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RagnarRipper - - 5 comments @ Commander

awesome :) (and again....a VERY late response)

maybe another, more simple way, might be to exchange the "arrow" you get at the moment for a straight line that is about 3 ship lengths, so you can line up a little more precisely. (like a kind of laser pointer) maybe that could be a ship upgrade?

also, i don't know if this is a problem on my end or if the game misinterprets my mouse input, but sometimes, even when i'm not moving the mouse at all, the ship will begin rotating eeever so slightly, meaning i have to readjust my aim.

it's only a "problem" when the ship is not moving and i want to shoot along the asteroid/enemy path.

Good karma+1 vote
RagnarRipper - - 5 comments @ Commander

wow, sorry for totally missing your question and letting you wait. saw it just now, because the game crashed for the first time and i wanted to comment on the exceptionally cool message you get, when that happens (i also clicked the left mouse button to send the report through the interwebz ;))

anyway, to answer your question (i can only speak for myself):

the reticle you get when you fire works, but for me personally, i'd actually prefer to see the mouse pointer itself. that moves when i move the mouse and is not at a fixed distance from the ship. it's a little hard to guess, how fast the ship will turn and it's hard to aim if, for example, you're at the far end of a straight path and you want to shoot along that path. with a mouse pointer that just behaves like the mouse and is not "attached" to the ship at a fixed distance you could position it at the other end and know that the bullets would be lined up.

of course, that might be confusing for some, because all of a sudden you have 2 "player controlled" objects to keep an eye on and also it might make the game a bit too easy.

reticle all the time? - the way it is now, no. only when i shoot. but with a detached mouse pointer: yes.
i like the controls very much and, even though i talk at length about the "issue" here it's definitely not game breaking or so annoying that i ragequit.

your suggestion of controlling the sensitivity of the spaceship rotation is a good one, but would only make sense with the system as it is now, since rotating the ship slower than the mouse can move would be even more awkward. (if that makes sense?)

i have the 360 controller as well and must say i prefer mouse & keyboard exceptionally more.

hope this answered all of your questions :) love the update, by the way.

Good karma+1 vote
RagnarRipper - - 5 comments @ To the Moon

was the release date pushed back, or am i crazy? i seem to remember, that it was going to come out in the next 3 days?

nevertheless...i am SO excited to try it. LOVED the release trailer and the humor :)

Good karma+1 vote
RagnarRipper - - 5 comments @ Commander

yes! the music was definitely an oustanding part of the game for me too (IS! i still play it all the time)
and the idea for a reticle is great. i usually just hold shoot down, so i know where the bullets go, but a reticle would be helpful, as sometimes the ship turns a little bit, every once in a while...which can be confusing.

but i still stand by my first comment. great game already! and @ephemeregames, i'm sure you have a very realistic shot at making this game truly awesome! i love TD games and this one is, as i said, very promising! :)

Good karma+3 votes
RagnarRipper - - 5 comments @ Commander

really cool game. very promising already :)

Good karma+3 votes