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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 431)
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Fake Factory Remaster

Whelp, so much for continued development.

Good karma+4 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ ...

*Sadako crawls from the TV into the Living Room*

Me: "You just made the biggest mistake of your unlife!"

*Funk Goes on plays in the background*

Good karma+4 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ BattleGroup42

Devs show up after five years of silence

Releases the final version of the mod

Doesn't elaborate or show us the patch notes


Good karma+5 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ BattleGroup42


Good karma+3 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ ...

I'm going to need some context here...

Good karma+3 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Let's try this today - 060

When you and your buddy try "Docking"

Good karma+2 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Let's try this today - 056

Well...that certainly escalated.

Good karma+3 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Operation Remembrance V1.2 Is On The Way!

Looking forward to it!

Good karma+4 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ New H.E.C.U Heads (W.I.P)

Second guy on the left, Majima?

Good karma+2 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

Ok, i know what the problem is.

The problem wasn't from your addon, but from another mod that uses your addon. namely Dmitriy-Bars 2021 Community Patch. it modify's the base wads so that they run different scripts and that's why it wasn't working.

I downloaded and installed your addon directly and it works with no hassle, and no hldemo.wad or missing textures.

I'm going to contact Dmitriy and tell him the news. his patch breaks older mods.

TLDR: Nothing's wrong with your addon, it still works. and i'm a complete ******* for not figuring this out sooner.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

I don't use any HD texture mods, just the high definition pack that already came with the installation. Also using the expansions hl wads was the first thing i tried.

I even tried uninstalling and deleting all data manually and reinstalling everything, and the problem still remains. your addon is dependent on a wad file that doesn't exist.

The strangest part about this is that i already played your addon two years ago without any problems until i recently decided to replay Half-Life again and that's when i had the crashes every time i jump into portal 7. i thought maybe there was an update you made recently so i reinstalled the addon and the problem still remained.

I would recommend making a hldemo.wad using the correct textures and reupload your addon with it included.

(Also, the renamed hlps2.wad didn't affect my game in the slightest. i've been playing half-life for 25 years. i would know if something no matter how small changed.)

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

Update: I uploaded screenshots on my profile showing the difference between the decay.wad you requested and the hlps2.wad i used as a fix.

There are eight in total screenshots: Moddb.com

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed HLPS2.wad 4

The crates are no longer untextured. giving back its yellow color.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed HLPS2.wad 3

Again, no more errors in the console log.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed HLPS2.wad 2

No checkerboard textures here, all the screens are working normally.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed HLPS2.wad 1

As you can see, no errors on the console log.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed Decay.wad 4

Here's the ones for the crates in the storage area.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed Decay.wad 3

Here's a better look at the console log on the textures that couldn't load.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed Decay.wad 2

Here are some of the missing textures.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Uplink addon with renamed Decay.wad 1

Sorry about the discord blocking the console log, i didn't think that the screenshot would pick it up.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

Just tried it, it seems like it will take any kind of half life wad file as a substitute without the crash error and this includes a renamed decay.wad. However it will have purple checkerboards that is caused by missing textures.

The renamed hlps2.wad that i mentioned above is the only wad file that includes the missing textures and without any crashing. i'm just stumped as you, but at least its working now.

I'll try to post some before and after screenshots showing the errors when i'm using replacement wads. Stay tuned.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

I found a solution! and it's the weirdest one, but it works 100%

For some reason it will take any renamed wad file as a substitute. however there will be some missing textures. (Purple Checkerboards)

if anyone is having the same problems, Download this file: Moddb.com

Look for hlps2.wad and rename it hldemo.wad and put it in the main valve folder, the uplink addon will work without ANY missing textures at all.

I'm going to Dmitriy-Bars addon and post the same solution because he has your addon included on his HL1 Community mod.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

Other than halflife.wad, there is:


Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Half-Life Uplink Addon

It's happening to me too. It's the Steam Version. I imagine its the same as the other guy as well.

Update: On a hunch, i made a copy of halflife.wad file and renamed it hldemo.wad and it worked! apart from some missing textures such as wall monitors, posters and the metal boxes in the second level.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Blood Extra Crispy v1.0 Full Release

Holy Hell! i thought this was just a weapons mod. You pretty much made Brutal Blood!

Good karma+2 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Rainbow Six: Black Ops 2.0


The graphical glitches were from the game running in the Software Renderer which was Default for some reason, i set it to read from my video card directly and the game looks the same as it did 23 years ago!

Also i managed to set the custom resolution to 1920X1080, it's still in window mode but at least i can see what i'm doing at least.

As for the mouse, i told DXWnd to have the mouse lock onto the window so it wouldn't jump up to the top of the screen and stay there.

I've been having a blast replaying this old classic. thanks for porting the original game, Rogue Spear and all the expansions into this one!

Good karma+2 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Rainbow Six: Black Ops 2.0

Well a bit of good news: DxWnd worked! However i'm getting screen tearing and mouse issues during gameplay.

Trying to run the game through DxWnd without using WineD3d is a no go, same issues as before. but with it, i can access the main menu and the gameplay missions.

I think i can fix the mouse issues on my end, but the minimal window isnt great. During the briefing menu, i can read the text just fine. But when i'm in gameplay, the text is so small that i can barely read it, and thats not good when i'm supposed to be using callsigns.

It might take more adjustments on my end, but its a shame i cant get the fullscreen experience with this.

Good karma+1 vote
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Rainbow Six: Black Ops 2.0

I really want this to work, but i've tried everything mentioned in the readme and the comments, the closest i got it to work was the WineD3D wrapper + DirectX 9 installed and having the game run on reduced color mode (16 bits), This resulted in a black screen until i clicked anywhere on the screen and it crashed. a slight improvement over the CTD everytime i ran it.

I'm running on Windows 10 64bit, i think if i can force the game to windowed mode it might work but i don't know how to do that.

Good karma+2 votes
TheLastJedi - - 431 comments @ Rainbow Six: Black Ops 2.0 - 1st Release Announcement

How do i force it into windowed mode?

Good karma+1 vote