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Born in Belgium, living in Antwerp. Lover of Mediƫval games (m&b much?), modding amateur. my birth caused a massive wall to fall, some still speak of this event shortly after, the news of my birth amazed the empoloyees at tjernobil who got distracted and it then blew up.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 157)
shorun - - 157 comments @ Welcome to the League of Like Minded Gentlemen!

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shorun - - 157 comments @ Welcome to the League of Like Minded Gentlemen!

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shorun - - 157 comments @ shorun

quit, mon premiere mod et terrible, mais ca marche.
Gabby's mod's est un dev. poor 2 ans, et encore c'est un grande bug, ill ne marche pas.

Also, it's sort of dumb to talk to people in French on an english board.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Welcome to the Fox Fuckers grop

only if they have lots of fur :)

Good karma+2 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age Beta 2.0

yes, but be warned saved games might not like this.
new games will work like a charm.

Good karma+2 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Elder Kings

Well, he's not dead, but he's not alive either.
I tink of him as a vegetarian vampire, he's not alive and not dead, he can think clearly but you do not want to go there and he hides in darkness.

To bad he does not know what happened tough.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Bandits: highwaymen

You still have the latter?

Good karma+5 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Features, Credits and Team Members

rome was not build in a day, neither is new sargoth :)

Good karma+5 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Features, Credits and Team Members

I think so to, but what is in the planned list are things that will be in the first release.

Doing all the towns/villages/forts all over would take longer then this entire list.

Good karma+4 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ United Provinces of Nordland Cavalry

oh man, i am so glad you made these guys.
making you lead dev, Best choice ever!

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

Much Kudo's to you, will see into it.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

well you dont really dig yourself into a fort for a balanced fight do you?

Yes, sieging is tricky, but when at least 100 guns are pointing at you, dont run up the ladder :)

Try using skirmishers to pick them out first and only later send in your infantry when there are not so much guns pointing down, while your infantry is attempting to take the walls you can slip past without problems, creating lots and lots of damage.

But yes, outright charge against fortified musketeers == suicide

Good karma+2 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Battle Sizer

Your CPU and RAM should be more then enough for a proper battle, but it's very hard to say "this will give that much lag", it depends on the situation, type of battle, type of troops etc etc.

I suggest you start the battle sizer at what you think you can handle, and then monitor the effects, if it go's very smooth you can increase it and if it does not you can decrease it.

Sory if this does not give you the answers you seek, but i'd just be guessing otherwise and be more likely to give you wrong info then right.

Use the "show fps" option to monitor how your pc performs and tinker with it untill you are happy about the results.
Some people can stand a bit of lag in exchange for more troops, others absolutely hate any form of lag.

Good karma+3 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

lol, typo's.

it's very likely i'm to blame for that.

If you find any type, feel free to report them as bugs (if possible with a ScreenShot).

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

well, there's only 1 accuracy stat that affects long distance and short distance, reducing the accuracy on the long range will also affect short range and as it is the muskets are already very unrelyable. sure it's not 100% realistic that they can sometimes snipe someone from a large distance, but missing 4/5 shots on point blank range is not that amuzing. reducing the accuracy of the muskets will cause ranged to be kinda pointless and make the OP cav even more OP.

However you do have a good point so we'll see if we can somehow fix this, a possible solution as you suggested is to limit the range at wich the troops even attempt to shoot, i dont know if we can even do that but it's worth a shot.

Good karma0 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ We're Back!

that's exactly what m&e aims to achieve, plain old calradia advanced in years :)

Good karma+2 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Version 0.1 UPDATED Features

can we perhaps get a more detailed list of the new options/traits, also is it possible to add a trait that marks you as "royalty"? (eg: once you become king of poland a trait that adds a certain amount of vassal opinion, if possible within de-jure poland. this trait is added upon gaining the title)

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ FastWalrus

sorry, wrong link.

Some steps you might already have done, at a point in the vid it is explained how to get firearms buyable in the shops.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ FastWalrus

If you want to enable guns/firearms in your mod, this vid might help.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

is there something not right in 1.158? i have not played m&b for a while now except for invasion mod, been doing other things.

Good karma0 votes
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

btw, the 20k marshall (dodewaert) is my alter-ego.
since he's based on my person, a 20k booze tap is on the low side, it should have been higher :)

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ A Bearfolk Warrior with his special hat and axe!

What does it give for modifiers?
Does it give reduced speed/dmg? does this get affected by stats?

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

"Polish meadows" or Polyushka Polye
Youtube.com (This recording)
Youtube.com (Very old recording)

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

the price of followers is related to their ability.

You wont get a marshall for 20 bucks.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Elder Kings 0.1.4 Released!

that's paradox for you, lol.

But hey, now we've got working jews! jewelry stores and banks all across europe!
To bad that there's not a single jewish place ingame

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Elder Kings 0.1.4 Self-Installer (Fixed)

lol, "vampires are not intended to be spawned via cheat codes"
what kind of an elder scrolls game is this!!!
on a more serious note, i had one vampire in my court and he turned nearly all my courtiers, including my barons in my capital.
2 generations later i STILL have the exact same barons who said daddy to granddaddy, the only one of the vampires who died was granddaddy, he fell on a sword somewhere in skyrim

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Elder Kings 0.1.4 Self-Installer (Fixed)

you do realize 32bit windows is limited @ 3.5GB?

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Elder Kings

never, i will slay you all and make you a peasant scavanging the ruins of the living in my grand army!

aaah, if only gameplay mechanics for undead and deadric players could be achieved properly...
it's kinda hard making an heir as a true atmoran. not those living pussy's that fled.

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Elder Kings

you just made me a very happy man, tomorrow is my day off and i already know what i'll be doing all day!

Thanks for 1.4, and letting us know the mod is progressing well!
One request for us aldmeri rulers
Can you make it so a pure-blood high elf only spawns other pure blooded high elves, it seems to only do that on aldmeris or other regions that are aldmer culture and this means rapid expansion will ruin the purity of your people. (as long as it's in skyrim we are allowed to be racist right? bloody humans, cats are cute but those lizards, bah!)

Good karma+1 vote
shorun - - 157 comments @ Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

it's on vacation!

no it's not dead, it works with the latest version and no bugs have been reported for a while

Good karma+2 votes