked books (still looks unnatural because of the spacing between each but I will improve it).

  • Turning pages ( still need to fix that shadow bias artifact).

  • Added doors that open in the direction the character's facing.
  • The library has a starry ceiling now.
  • Started working on a new room.

  • The second tower is now open.
  • Replaced the previous body with an improved one, now it looks more like a statue( this one will have animations so prepare yourself to be spooked).

  • Started sculpting an improved main character and monster meshes.
  • Added a new character to the game( still in early progress).

  • Programmed a dialogue system with multiple choices.
  • Started blocking out the upper levels of the castle.
  • Officially changed the executable name from "MyHouse" to "Pulcra Vermis" ( I'm really ashamed of myself, really).
  • Composed a soundtrack for the game.
  • And other minor additions.