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Comment History
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Red Alert 3: Southern Rising

That and the unfinished Shock Therapy mod's improvements, Generals evolution for Civilians and Civilian Buildings, Tech buildings, Maps, the weather and animation graphics, and the revolution mod for certain upgrades would be excellent for helping your development for that project. But I don't know if the other mod developers are willing to share that easily without some kind of compensation or credit*?

*You'll most likely credit them but still some people can be picky with that.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Corona

That could be interesting to see in action. Are there any tanks available in the future that use fusion type weapons?

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Corona

Any flamethrowers for the Celestials? After all the dragon has been a symbol of China and dragons normally associated with breathing fire so will there be a Corona version of the dragon tank (generals)/Shen long (Rise of the Reds mod for generals) for the Celestial Empire? Heavy armored Dragon Troopers could be interesting for anti infantry units. Maybe napalm could still be a thing for them?
If they do would the Allies get the Cryo Legionnaires with Cryo Tanks that deploy cryo mines which freeze and shatter infantry units and slow down vehicles. It could be nice to see a battle of fire vs ice between Allies and Celestials. The Chrono tanks with limited shift range and Pacifier FAVs would also be interesting.

Good karma+3 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Corona

Uh... what do you mean by "he can do the game more cool and fantastic"? Are you saying that I should be a beta tester or something? Or are you asking about when the beta is available? I would be honored to test it, but that is the mod maker's decision. I mean I do want to play it but I rather wait for it to be complete. I do have some ideas but that would be IF they wanted 2 new factions instead of just 1. But that's all I have to offer.

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Corona

Is the tesla tank available to be produced, because they exist in RA2 and RA3? Or will they be replaced with something else?

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Corona

Damn it, I was logged out.

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ PrymusElMadol

I am now registered, what is the next step?

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ China new RTS MOD developer team

Thank you/谢谢

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

由于原始代码无法获得到公众,那也盖为私有使用? 如果如此我了解,并且我感谢您您的服务。

Sorry if if this might be incorrect, my Chinese is a bit 生锈.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ China new RTS MOD developer team

I can speak Chinese to some extent at least. If you are looking for any English voice actors I can find some who can do an exceptional job if your willing to find some.

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

That's an interesting story, I do understand the problem now. Sorry to hear about the lack of cooperation with fellow modders.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

No I'm not Chinese. I understand that the game is limited to 4 factions now, but I did say it was a "huge if" it doesn't mean they will or should. I was just wondering if it was possible or not.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Shock Therapy Dev Team

Is the source code of Shock Therapy available for people to use and improve on where you guys left off?
I love the Shock Therapy mod greatly, it makes the game more enjoyable to play, it's pretty much the only way I play red alert 3 nowadays. I would like to help in anyway I can, maybe even getting assistance with other modders to aide with your team's effort. I know that it may be difficult to let someone you don't know a chance to mess around with your project, at least know in this mod community modders work and stick together. Even if they might not see eye to eye the community can and always will be there to assist you and your team's efforts.

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ China new RTS MOD developer team

Do you mind if I could have the source code for the Eastern Loong mod please? I would like to use the Chinese/Tian Chao faction for a little personal project of mine. I won't take any credit for your outstanding efforts for this mod, I just want to see how far I can take the modding experience to the next level of this opportunity.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

Besides me adding my 2 cents, The modders did a perfect job at creating the Eastern Loong mod and do deserve some praise for their glorious efforts.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ TheWorms

Is the source code of Shock Therapy available for people to use and improve on where you guys left off?
I love the Shock Therapy mod greatly, it makes the game more enjoyable to play, it's pretty much the only way I play red alert 3 nowadays. I would like to help in anyway I can, maybe even getting assistance with other modders to aide with your team's effort. I know that it may be difficult to let someone you don't know a chance to mess around with your project, at least know in this mod community modders work and stick together. Even if they might not see eye to eye the community can and always will be there to assist you and your team's efforts.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

It would be interesting to add at least one more faction, possibly the Global Liberation Army? I know of the generals 2 mod for Red Alert 3 that is using them and gave them naval vehicles now. I do however recommend "IF" (And this is a HUGE IF) they are added they should use the old logo because it makes more sense because this is their first appearance and it's alternate history and etc...

Good karma0 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Tidal Wars

If there was a way/chance to transfer the unit files of the naval GLA units from general rising tide to red alert 3's mod generals 2 mod's GLA navy it could give them more variety to choose from. It would be nice to have mods help one another like that. But I don't know if the files are compatible?

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

Tiān cháo
Celestial Empire, tributary title conferred on imperial China
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

So it's a new Imperial Chinese Dynasty, so the fan artist might actually be the one that is wrong. We don't know for certain but I at least know that Chao means Dynasty. So the Empire and Dynasty could work together against the invading Soviets and Allies. Now it could be an even match for both sides I think?

Good karma+2 votes
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Eastern Loong

Youtube.com This can help.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Command And Conquer : Generals Evolution

Well, that depends on the Mod maker. But, "only if" he wants to do it then I would agree with him.

Good karma+1 vote
PrymusElMadol - - 22 comments @ Command And Conquer : Generals Evolution

You mean like the Soviets, Allies, and Empire?

Good karma+1 vote