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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 66)
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello there, we are finishing up some news and I hope we can soon share them with you. Thanks for sticking by!!

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello there!
For XL maps that fit your description I can recommend a few:

From HoMM II:
* Ghost Planet (a long fan favorite map, not included in v0.8.2, but can be downloaded here:
Heroes2.forumactif.com )
* Clouds of Xeen
* Dragon Wars

From HoMM III:
* Myth and Legend

You can check out this page for all the maps avaliable for H3SW at the moment: Heroes2.forumactif.com

Have fun!! :)

Good karma+2 votes
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

The Necromancer actually have the strongest level 4 and 5 units across the game, but their dwellings can be expensive to construct, especially the Upg. Mansion. Vampires seem weak by stats, but are both flying units, have no enemy retaliation (which is a very strong ability) and Vampire Lord's Life Drain is of course also very strong. The Death Knight has great stats except for its rather slow speed, but it is the strongest level 5 units if it engages in melee combat and also benefits from 20% chance to deal double damage.

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Many of Tolkien inspired units are already placed in different factions such as Halflings (Hobbits), Rocs and Mages for Wizard and Orcs, Ogres and Trolls for the Barbarian, so we won't change any of that.

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Thanks for the supportive words! Development is still going and we will soon post an update :)

The cheat codes are the same ones as for WoG and you can find them all here:

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello, and sorry for the delayed answer. The black font issue appears if you run H3SW with HD mod in any of the 32-bit modes. To fix this bug, simply switch to one of the 16-bit mode of the HD mod launcher :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello and thanks for the supportive words! We are still working on a new version and I will try to get some news out in March :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

You are welcome!! Glad to hear it worked :)
We will most likely remove this file from the next release, so the issue won't occur again.

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello there!

This is due to the settings file which can cause problems with HD mod. You should go to the folder below and delete the "era.ini" file.
"...\HoMM 3 Complete_H3SW_0.8.2\Mods\The Succession Wars 0.8.2\_HD3_Data\Settings\era.ini"
This should have no impact on your game, other than removing the issue you described :)

Good karma+2 votes
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

First of all, "Ibn Fadlan" is a hero originating from the HoMM2 Price of Loyalty expansion released in 1997, which makes it extremely(!!!) unlikely that he is drawn from any inspiration of Putin.

Secondly, and equally important, even if this portrait was original to H3SW, we would never depict a real life person and certainly no politician it the art we draw for H3SW.

I am confused how someone could seriously propose that this has been the intent by either the original HoMM2 expansion artist or anyone from the H3SW team. It is just a bald, old wizard wearing a blue cape.

Good karma+2 votes
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW 2022 Update News

While we strive to make all classes/factions viable, we also didn't forget about the relative strengths and weaknesses they each posses. The middle way is to make sure all classes can perform well, but some may be better suited for certain maps/games/opponents than others. You can find all the statistics for creatures in H3SW v0.8.2 here: Heroes2.forumactif.com

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW 2022 Update News

It came out on 31th of December 2022 ;)

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Thanks a lot for the kind words!! We appreciate it a lot :) As you said, the Heretic castle is still in the works, so it will take some time before it appears, but we still got a lot of other nice things coming in the future.

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

No need to apologies, I am happy to get you up-to-date on H3SW :) We have taken many good steps forward the SW campaign implementation such as converting all the maps, but the campaign structure itself is still WIP and proves somewhat challenging to fit to the H2 campaign mechanics. The 0.8.2 version improved stability a bit, but I cannot guarantee that a similar error won't occur for you again. However, completely corrupted games are rare and most often the errors are random in nature and can be solved by using the latest autosave. Hope that answered some of your questions :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Maybe. We are currently looking into if a VCMI port would be viable.

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

I guess that H3SW is the mod that fits your description the best, but it does change up the classic HoMM III gameplay with several elements from HoMM II

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars


We are thinking about the contents of the next version, but I cannot promise anything specific about artifacts or creatures yet

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Thanks for the feedback! Actually the same quirk is possible in H2 if you interact with the fountain and then you can skip past the guards, so it is an intended quirk :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Alright, please send them to albert_stefansen@hotmail.com :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Thanks for the detailed explanation, however I cannot reproduce this error. Would it be possible for you to send the savegame file to me?

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

The Thatched hut right to the west of the Sorceress starting castle is supposed to give peasants. It is exactly how it works in H2 too. The spell book issue shouldn't be happening though.

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Thanks for the report! I looked, but could find the bugs you are mentioning. Where did you encounter these peasants and what color did you play as?

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars


Yes, you should be able to get it working by using the same version of H3SW on both PCs and then connecting through GameRanger for instance.

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello and thanks a lot for the nice words!!
Yes, actually maps for H3SW are included with the mod and are the only maps which are fully compatible with H3SW. Otherwise you will see a result similar to what you saw with the standard H3 maps. You should have no problem accessing the H3SW maps as they are the default maps available in the scenario selection menu. Please write back if you are still having trouble. Cheers from Sir Albe

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Sorry to hear so, did you install it on top of a regular HoMM III Complete Edition game folder? About the campaigns, we are still working to implement these, so hopefully it will be fixed in the next release.

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Did you install H3SW in a regular HoMM III complete folder?

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Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Good to know. If you encounter this issue again, then feel free to contact me and send a screenshot if possible :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Hello, and thanks for the report.
These issues shouldn't be happening. Are you playing the v0.8.2 mod version?

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars

Hello and thanks for the kind words! Yes, I believe it should be possible to translate most of the text to German, but it is a quite large task. Still, if you are up for it a good place to start is by extracting the .txt files from the h3sw.pac. This can easily be done with the MMarchive program :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sir_Albe - - 66 comments @ H3SW v0.8.2 Beta

Yes, the best way to do this is by downloading the 32BitPatch by Grayface and Bourn: Sites.google.com
Install it and make sure to 'Apply to H3SW_v0.8.2.exe'. Then during gameplay you should be able to window the game by fitting F4 :)

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