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Comment History
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Stargate Races

is there a galaxy forge for this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Wars: Thrawn's Revenge II: Ascendancy

Loving the mod well done too all those involved,I've a question about group abilities, I noticed the munificent can bombard planets ability, but it has to be activated one ship at a time, and in this mod the shear amount of on screen ships makes a micro management headache, I assume it's hard coded,but is there a way to have all ships of a certain class use the ability at the same time with one click?

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Toxic Sins of An Empire 0.3.3 Release Discontinued

Loving this mod,its the sins equivalent of what homeworld remastered,I think we this game we're all spoilt with the amount of mods to choose from, and this mod makes me remember why I first bought sins in the first place,iv honestly forgot most of the original ships, and sorry to hear about ya family troubles

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

I always get these weird little quricks my PCs a little slow but once again thanks for getting back to me

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Thanks for getting back to me,I understand the properties of both ships,their one of my favourite units for defence of a well fortified planets:)I just noticed when I had a maxed out fleet on a front line world about to jump into the empire's well just as he jumped into mine,I had a few planets that could be sacrificed,so my plan was to keep jumping to draw him away fromy plantes,the empire had only a few worlds left last few before I reached he's capital,so I knew he'd follow me back to his capital,but I noticed when my fleet was 2 planets away from any of his indictors I'd still have the 700% jump time,and thanks for that kre'fey tip I'll be using that one:)

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Loving the mod must have a quick question, Ive noticed when fighting the in empire/warlords territory(playing as rebels) even without an indictor/immobilizer In the gravity well,still getting a phase jump penalty of 700% is this a bug or a perk the empire or warlords have??

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 [0.7.3R FULL]

yeah sounds like a good idea,bring it out a few weeks before its released get them all fired up for the film,id be lying if i said i wasnt excited for the first JJ film but that second film was just meehh,poor scotty was just there for 'comedies'it really was a film made just made if you get me?

Good karma+2 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 [0.7.3R FULL]

What ya make of this new film prelude to axanar

Good karma+2 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 [0.7.3R FULL]

QIH button 'ach ghIlDeSten pressed jIH jatlhqa' mod 'e' vIHar.

Good karma+2 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 [0.7.3R FULL]

Thanks for the update love this mod

Good karma+3 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 [0.7.0 Full]

always loved this mod,the galaxy forge has it all too,ill have to learn to code one of these years!

Good karma+2 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 [0.7.0 Full]

this update has polished this mod up to a blinding shine,well done and thanks for this

Good karma+2 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ SGI Rebellion 1.80 Patch

ok download the previous version,then put the enablemod.txt file into your 1.80 mod folder and it works

Good karma+2 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ SGI Rebellion 1.80 Patch

yeah just downloaded it,extracted to mod folder and enabled mod in game,the sgi loading screen comes up then just crashes,also i had to type in the enable mod in the notepad window and still crashes

Good karma+1 vote
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Star Trek Armada 3 V0.95 Beta [Full]

thanks for this mod been counting down the days for this!!!

Good karma+3 votes
thatlad - - 17 comments @ Maelstrom Rebellion v1.52 R6 (DLC)

Any one else notice ships on the edge of the gravity well doing nothing but spinning in circles but still taking up logistics points?

Good karma+1 vote